i cant figure out how to create a succesful fighter bay, can anyone tell me how to do it using EV-Edit?
' Ace Battlepilot
Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!
i cant figure out how to create a succesful fighter bay, can anyone tell me how to do it using EV-Edit?
' Ace Battlepilot
Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!
I think EV-edit is worthless. I use res-edit to do everything. Its a lot easier to follow because everything is so straight forward. The tried ev-edit and found it difficult to use. My advice, ditch it, use res-edit.
also, what do you have to do to sett an ammo type on a weapon with Ev- edit?
' Ace Battlepilot
Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!
so then how would i do these things with resedit?
' Ace Battlepilot
Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!
Just study the UE fighter bay in EV data 2 and then try to make one of your own. Or just copy the bay, change the name, then change the id of the ship it fires. You'll have to make a weap and 2 outf resources. If you still cant get it, ask me for more help.
(This message has been edited by Jol'Jvik (edited 03-08-2000).)
Fighter bays are pretty simple as EV resources go. The main issue: set the AmmoType field to the resource ID# of the ship you want to launch, and set the WeapType field to fighter bay.
Don't forget to make outfits and STR's for all your weapons.
"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove