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    • Believe it or not!

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      The Emalgha are NOT primitive!

      To the contrary, I believe the Emalgha are the most advanced race in the entire EVO universe. Think about it. They build working spaceships out of WOOD AND STEEL! Not only do these wonders have working life support and the ability to make safe re-entry into planetary atmospheres, but they can travel in hyperspace! Nothing any other race in EVO has accomplished begins to compare to that kind of ingenuity. Imagine what an Emalgha could do with the technology of any other faction.

      I believe the Emalgha were once a spacefaring race by another name that lived beyond the Ji Nebula. Their tech was far more advanced than anything found in known space. An exploratory expedition led by a brave scientist named "Malgh" penetrated the Ji nebula, hoping to explore the stars beyond. Unfortunately, the link to their galaxy was destroyed by a supernova, and they were stranded. They finally landed at Kelmaon, and repaired their ships. The next system they arrived in was to be known as Emalgha, after the explorer who discovered it. Sadly, while the planets were being explored, the Voinians launched a surprise attack, which devastated the small group and destroyed nearly all of their advanced technology. Malgh and his men fought back hard, but Malgh was killed. His resourceful men hurriedly built working spaceships to combat the Voinians, and stole Voinian rockets from Heavy Fighter wrecks on the planet surface.

      Because of the ongoing conflict with the Voinians, the Emalgha have had little time to reinvent their lost technology, and what little they do have is put to use in their wooden spacecraft. Perhaps after the collapse of the Voinian Empire, the Emalgha will recover their lost technology, and be able to reunite with their native race across the Ji Nebula?

      But maybe they have already? Maybe they've already explored our galaxy, and are prepared to colonize more worlds? After all, there are two planets called Kelmaon...

      The Council better watch out!

    • Almost, but not entirely, exactly unlike the official Override backstory and timeline.

    • Yeah, good story, but I think it has to fit in with official Override story somehow one way or another.

    • Not if the official story is all lies. :hector_bird:

      Of course, you have to explain how Emalghia became fully populated, and if the Emalgha and the Voinians are subscribing to the same lies, you have to explain how that could happen.

      For reference, here's Emalghia's spob desc:


      Emalghia is the homeworld of the Emalgha people. The Emalgha had only recently achieved spaceflight when the Voinians attacked their system. They fought back with ferocity - but little success. Their world was occupied for almost a century, until a successful revolt was staged when the majority of the occupation force was called away to attack Earth. Now the Emalgha, making use of captured Voinian technology and their own primitive designs, fight a day-to-day struggle to protect their world from the Voinians.

    • Quote

      But maybe they have already? Maybe they've already explored our galaxy, and are prepared to colonize more worlds? After all, there are two planets called Kelmaon...

      Don't get me wrong I love the little buggers. However their ships only have two/three jumps, because they are mainly for getting to Kelmean and back.

    • Alright, maybe I should explain. I'm trying to come up with an idea for a plug, assuming there's more to the Emalgha than meets the eye. Far more. The dësc for Emalgha doesn't disprove anything, because they weren't the Emalgha until they got there, and named the planet Emalghia after their leader, and they could have adopted the name for their race to hide their past. After all, if their race name matches the planet, why should anyone wonder if they came from somewhere else? And for the rest of the planet description with the voinians occupying the planet for almost a century, it could be explained this way. When Malgh and his group landed, they were attacked. They fought for a long time with their advanced technology, but were slowly beaten down by the sheer brute strength of the Voinians, and the fact that they hardly ever had time to repair their weapons and ships between battles. Finally, the Emalgha were defeated, and all of their tech destroyed (or so we think?). They finally revolted against the Voinians using quite primitive means, constructing ships out of wood and metal. Eventually, they reclaimed their few planets, and continue to battle the Voinians until now.

      And as for the two planets called Kelmaon, what if the Emalgha still have one super-advanced ship that travels the galaxy cloaked, gathering information in hopes of finding an ally to fight with them against the Voinians? After all, they already know that you are a human and that the UE is fighting the Voinians. You never told them that. It's as if they get around a lot more than you'd think. You might ask then, if the Emalgha still have their advanced tech, why not make better ships? It takes time, and they don't have it from the Voinians. If they tried to construct advanced shipyards to produce better ships, they would certainly draw the attention of Voinian scouts. Thus, the second planet of Kelmaon. Could there be a shipyard hidden there? Perhaps the Emalgha need only some more resources... 🙂

      Sound like something fun for a plug? I was hoping I could get people to discuss the idea of Emalgha really being advanced to give me more ideas for a plug...

      (edited to clarify some things)

      This post has been edited by Geek : 21 June 2008 - 10:38 PM

    • @geek, on Jun 21 2008, 11:23 PM, said in Believe it or not!:

      Alright, maybe I should explain. I'm trying to come up with an idea for a plug, assuming there's more to the Emalgha than meets the eye. Far more. The dësc for Emalgha doesn't disprove anything, because they weren't the Emalgha until they got there, and named the planet Emalghia after their leader, and they could have adopted the name for their race to hide their past. After all, if their race name matches the planet, why should anyone wonder if they came from somewhere else? And for the rest of the planet description with the voinians occupying the planet for almost a century, it could be explained this way. When Malgh and his group landed, they were attacked. They fought for a long time with their advanced technology, but were slowly beaten down by the sheer brute strength of the Voinians, and the fact that they hardly ever had time to repair their weapons and ships between battles. Finally, the Emalgha were defeated, and all of their tech destroyed (or so we think?). They finally revolted against the Voinians using quite primitive means, constructing ships out of wood and metal. Eventually, they reclaimed their few planets, and continue to battle the Voinians until now.

      And as for the two planets called Kelmaon, what if the Emalgha still have one super-advanced ship that travels the galaxy cloaked, gathering information in hopes of finding an ally to fight with them against the Voinians? After all, they already know that you are a human and that the UE is fighting the Voinians. You never told them that. It's as if they get around a lot more than you'd think. You might ask then, if the Emalgha still have their advanced tech, why not make better ships? It takes time, and they don't have it from the Voinians. If they tried to construct advanced shipyards to produce better ships, they would certainly draw the attention of Voinian scouts. Thus, the second planet of Kelmaon. Could there be a shipyard hidden there? Perhaps the Emalgha need only some more resources... 🙂

      Sound like something fun for a plug? I was hoping I could get people to discuss the idea of Emalgha really being advanced to give me more ideas for a plug...

      (edited to clarify some things)

      From EVO Questions, A Conversation with the Designer: (This is from the guy who made Overide)

      View Postpac, on Dec 15 2006, 02:59 PM, said:

      When the Voinians come into contact with these humans, they (the Voinians) are horrified - this is the first alien race who've developed their own spacefaring technology they have run into! This shouldn't be allowed! So the Voinians decide to wipe them all out.

      View PostEVWeb, on Dec 20 2006, 01:59 PM, said:

      But wait... hadn't they already enslaved a few spacefaring races already? And what about the Emalgha? They already had hyperspace drives and their own ships, and they were fighting the Voinians. Is there any backstory as to why the Voinians enslaved these races? I mean I'm sure the Voinian Empire is more than just an empire driven to conquer the galaxy.

      View Postpac, on Dec 20 2006, 02:24 PM, said:

      Sorry, I should have said 'first alien race who've developed their own interstellar spacefaring technology'. **The Emalgha had just made it into space (possibly to one or both of their moons) when the Voinians arrive.

      (Edit: The Emalgha's native spaceflight was brought to a stop, and their homeworld was invaded. Later, when the Voinian fleet suffered reverses against the humans, the Emalgha were able to stage an uprising and overthrow the Voinians. They then were able to copy Voinian hyperdrive (and other) technology, and improvise the rest themselves. They never developed hyperdrives themselves.)**

      The Voinians (or at least, their prevailing culture) believe in their own destiny and uniqueness - anything else out there which displays technology or intelligence just shouldn't, and has to be either enslaved or wiped out.

