Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • New EV Nova Override port

      15 49 9250

      is here at last

      My new version of the Nova port of EV Override is now available at the Nova addons pages. If you've downloaded this before I think I made some minor last-minute corrections before submitting it so you may want to download it again.

      So, uh, do the regulars of this board actually use the Nova port or should I be posting this on the Nova board?

      This post has been edited by Guy : 08 May 2008 - 10:24 PM

    • Actually, I use the original version. But I've seen questions on this board about the ported version, so I guess you're in the right place.


    • This board is for both the Override engine and scenario, so news about the "Nova Override" plugin is welcome here.

    • Right, but there's not really any point if there's no interest here. I'm trying to find out how many people use the port and would be interested in plugs made exclusively for it.

    • Personally, I think there should be more port-based plugins--it eliminates the whole "Nova's graphics are too good" factor, and allows potential development (as in Nova, basically every major string is forever resolved, mostly leaving only minor missions available for development).


    • @guy, on Apr 22 2006, 02:54 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      So, uh, do the regulars of this board actually use the Nova port or should I be posting this on the Nova board?

      I just started to. Graphics are a little too old for me, but I'm liking it more and more.

    • @nerd, on Apr 25 2006, 02:21 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      Graphics are a little too old for me.

      Well this brings me to my first point: I have on my site (see sig) a plug-in called Facelift which I would like people to check out and give comments and criticism and stuff on before I release it (note this isn't really my plug I've just cleaned it up, added more features and packaged it together nicely).

      This post has been edited by Guy : 08 May 2008 - 10:21 PM

    • I've experimented with it a tad... only problem with it is just that everything is so slow. This is more based off of personal experience than anything else--when I played EVO, it was generally on a machine speedy enough to support it well, so the current speed seems snail-paced in comparison. I'll probably make a speed-doubler plugin to take care of that.


    • @consul-bob, on Apr 24 2006, 09:51 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      I've experimented with it a tad... only problem with it is just that everything is so slow. This is more based off of personal experience than anything else--when I played EVO, it was generally on a machine speedy enough to support it well, so the current speed seems snail-paced in comparison. I'll probably make a speed-doubler plugin to take care of that.

      In the Nova beta, I suggested that they keep the global speed slider like in EV and EVO. I was shot down, since the purpose of the slider was for slower machines. I really wish I'd fought that battle harder.

    • I'd personally love to see some more plugs (maybe updated graphics!!) for EVN Override. I'd love to see ROTUE in Nova, and just to say this, I can never seem to get that one UE cruiser mission.

    • @evula, on Apr 25 2006, 04:01 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      In the Nova beta, I suggested that they keep the global speed slider like in EV and EVO. I was shot down, since the purpose of the slider was for slower machines. I really wish I'd fought that battle harder.

      Yeah that would be nice but only if it worked perfectly (it doesn't in EV/O).

      @lt-_anonymous, on Apr 25 2006, 05:30 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      (maybe updated graphics!!)

      See my post above.

    • @guy, on Apr 25 2006, 05:02 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      Yeah that would be nice but only if it worked perfectly (it doesn't in EV/O).

      See my post above.

      dude. That download is unbearably slow. (unless im mistaking something)

      do you have an FTP?

    • @guy, on Apr 22 2006, 02:54 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      ain.So, uh, do the regulars of this board actually use the Nova port or should I be posting this on the Nova board?

      I do not use it. But I might. Eventually. Just to try it out. That is, after I've played all the EV and EVO plugs on my list.

      @lt-_anonymous, on Apr 24 2006, 09:30 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      ...I'd love to see ROTUE in Nova, and just to say this, I can never seem to get that one UE cruiser mission.

      Which mission?

    • @lt-_anonymous, on Apr 25 2006, 06:32 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      dude. That download is unbearably slow. (unless im mistaking something)

      do you have an FTP?

      Unless the FTP server is hosted by a different company, the speed won't change.

    • Downloading now...

      whoopee... it's only gonna take around six hours.... still, can't wait to play it, now. After I finish playing this, I might try to tackle rEVisited one last time....

      Goes to play Homeworld 2.

    • @nerd, on Apr 26 2006, 06:58 AM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      whoopee... it's only gonna take around six hours....

      You are on dialup? I am, and it takes forever to DL anything. Recently a friend sent me a 10MB file via iChat. It was practically instantaneous. Something to think about.

    • @callide, on Apr 26 2006, 12:07 PM, said in New EV Nova Override port:

      You are on dialup?

      Cable. I don't know what's up....

    • Sorry about that guys, it's hosted on a friends' server and I wasn't aware of any download issues (since I only upload which is slow anyway). If you want a preview though I think I posted a shot of it somewhere once. I'll see if I can find it...

      Ah, here it is. As you can see the ship models are all the same original ones just they're now bigger, 3D, 16-bit and have some additional layers (engines, lights etc). It's slightly out of date now though - since then I've fixed the Zidara sprite (it's a little jaggedy in the shot) and added new station sprites (a little bigger and 16-bit).

      This post has been edited by Guy : 27 April 2006 - 01:10 AM

    • nice... and its only (According to Safari) taking 3 hours.

      It took me like 4 days to torrent stuff.

      and 5 hours for AA, which is, sadly, cancelled.

      😞 😞 😞 😞 😞

      This post has been edited by Lt._Anonymous : 27 April 2006 - 12:47 AM

    • Has that minor little AI glitch with UE forces using rockets been fixed?