A braking maneuver is the opposite of the slingshot. Using a planet to slow your velocity.
obormot: That was the one where they warped into the sun, causing them to go back in time?
I doubt that I could put something like that in, and definately not in multiplayer. I was thinking of trying to create jump objects. A space object like a planet that opens up and swallows you ship when you go overtop of it. From that you could make wormholes, jump gates (B5 style), etc... I was also planning on making large gravitational forces damage ships; so maybe you could put a wormhole inside a star, and only be able to get to it (without dying) if you afterburnered right into the star?
Originally posted by Eytee:
Do you have a name for this project? I want to be able to call it something. Concept engine is getting a little old..
Nope, never bothered with a name yet... Something obvious springs to mind, but I'm sure it would be riddled with legal troubles (at least at this point :))
Later on, there's going to have to be an economy system required, but with constantly moving planets, how do you propose landing? It's hard to dock with a moving object that has a gravitational force to navigate with. Just a thing to be considered at a later date.**
I've already implemented a solution. A spob with enough gravity will actually hold your ship at it's center now. It's a little bouncy right now, but I'll work on cleaning it up.
Can a planetary targeting system be implimented? With about 20 spobs in the systems that don't stay in the same place, it's hard to find them continually. A system with a text targetting box seems like the next logical step for the new spobs.
Done and done :). I'll post the build shortly, first I need to figure out how to convert a c-string to a pascal string cleanly (I'm getting garbage right now).
If you want a website designed, contact me. It's how I make my living.**
Sure, if you want. I guess this project needs a good name then as well...