Yeah I've been saying it for a while but this time I'm pretty serious. STEVO is reaching near beta quality! That's right, about 100 000 000 000bugs have been eaten since the first very buggy release! Anyways, an update (not the plugin) is being posted to keep all you STEVO'ers happy:
Dominion Space is complete minus commodities and minor testing
Klingon Space is complete minus commodities and minor testing
Romulan Space is complete minus commodities and minor testing
Cardassian Space is complete minus commodities and minor testing
Maqui Space is complete minus commodities and minor testing
New graphics have been added and should be posted on the website for your viewing pleasure within the next couple of days...
A new ship balancing system is about to be initiated so Troy and I can balance the ships better
And lastly a bunch of bugs have been eaten ;Ź)
I'll soon be asking for more beta testing people, but till that time, please do not email me regarding beta testing.
To see the other Star Trek Plugin if I brought you here by mistake please go to:
To see what Kwanzar's cookin'!!!
"When everything comes your way, you're in the wrong lane."