About EVO Templates:
On the "EVO Addons" page, there are a few items under guides and utilities called EVO 1.02 Annotated Templates, and there's even one that claims to be Res-Edit compatible. Don't touch those. They don't work w/ResEdit. Instead, look in the "Plugin Developers" folder in your main EVO folder. Open up both the sample Plug (also found in the EVO 1.02 folder) and the templates in ResEdit copy the TMPL file from the Templates and paste it into the Sample Plug. BTW, you might want to make a few copies of that sample plug and the templates in case you lose the first copies or screw up
As for guides, all you really need is the EVO bible102 (from the EVO Addons page), The EV Bible Annotated Edition (no idea where you can get that, I'll email it to you if you want), and ifmyou want, though you shouldn't need it, the ResEdit Beginners Guide (again, its not on the ASw site, I'll email it to you if you need it)
Congrats, you're now ready to make plug-ins. Post to me or e-mail to me if you need help.
To each his own,