Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Which do you like better?

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      Warriors of the Cresent

      Poll: Warriors of the Cresent (29 member(s) have cast votes)
      Which do you like better?
      (7 votes [24.14%])
      Percentage of vote: 24.14%
      (11 votes [37.93%])
      Percentage of vote: 37.93%
      (5 votes [17.24%])
      Percentage of vote: 17.24%
      (6 votes [20.69%])
      Percentage of vote: 20.69%

      What warrior do you like better and why?

      I personally like the Zidagar, they are above average speed and the Phase beam cuts straight through ships.
      I dislike the Igadzra because I just don't see their advantage other then SAE's, which in my opinion are just orange SAD's.

      Happy Huntin' :hector_bird: (Whoever you may be hunting.)

    • @it-000, on Jun 2 2008, 07:36 PM, said in Which do you like better?:

      I dislike the Igadzra because I just don't see their advantage other then SAE's, which in my opinion are just orange SAD's.

      Orange, more damaging, harder to jam, SADs. Also, the Igazra is one of the thee most powerful (non-përs) ships in the game.

    • Quote

      Orange, more damaging, harder to jam, SADs.

      The Zidagar ECM system works wonders!

      I have a question, are there walkthroughs on the cresent governments? If their are, were can I find them.

    • The Zidagar are my favourite crescent race. By far. Melodrama and silly speeches earn them my love. Adzgari I've never actually done the string for beyond about the second mission. Only part of the entire game I haven't actually done... Plus their fighters are annoying and less interesting to me than any other race's special ships.

    • I like the Igadzra best. The Plasma Siphon is my favourite secondary weapon and the Igazra is my favourite ship. The combination is all the better :).

      Not a fan of the Azdgari - the Azdaras are just a pain if you're sided with anyone else, I don't really like their methods as much and I don't like the design of their part of space.

      The Zidagar are cool and have the coolest-looking fighters, but phased beams are just not that great for player ships with limited fuel, and for the fact that they take up turret slots.

      The Zachit have the best-looking Arada and the most-easily supportable morals and aims; they're just not that exciting I guess.

    • Can't find anything wrong with the Zachit. They're competent, fast, edgy, have cool ships and are indesputably "Good Guys". I guess the only flaw is they require an "Ultimate" combat rating before they let you join. That means you've killed over 20,000 people. Darn elitests.

      Man, where's the love for the Azgari? My first crescent string was the Igadzra. I found the Azdaras really annoying, as my turret fire wouldn't kill them, so I had to waste 3 SAEs per fighter. Playing the Azgari string, though, I think azdaras are wonderful as long as you're flying them (especially with a layer of Dospect plating).

      I really need to finish the Zidigar. Their melodrama can be pretty loveable if you take the propper attidute towards it. AND they're not affraid to fly purple ships.

    • Like: I like the Igadzra (the ship). That combined with Voinian armour tech and your virtually invincible

      Dislike: Zachit. Their missions are pointless because you need such a high rating to join them and by then you have all the money and tech etc that you could want so it's not very rewarding (unless you want to bump up your legal status).

    • @undead_shadow, on Jun 18 2008, 10:08 AM, said in Which do you like better?:

      Dislike: Zachit. Their missions are pointless because you need such a high rating to join them and by then you have all the money and tech etc that you could want so it's not very rewarding (unless you want to bump up your legal status).

      Really? My status is usually ridiculously high before I get anywhere in missions or with money. Maybe I just love killing things too much.

      EDIT: Or, perhaps, I'm just rubbish at making money. Probably true I guess, could be I need to look into how to make money quickly...

      This post has been edited by Israfel : 19 June 2008 - 04:04 PM

    • Most fav: Azdgari
      They're wild and unpredictable.
      Azdara bay and faster-than-annoying Azdaras.
      Best upgrades, IMO.
      Enhanced Arada.
      And their ships are greeeeeen!

      Least fav: Iggys
      They're antisocial.

      Zachits are noble warriors and have the best termination missions, up to 250,000.
      Igadzra are the best ships to loot... up to, um 600,000 iirc.
      Zidagar: Awesome quotes, but Phase Beam for the lose.

    • @callide, on Jun 20 2008, 05:12 PM, said in Which do you like better?:

      Least fav: Iggys
      They're antisocial.

      Fully agree 🙂

    • @callide, on Jun 20 2008, 12:12 AM, said in Which do you like better?:


      Zachits are noble warriors and have the best termination missions, up to 250,000.
      Igadzra are the best ships to loot... up to, um 600,000 iirc.
      Zidagar: Awesome quotes, but Phase Beam for the lose.

      You could have just agreed with me <_<

      I agree that the Igadzra do have the best loot tis how I made my money.

      There's an uninhabited planet called Goom (approx.) deep in the strand between Zidagar planets
      and Igadzra planets. When I first start out I let them both attack each other in that system then loot the disabled ship (500-700k for Igadzra and about 150k for Zidagar).

    • My personal favorite is the Azdgari, probably because the tech they give you matches my preference for speed over raw power. The Zidagar are okay, but the beam they use takes fuel. I would prefer an extra trio of Phase Cannons if I could get that much. Then again, their warships are lighter and faster than most. The Zachit are probably my second favorite for the ships they use (Arada and Fighter, not the Gunship), and as said above, their great moral values. That leaves the Igadzra, my least favorite. As said above, it is a challenge to take out Azdaras with turrets alone, I do not like ships that move at the speed of a snail, and I strongly dislike the yellow color scheme.

    • @undead_shadow, on Jun 21 2008, 02:47 AM, said in Which do you like better?:

      You could have just agreed with me <_<

      Tetchy! I agree I could have agreed but I didn't. 😛

    • Adzgari's intro mission sucks. Deadline's too short in an FC.

    • I'll admit two problems about the Zidgar

      1. In my opinion, the Phased Beams use to much fuel.

      2. When they made the Turrets take gun slots as well, once you sold a turret, your out of luck.

    • @it-000, on Aug 1 2008, 04:14 PM, said in Which do you like better?:

      I'll admit two problems about the Zidgar

      1. In my opinion, the Phased Beams use to much fuel.

      2. When they made the Turrets take gun slots as well, once you sold a turret, your out of luck.

      I tried to like their Beam, really. But I prefer to have more fuel and shielding, so I ended up going back to a saved pilot to better equip my ship.

    • Igazra is my favourite ship, so I have to go with yellow..