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    • Which strand is best?

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      Just wondering what people thought.Personally I prefer Azdargi as you get the azdara but I think the igardza would win, an igazra with a plasma siphon could kill anything (except maybe the dreadnought) easy.

      This post has been edited by egroeg5 : 28 April 2007 - 02:08 PM

    • I always liked the Zidagar ship as the best small battleship in the game. However, the phased beams aren't all that great. Azdaras can be fun to fly, but they're too small (in terms of outfit space) for my tastes. And the Igazra gets outside my preferred ship size.

    • I agree that the Zidager are on of the best races to join. But I really like the UE and the UE Cruiser.

    • The UE/Voinian choice is completely independant of the Azdgari/Zidagar/Igadzra choice.

      The Igadzra string has the worst rewards, since their heavy warships can be captured by anyone, even their SAE ammunition if it tickles your fancy. The only unique reward is the Plasma Siphon which I've found to be of limited use.

      The Zidagar give whats actually the best reward in the game if you're doing a small ship challenge. The efficency expansion is an extra 20 tons of weapon space, free of charge. It also allows you to retrofit any ship with the phased beam.

      The Azdgari rewards are by far the most invaluable. The Azdara fighter cannot be captured and outfits that increase shield regeneration rate cannot be obtained anywhere else. In fact, its quite unbalanced.

    • I find the Azdgari to be the best string, you get very good upgrades and shield technology, get a chance to have an Azdra bay, and have your ship become very fast. Second for me would be the Igadzra because of the warship, and third would be the Zidagar due to their small warships and poor phase beams.

    • Having done none of the three strands (I only progressed a little into the Zidagar, and that was only because Phased Disruption Beams looked like they'd kick some serious @$$; pity they didn't, though), I think I shall do the Azdgari string when I get the chance.

      I was looking at the Override Mission Map, and apparently you can get a bunch of stuff when doing the Azdgari String; do they just land in my lap (I'm guessing not, though), or do I have to do a bit of searching for them?

    • Yeah, the thing is the Zidagar and Igadzra proprietary ships can be captured but the Azdgari fighter cannot. I also neglected to mention that the Zidagar string allows you to buy a new ECM system thats extremely effective, and the Azdgari string allows you to buy a second RCS upgrade for an additional 30 degrees per second turn rate. I stand by my statement about the Igazra string having bum rewards.

    • I always liked the Zidagar. I don't know if they're the best, per se, but they are my friends :).

    • i've also always thought the azdgari to be my favorite. the tech is the coolest, and, as was previously states, their fighters cannot be captured, so the only way to fly an azdara fighter (which is awesomely fast and has a great recharge rate) is to play as the azdgari.

      This post has been edited by daowei : 29 March 2007 - 02:06 PM

    • Azdgari pwn. period, end of discussion.

    • I like it that they aren't equal. It's more realistic.

      @lizard, on Mar 25 2007, 05:40 PM, said in Which strand is best?:

      The UE/Voinian choice is completely independant of the Azdgari/Zidagar/Igadzra choice.

      The Igadzra string has the worst rewards, since their heavy warships can be captured by anyone, even their SAE ammunition if it tickles your fancy. The only unique reward is the Plasma Siphon which I've found to be of limited use.

      The Zidagar give whats actually the best reward in the game if you're doing a small ship challenge. The efficency expansion is an extra 20 tons of weapon space, free of charge. It also allows you to retrofit any ship with the phased beam.

      The Azdgari rewards are by far the most invaluable. The Azdara fighter cannot be captured and outfits that increase shield regeneration rate cannot be obtained anywhere else. In fact, its quite unbalanced.

      Pretty much it.

      @warlord-mike, on Mar 25 2007, 06:45 PM, said in Which strand is best?:

      I was looking at the Override Mission Map, and apparently you can get a bunch of stuff when doing the Azdgari String; do they just land in my lap (I'm guessing not, though), or do I have to do a bit of searching for them?

      As missions progress you are told to check out the outfitters for upgrades. That's when you know to look for them. For Azdgari there are different upgrades available on each of Veltes, Xarnes, and Dames, so check all three (or it could just be two of those, I can't remember).

    • whatever

      This post has been edited by Callide : 07 April 2007 - 04:16 PM

    • In terms of ‘who would win’, the point of the game is that the three strands are equally matched, once you factor in their technology, their numbers, and their strategic ingenuity; the only way one of them can ‘win’ is through external interference (i.e. the player).

      From the player’s point of view, the Azdgari string is probably the most rewarding, but I still like the incredible subtlety of the Igadzra’s plotting.

    • @david-arthur, on Apr 10 2007, 12:03 PM, said in Which strand is best?:

      From the player’s point of view, the Azdgari string is probably the most rewarding, but I still like the incredible subtlety of the Igadzra’s plotting.

      Agree on all points. My favorite to play has always been the Igadzra string, though some of that is due to the fact that because of cargo requirements you can't use an Azdara for the whole Azdgari string.

      My favorite ship, of the three Crescent races, will always be the Igrazra (yes, even over the Azdara).

      After that, it's a toss-up between the Voinian Frigate and the UE Fighter.