I heard that you couldn't run PoG on mac X, but you could make it run on 9.
how do i do this?
thanks for any help
Hi AnyOne, Welcome to the boards.
There are two ways to open PoG on an OS X machine. You need to have a "System Folder" containing OS 9 in either case. The common way is to select the application "Pillars of Garendall" -> get info -> and check the box which says, "Open in Classic Environment." Pog will then run, but on my machine it runs with a lot of jerkyness and I'm not happy with that. Since you have OS 9 on your computer, I would prefer using the other method. Under the blue apple, select "System Preferences ...." and go to "Startup Disk" -> select OS 9 and hit the restart button. Play PoG to your hearts content and then reset the computer to start up with OS X. You do that by selecting "Control Panels..." -> "Startup Disk" in the apple menu.
Saving in OS 9 should not be a problem and the game plays much more smoothly. It's a small price to pay for a great game. That's the best I can do until the update is released. ~RD
I'm not a whiz at computers, but I don't think you can run in "Classic" unless there is an OS 9 on the machine somewhere. On my computer, OS X lives in a folder named "System" and OS 9 is in a folder named "System Folder." I'm convinced the difference in the names is important.
When you ask something to run in "Classic" do you get a progress bar showing the startup of System 9? If so, can you do a search of your machine for "OS 9?" If that doesn't get you anywhere, do you have an old CD with System 9 on it that you can install?
With a little luck we'll find a way to get you going.