Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • %$#&*@^ Strata!!!

      Damn!!!! I go through all that sh*t just to find out it won't work on my Mac.


      I'm talking about Strata3D. As some of you may or may not know, I've been pestering people for over a week, trying to find out a way to get it. Hitting blind links, begging fellow EV'ers, sneaking into ftp's, all for nothin. Well, congradulations to me, I finally got it. But what happens when I get it from a site that explicitly said "Minimum Requirements; Mac OS 8.1". They tell me I can't use it "'cus my OS is too old". :rolleyes:

      • smacks fist on table; yells in pain; calms down *

      I guess my question is this: Will it really only work on 8.5+, or am I missing something?

      SPECIFIC MESSAGES: "The application "Strata 3D" could not be opened becuase "CfgOpenTpt" could not be found"

      (Please tell me I'm missing something!)

      "Sorry, a system error
      bus error
      , MyMac

      Q-Czar - A member of RA. Ramblers Anonymous

    • Strata3D requires an internet component that only comes with 8.5 or later. I don't know why, though..

      AIM: evandrewm
      ICQ: 85380562

    • ah, easy. Go to (url="http://"")ASU(/url) and search for 'Remote Access'. Download the latest version and you should be fine.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Q-Czar:
      **Damn!!!! I go through all that sh*t just to find out it won't work on my Mac.


      I'm talking about Strata3D. As some of you may or may not know, I've been pestering people for over a week, trying to find out a way to get it. Hitting blind links, begging fellow EV'ers, sneaking into ftp's, all for nothin. Well, congradulations to me, I finally got it. But what happens when I get it from a site that explicitly said "Minimum Requirements; Mac OS 8.1". They tell me I can't use it "'cus my OS is too old". :rolleyes:

      • smacks fist on table; yells in pain; calms down *

      I guess my question is this: Will it really only work on 8.5+, or am I missing something?

      SPECIFIC MESSAGES: "The application "Strata 3D" could not be opened becuase "CfgOpenTpt" could not be found"

      (Please tell me I'm missing something!)


      you should upgrade anyway...

      (url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
      (url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by: DeAdBoy
      you should upgrade anyway...

      DeAdBoy , you're absolutely right. I desperately need to update. And that's exactly what I'm going to do sometime in the next 3 days. (Although I still don't think they should put that on their sys reqs.)

      Tschüs 🙂

      "Sorry, a system error
      bus error
      , MyMac

      Q-Czar - A member of RA. Ramblers Anonymous

    • for the older systems you can get StrataVision 4.0


      "Don't steal. The government hates competition."

      Star Trek Escape Velocity

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Andrew M:
      **Strata3D requires an internet component that only comes with 8.5 or later. I don't know why, though..


      maybe for the online tutorial??


    • Thanks, Metzen. I'll try that. But I'm still going to upgrade.

      BTW, exactly how much less is this program capable of? Beggars can't be choosers, but I just wanna know.

      Tschüs 🙂

      "Sorry, a system error
      bus error
      , MyMac

      Q-Czar - A member of RA. Ramblers Anonymous

    • Uh oh! Metzen , I d/led the StrataVision 3D file, started it up, and it works just fine. Except for one thing.

      I'll ask it as a question: Is StrataVision3D supposed to be a demo?

      When I started it, it told me that I needed a preferences file that was not there. It then only runs as a demo, with the logo plastered on any renderings.
      Is it supposed to do that, or am I missing the file(i.e., you have it)?

      Tschüs :frown:

      "Sorry, a system error
      bus error
      , MyMac

      Q-Czar - A member of RA. Ramblers Anonymous

    • Sounds like you downloaded the Strata 3d 25. Demo, you downloaded the wrong one entirely.


    • Stupid question time... where is online documentation for Strata3D? I have it installed, but 'web resources' doesn't do jack. And their site has nothing helpful.

      Or, lacking online docs, how about... how in the world do you create metaball shapes?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Q-Czar:
      **Uh oh! Metzen , I d/led the StrataVision 3D file, started it up, and it works just fine. Except for one thing.

      I'll ask it as a question: Is StrataVision3D supposed to be a demo?

      When I started it, it told me that I needed a preferences file that was not there. It then only runs as a demo, with the logo plastered on any renderings.
      Is it supposed to do that, or am I missing the file(i.e., you have it)?

      Tschüs :frown:


      Whoops!!! Me bad!!! here is the preferences file

      StrataVision 4.0 has some modules that Strata3d free is missing such as the Boolean modules. Skinning is pretty much the same except you have to link the items in StrataVision first. You also miss the Radiosity render and the Stencil feature and some other texture features. Extremly powerful still though. As well, it runs on a Mac IIci!!!

