Originally posted by Joe Burnette:
**Sounds as if you have more than one problem going on. Generally, EV doesn't require more than about 15 - 17 MB of memory allocation even with a really large plug. Too little memory will prevent the game/plug from loading, or if it loads will cause it to display incorrect ship sprites. Too much memory will also cause the sprites to display incorrectly. Try cutting the memory back to about 10MB (or whatever it takes to prevent the game loading), then increase memory by 1MB at a time until it loads and runs. (Note that as you add more resources to your plug, you will have to adjust memory again.)
Low memory error messages while the game is loading, if there is a reasonable amount of memory allocated, usually indicate a problem with one or more 'sp?' resources. Check all spins very carefully for correct sprite ID#s, correct sprite sizes, and correct number of frames.
actually i've solved the memory problem already.
(QUOTE)Originally posted by ConfusedGuy
**Well, are you sure that you're putting the right thing into Make Sp?? I've done the same thing myself. You need to save a picture of your ship in the upright position, in PICT format. First, though, you need to make sure the PICT has black surrounding the ship so the PICT is a square (perfect square, equal sides), and each dimension is a multiple of 8.
Then choose the Open PICT and Rotate from the File menu in Make Sp?, put ID#s in for the sp?, sprites, and mask (these #s don't matter, you can change them later in ResEdit), and Save. Tada!
If this doesn't work, then I haven't the faintest idea what is so wrong with your computer.
thx. Forgot about the square and mult of 8 thing. 
[ J_Ace21@hotmail.com ](mailto: J_Ace21@hotmail.com "E-mail Link")