Ambrosia Garden Archive

    • Hey, anybody who knows anything about this EV3 business. I don't completely understand this: Is EV3 going to replace EVO completely, like different ships, governments, systems, planets, missions, etc.? Or is it going to just expand on the ones in EVO? Because if it's a complete redo of the entire game, then that's going to wreak havoc on my plug-programming. Also, is there any news on whether I will still be able to use Res-Edit to make plugs for EV3? Anybody who knows anything about this, could you get me up to speed?
      Also, a while ago, I downloaded the EVO Update, but I don't have the password. Where can I get the password? I know that somebody on this board told me where to get the update and where to get the password. I'm assuming somebody knows. Thanks a bunch.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rogue:
      **Hey, anybody who knows anything about this EV3 business. I don't completely understand this: Is EV3 going to replace EVO completely, like different ships, governments, systems, planets, missions, etc.? Or is it going to just expand on the ones in EVO? Because if it's a complete redo of the entire game, then that's going to wreak havoc on my plug-programming. Also, is there any news on whether I will still be able to use Res-Edit to make plugs for EV3? Anybody who knows anything about this, could you get me up to speed?
      Also, a while ago, I downloaded the EVO Update, but I don't have the password. Where can I get the password? I know that somebody on this board told me where to get the update and where to get the password. I'm assuming somebody knows. Thanks a bunch.


      its a completely new game, theyre doing tons of engine features, and of course making a new universe. you will still be able to use res-edit for plugin building, so dont worry. just sit back, and watch the amazing new features of EV3 be announced 😉

      (url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
      (url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

    • I'd throw out the update with the password, and then d/l the newer update version 1.02, its been released so you don't have to put in a password. Plus it has the bugs worked out. (most of them at least).


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Chamrin:
      **I'd throw out the update with the password, and then d/l the newer update version 1.02, its been released so you don't have to put in a password. Plus it has the bugs worked out. (most of them at least).


      an updator with password? thats odd...

      (url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
      (url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

    • But do you think that EVO will still be popular after EV3 comes out? I'm in the process of making a really cool conversion plug for EVO, and I don't want to get finished with it and then find out that nobody plays EVO anymore. Also, when is EV3 supposed to be released? Does anyone know that?


    • EV3 release date is as yet unknown - eg, it comes out when it's finished

      As for your plugin problems - I am also making a TC for EV:O (I am currently moving from EV) and I'll probably upgrade to EV:3 when it comes out, and I hope that developers will get preview copies once the resource format is finalised so I can make a head start.

      As for resedit, of course you can use resedit, the plugin system hasnt changed.


    • But do you think that EVO will still be popular after EV3 comes out? I'm in the process of making a really cool conversion plug for EVO, and I don't want to get finished with it and then find out that nobody plays EVO anymore. Also, when is EV3 supposed to be released? Does anyone know that?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rogue:
      **But do you think that EVO will still be popular after EV3 comes out? I'm in the process of making a really cool conversion plug for EVO, and I don't want to get finished with it and then find out that nobody plays EVO anymore. Also, when is EV3 supposed to be released? Does anyone know that?

      EV was still popular after EVO came out, right? The same will happen with EV Nova. People still play EV, so they will still play EVO. If your plug is good, people will play it. EV3 will be released when it's done, as of yet, no one knows the release date.

      A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

    • Okay, cool. Thanks to everybody who added something to this board, so that I could understand what was going on. And also, any developers who read or added to this board, if you actually remember this if and when you get a preview copy of the EV3 resource format, I'd really like a copy. I am not a well-known or published developer, but I'd like to be in the developer loop as well, and I'm not seeing myself getting a copy of it. So anyway,if anybody would like to share their copy when the time comes, just e-mail me. I may have a new e-mail address, but I will have the same web board name for this board. Anyway, you get the point, so I'll stop talking now. Thanks, everybody.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rogue:
      **But do you think that EVO will still be popular after EV3 comes out? I'm in the process of making a really cool conversion plug for EVO, and I don't want to get finished with it and then find out that nobody plays EVO anymore.

      Of course EVO will still be popular, obviously it probably won't be as popular as EV3 but people will still play it, just like people play EV because they don't like EVO, people will still play EVO because they don't like EV3 or just want a break from it.


    • if you wanna see the feature list for yourself go (url="http://"")here(/url).

      Captain Orne

    • Quote

      Originally posted by DeAdBoY:
      **an updator with password? thats odd...


      he probably d/led the semi-public beta.