      "Don't steal. The government hates competition."

      Star Trek Escape Velocity

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Q-Czar:
      **Uh oh! Metzen , I d/led the StrataVision 3D file, started it up, and it works just fine. Except for one thing.

      I'll ask it as a question: Is StrataVision3D supposed to be a demo?

      When I started it, it told me that I needed a preferences file that was not there. It then only runs as a demo, with the logo plastered on any renderings.
      Is it supposed to do that, or am I missing the file(i.e., you have it)?

      Tschüs :frown:


      Whoops!!! Me bad!!! here is the preferences file

      StrataVision 4.0 has some modules that Strata3d free is missing such as the Boolean modules. Skinning is pretty much the same except you have to link the items in StrataVision first. You also miss the Radiosity render and the Stencil feature and some other texture features. Extremly powerful still though. As well, it runs on a Mac IIci!!!

      "Don't steal. The government hates competition."

      Star Trek Escape Velocity

    • Quote

      Originally posted by: Metzen
      **Whoops!!! Me bad!!! here is the preferences file

      StrataVision 4.0 has some modules that Strata3d free is missing such as the Boolean modules. Skinning is pretty much the same except you have to link the items in StrataVision first. You also miss the Radiosity render and the Stencil feature and some other texture features. Extremly powerful still though. As well, it runs on a Mac IIci!!! **

      Thanks Metzen. Don't let it happen again or you'll be swimming with the fishes. 😉 Those limitations don't seem like anything I can't work with.

      Oh, and do you think I can do decent landscapes in SV3D?

      Tschüs 😄

      (edited for UBB)
      "Sorry, a system error
      bus error
      , MyMac

      Q-Czar - A member of RA. Ramblers Anonymous

      (This message has been edited by Q-Czar (edited 09-25-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Q-Czar:
      **Thanks Metzen. Don't let it happen again or you'll be swimming with the fishes. 😉 Those limitations don't seem like anything I can't work with.

      Oh, and do you think I can do decent landscapes in SV3D?

      Tschüs 😄

      (edited for UBB)**

      Well, I would say.... no. Strata3D/Pro/2.5.3/Vision have a hard time doing landscapes. I don't know why. I've made landscapes for some of my architectural projects, but that was different, we used the pen tool with no fill and traced over a topography map and placed the skins at different levels according to the map and skinned it all together. This actually worked surprising well. Problem is it takes planning. Lots of it. But it is possible. I used to have a program called "Landscape 3D" that did inaccurate but amazingly fun landscapes by allowing you to "paint" a grayscale picture in realtime and set the height according to the different levels of grey. If you still want this program just reply and I'll see about putting it up. I DO know I have it archived somewhere...

      "Don't steal. The government hates competition."

      Star Trek Escape Velocity

    • Quote

      Posted by: Metzen
      **Well, I would say.... no. Strata3D/Pro/2.5.3/Vision have a hard time doing landscapes. I don't know why. I've made landscapes for some of my architectural projects, but that was different, we used the pen tool with no fill and traced over a topography map and placed the skins at different levels according to the map and skinned it all together. This actually worked surprising well. Problem is it takes planning. Lots of it. But it is possible. I used to have a program called "Landscape 3D" that did inaccurate but amazingly fun landscapes by allowing you to "paint" a grayscale picture in realtime and set the height according to the different levels of grey. If you still want this program just reply and I'll see about putting it up. I DO know I have it archived somewhere...

      Sure, I'll take it. I've got little to gain from turning things down. By now, I'm resolved to the fact that, under the limitations of my system, I can't do any better.

      A friend from work gave me Vectorworks or something like that, 8 months ago. Phwew!! Talk about a learning curve. I think you need some kind of degree to use this program. All this time, and the only thing I can do is fancy ribs :D. Does anybody know of any manuals that.... Oh, forget it. I have no intention of using that program. Though I'm pretty sure it could make some damn good models.

      Tschüs 🙂

      "Sorry, a system error
      bus error
      , MyMac

      Q-Czar - A member of RA. Ramblers Anonymous

    • Hey, Q-Czar,
      What exactly have you updated. I have the same problem-got this Strata thing and can't use it 'cause of OS 8.1 on my computer. I can't change it to a higher version, 'cause I'm in the Japanese DTP.
      By the way, does anybody know where I can get the English manual of Shade R4 Pro in PDF format. Just got the soft with all stuf in Japanese and don't really have time read it this way.