      I hate to do this to a storyteller, but...

      Two things:

      1. If the Emalgha had had anything hyperspace-capable, the Voinians would have likely decided to exterminate them, instead of enslaving them. Further, the Voinians don't remember fighting Anything hyper-capable before, which is a large part of the reason they're so aggressive regarding Humanity.

      i.e. If the Emalgha had the sort of advanced tech you postulate, the Voinians would have taken no chances in fighting them, and bombed their world till it glowed.

      1. The Emalgha would know of the U.E.'s fight against the Voinians, because it is this same conflict has diverted Voinian warships away from enslaved territories (Like the Emalghia), and thus weakened the Voinian presence enough for the Emalgha to defeat them and reclaim their homeworld.

      i.e. The Emalgha were able to free themselves Because the U.E. is fighting, and winning against, the Voinians.

    • Though presumably it might be plausible that the Emalgha could be the remnants of an exploratory mission from another galaxy/whatever gone wrong somewhere, who crash-landed on the planet, and had been building up a fairly advanced industrial society when the Voinians arrived and enslaved them. A group of colonists who didn't possess the expertise to build spaceships even if they hadn't been struggling to get a new society going on their new planet. So they never discovered the hyperdrive for themselves, but cannibalised the Voinians' version, and learnt to understand it. Though there might well be the original ship buried somewhere on the planet, beyond the capabilities of the Emalgha before their encounters with the Voinians, but just within their grasp now, and containing a vast trove of information about their past all but forgotten by those who now live on Emalgha.

      Or something. shrug

      Basically, I'd imagine there'd be a fair few ways to get round what's already been established, if you were so minded...

      This post has been edited by Israfel : 22 June 2008 - 07:25 PM

    • I :hector_bird: agree :hector_bird: dude

    • Even though this isn't canon, I still really love the idea, because it fits so well with the canon, mostly due to the real Emalgha backstory never being explained in full anywhere in the game or by an authority like Peter Cartwright himself.

    • @eugene-chin, on Jun 22 2008, 07:36 AM, said in Believe it or not!:

      From EVO Questions, A Conversation with the Designer: (This is from the guy who made Overide)
      I hate to do this to a storyteller, but...

      Two things:

      1. If the Emalgha had had anything hyperspace-capable, the Voinians would have likely decided to exterminate them, instead of enslaving them. Further, the Voinians don't remember fighting Anything hyper-capable before, which is a large part of the reason they're so aggressive regarding Humanity.

      i.e. If the Emalgha had the sort of advanced tech you postulate, the Voinians would have taken no chances in fighting them, and bombed their world till it glowed.

      1. The Emalgha would know of the U.E.'s fight against the Voinians, because it is this same conflict has diverted Voinian warships away from enslaved territories (Like the Emalghia), and thus weakened the Voinian presence enough for the Emalgha to defeat them and reclaim their homeworld.

      i.e. The Emalgha were able to free themselves Because the U.E. is fighting, and winning against, the Voinians.

      **Presented as an actual history from the EVO universe the story obviously doesn't work. But I think as a story inspired by the cultures/events of EVO it'd make a very good plug. Besides, I'm guessing that few of the remaining players of EVO or the EVN EVO port would even know that the Emalgha have a backstory of any kind other than what is written in the planet desc.

      You could even say the Emalgha themselves don't want to remember their past. That would give them good incentive to lie.



    • Hmm, I usually thought that the wooden bodies of Emalgha ships were meant to be rusted metal refined out of shoddy material ores the Emalgha could only find and work with.

    • Wood only looks good when it's burning...

    • I love it. a) It's awesome. 🆒 I think plug-in designers are totally allowed to ignore "cannon" sources from outside the game, especially for cool ideas like this. c) EVO needs more love and more plug-ins. d) It's awesome.

      Go for it, I'll totally play it and cheer you on.

    • Sweet. 🙂

      I better start by writing the story...