Anyone who is a semi-professional graphic artist, or anyone that is good at making 3D graphics for EV:O (and would be willing to work for free): I need some ship graphics, and probably some others, but for right now, I just need ship graphics. If you are interested in working with me, I would like to see a sample of your work, and you can e-mail it to me at (url="http://"")
Making plug-in(s), need graphics...please
10 27 293
Try POVRay. (url="http://"")
It is pretty easy to use, once you read the manual. If you would like, I can send you the template file I use when building ships in POVRay.Well, okay, you don't have to read the entire manual (I certainly haven't!), just read enough to understand what's going on, and look up anything else you want.
(This message has been edited by Wyvern (edited 10-07-2000).)
Try Strata 3D, it's free and pretty easy to use.
(url="http://"") (url="http://"") -
Pixels 3D 3.6 is my choice combined with Infini-d.
(url="http://"")1000 Worlds(/url)
(url="http://"")The Tides of War(/url)
(url="http://"")The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive(/url)
Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Cypress Hill - Skull and Bones
------------------ -
But Strata isn't free, is it? Where can I get Strata for free?
Also, where can I get Infidi-D or Pixels 3D, Necromicon? Like I said, I would like FREE software, or at least very non-expensive software, if possible.
And thanks for all the suggestions, everybody.
Strata IS free, as is Pixels 3.6
(url="http://"") (url="http://"") -
Geez! use your initiative. Look on CNET or do some research using a search engine :rolleyes:
(url="http://"")1000 Worlds(/url)
(url="http://"")The Tides of War(/url)
(url="http://"")The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive(/url)
Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Cypress Hill - Skull and Bones
------------------ -
Okay, okay, sorry! I was just wondering if anyone willing enough to come read this would be helpful enough to tell me where I can get some of this stuff. Oh, and by the way, I downloaded POV-Ray, and I didn't try to use it very long. Actually, after opening up the manual, I didn't even want to. It seems to be very, very difficult to learn. I give up. If I can't learn how to use a graphics program, then I'm going to have to get my graphics the hard way: asking somebody to make them for me, and then telling them what I want the ships, etc. to look like. Whatever. :frown:
Yeah, that was my initial reaction, too. I guess perhaps POVRay is not for everyone... sigh... Would it help you to have a simple sample scene?
The only graphics program I've seen that is actually easier to use than POVRay is Bryce. It's about $150 I think (though that may be including student discount).
(Insert Signature Here)
Originally posted by Wyvern:
**Try POVRay.
It is pretty easy to use, once you read the manual. If you would like, I can send you the template file I use when building ships in POVRay.Well, okay, you don't have to read the entire manual (I certainly haven't!), just read enough to understand what's going on, and look up anything else you want.
hm.. i've been wrestling with POVRay for a while and haven't come up with any good stuff. could you send your templates to me? thx.
Originally posted by Rogue:
**Okay, okay, sorry! I was just wondering if anyone willing enough to come read this would be helpful enough to tell me where I can get some of this stuff. Oh, and by the way, I downloaded POV-Ray, and I didn't try to use it very long. Actually, after opening up the manual, I didn't even want to. It seems to be very, very difficult to learn. I give up. If I can't learn how to use a graphics program.......
**Yeah pov-Ray seems horrible, Strata 3-d is pretty easy, infact I'd say it's the easiest to use besides Bryce.
(url="http://"") (url="http://"") -
I don't think I'm going to try using POV-Ray anymore. I've got enough headaches as it is, with school and such. I will try Pixels 3D, though, but I would like to know where I can get Strata for free. I've seen it in catalogs for, at the least, $600, and at the most, $900. I'm not EVEN going to spend that much on a graphics program that I might not even learn how to use. Anyway, yeah, whatever.
Um, you can get it off their website for free. (Strata's)
(url="http://"") (url="http://"") -
Lightwave is an amazing program, easy to do modeling, etc... but you said inexpensive or free....
just wanted to tease you...------------------
(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url) -
Originally posted by DeAdBoY:
**Lightwave is an amazing program, easy to do modeling, etc... but you said inexpensive or free....:)
just wanted to tease you...
**Easy to do modeling!!!!??? Lightwave is probably one of most complex 3D design packages...books and video tapes are needed to learn just the basics. To master it, well, you better be a good reader and you must have a lot of time...sitting there and stareing won't help you do anything but get a headache. Let's hope you're joking...=)
D rugs A re R eally E xpensive"Quoted the Kwanza Man...Nevermore."
AIM: Kwanzar26
(url="http://"")Kwanzasoft Graphics(/url)
Originally posted by Kwanzar:
**Easy to do modeling!!!!??? Lightwave is probably one of most complex 3D design packages...books and video tapes are needed to learn just the basics. To master it, well, you better be a good reader and you must have a lot of time...sitting there and stareing won't help you do anything but get a headache. Let's hope you're joking...=)**
uhm, im not joking. modeling in Lightwave is -VERY- easy... if you cant handle mesh... ouchies
(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url) -
any grpahics program is a nightmare to use
"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser
The Delta Force webboard is:
The new Delta Force website is at: (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...2/DeltaForceEVO(/url) -
Originally posted by zhouj:
**any grpahics program is a nightmare to use**
yea, at least for me, anyway ive never seen me doing any good graphics, I prefer programming
Captain Orne
Yahoo!:BOrnelasPT -
Well, Rouge, I'm currently talking to Voinian/Ambassaor who said in a post a little back he wanted a project to work on. Maybe you could e-mail him (at
BTW, if anybody wants an update on Arena Plus, here's a update list.
Arena Plus Developement:
Arena Plus Light is at version 1.1.
Download at: (url="http://"")
Arena Plus Light 2 is in idea/alpha stage.
Arena Plus is in idea stage... currently talking to graphics designer for some graphics.------------------
Max B-H"I've taken the disperser out of the loop and run the cables through the initiator power intake on the engine power system. The feedback energy is just accumulating in the repulsor system. When the power level is high enough, I'll reset the feedback power breaker and dump the energy right into the initiator intake on the engine power systems."
"Jump-start it," Han said. "I'm going to jumpstart it." -
Originally posted by Captain Orne:
**yea, at least for me, anyway ive never seen me doing any good graphics, I prefer programming
**I have to disagree, I don't like programming, 3d graphics is easier (with Strata anyway) I've onl done one ship and I didn't think it was that bad.