I will be happy to beta test, as I hate converations in MASCOT and any substitute would be extremely helpful. Please? (starting new level: Xichra's Mountain. Will be one LONG climb!!!)
I will be happy to beta test, as I hate converations in MASCOT and any substitute would be extremely helpful. Please? (starting new level: Xichra's Mountain. Will be one LONG climb!!!)
I havn't done any work on this recently.
Also, I've gotten completly used to the MASCOT editor.
Don't worry, this will be finshed, but not very soon.
Most people are swindled into believing stupid things like Santa, the Tooth Fairy, God(s), etc.
They later side with common sense and stop believing in most of them.
Yet most refuse to let go of the ridiculous notion of the existence of God(s).
Originally posted by spamguy:
**Hmph. I'm bitter that understanding memory management is hindering me from my final goal of GUI.:frown:
Cocoa is great!
Don't bother learning Classic Toolbox stuff!
Cocoa is fantastic!
Long live Cocoa! (url="http://"http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/ct/37")http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/ct/37(/url)
If we do nothing, new technologies will give the government new automatic surveillance capabilities that Stalin could never have dreamed of. The only way to hold the line on privacy in the information age is strong cryptography. - Phil Zimmermann
USE PGP! | (url="http://"http://www.pgpi.com")www.pgpi.com(/url)
It's a good thing, aside from the fact that I don't have OS X. X is bloatware combined with unattractive bugs...I was promising myself I'd get it at 10.1, but I might even wait one notch later now.
Greetings - I am your friendly neighborhood moderator. Over the coming years I shall force-feed you my biased one-sided liberal tripe that I find truthful based upon my own faulty and fragmented logic; excessive smileys
and bizarre TexT! formatting also help clarify my inane points. Welcome to the boards!
Originally posted by spamguy:
**It's a good thing, aside from the fact that I don't have OS X. X is bloatware combined with unattractive bugs...I was promising myself I'd get it at 10.1, but I might even wait one notch later now.
Like it or not, OS X is the future.
If we do nothing, new technologies will give the government new automatic surveillance capabilities that Stalin could never have dreamed of. The only way to hold the line on privacy in the information age is strong cryptography. - Phil Zimmermann
USE PGP! | (url="http://"http://www.pgpi.com")www.pgpi.com(/url)
Did I say it wasn't? Like it or not, there are bugs in X, and I refuse to touch it until I see 10.2 printed on the system CD.
Greetings - I am your friendly neighborhood moderator. Over the coming years I shall force-feed you my biased one-sided liberal tripe that I find truthful based upon my own faulty and fragmented logic; excessive smileys
and bizarre TexT! formatting also help clarify my inane points. Welcome to the boards!