Lets expose the mysteries!
So, the Speculation thread was a huge success. And it followed with 2 more threads. Each of them is long, the original being 28 pages (! whopping!). And "More Speculation" was 12 pages too. They certainly gave amusement for peoples buck, and pipeline even gave hints that helped solve the mystery of Kont. So, Im presenting a thread called F-25 Mysteries. It explores the oddest, most mysterious planets in the entire of F-25. The ones not clearly explained in the planet description, or, worse, not even the string (I have only played the Querin one as whole so far). So... lets start speculating! Perhaps Bomb even gives answers! That would be fun! Though just wildly speculating is kinda even more funny. Lets try to keep it at the same high standard as the Speculation threads, shall we? I like well-reasoned theories best. F-25 (1 or 2) beta testers are also welcome to speak, perhaps Bomb gave them a inside scoop.
Xog: This is a prison planet. However, is there something more to know than that? The Querin string explains it only very briefly, telling about the rescue of some high-ranking Querin guy.
Cedekaa: Now this is mystery. You need to be more than a Honored Leader to land on it. You heard me- Honored Leader isnt enough! Practical experience reveals that its almost impossible to gain this rating fairly anyway, and now that! You need months of playing and a lotta killing (and I mean over and over) to get it. Just what is so important in it? I dont remember the planet description, but I remember that it didnt explain it very well. Its conquered by the Centurians in the Querin string, if that helps at all. Perhaps the reclusive Centaurans have something to hide? Anyways, getting access to that planet is a testament to your fighting skills (and devotion to stand boredom after the string!)
It could be considered your ultimate goal after the string- raise enough rating to get access to it! Or one goal, anyway... :mellow: Somehow I got the feeling that Bomb is joking with us and took it off the hat- what is the purpose of 2500 legal rating needed anyway? A subtle hint is at the beginning of the Querin string- you need to recover a relic (?) and there is some guards when it is still under the control of the Kytaan. There is some Querins that distract the guards- something said about explosion. They give you the cold shoulder, which means the Querin are not too happy about having you there either. "Go. You never were here."
Tantiss: This is even more odd than Cedekaa. The planet text hints at something more powerful than normal beings being present (pun NOT intended). The text doesnt change to horribly more informative after the Querin conquers the Kytaan and The Republic gets it. It just says that they are in process of shutting down whatever was there.
Original F-25 (1.4): There is a uninhabitated F-25 right over the edge of Galactus Group. You heard that right- a second copy of the namesake planet of the plug! Perhaps Bomb decided it was so important he decided it needed to be duplicated? (just kidding). There is some (though very modest) info about it in a thread I submitted some bugs in:
1. There is a system 2 jumps from the edge of Galactus Group space. Its supposed to be inhabitated (Independent Clean), and has DefCounter of about 2400 (so it has a defense fleet), but says the planets enviroment is too hostile. Annoying bug. I want to see every inhabitated planet! Is it because Government is -1?
You can only see the planet desc in ResEdit and it says that this version of F-25 is so remote even the Centurians avoid. Even the reclusive Centurians? Then there must be something really creepy about it. If it wasnt just a game, I would feel uncomfortable.
Then there is the mystery of the Galactus Group itself (the Imperial Dominion is easier to understand so they arent as cool). There apparently is a string for them in the original version, but I never got it. The only mission I got was where you search for some traitor. I dont know how to get it, nor if it actually makes the Imperial Dreadnought avaible for sale. It actually was superior to all other ships if I remember right- for example, a Imperial Heavy Fighter bay! There is a mysterious quote that talks about something called Shadow Alliance when asking for help: I was assigned a mission by the Galactus Group to find clues to discovering the traitor associated with the Shadow Alliance. I have completed that and now am currently on a mission to retrieve the "Guardsmen", 12 to be precise, out of the original 2000.
PS. There is some more fun: something called The Combine is mentioned in F-25 2. Its told that "it sends you its thanks" in a Querin mission.
PPS. Bomb, mate, would you be so kind as to tell how to start the Galactus Group missions in F-25 1.4? They were the only group whose missions I never found, and I could start their mission to keep me out of boredom. I could stand the all the bugs of the original cuz it had so much more sidestrings.
OK, now its off my chest. It took me more than a hour to write in a Internet cafe. It was very concentrated writing.
This post has been edited by General Cade Smart : 26 December 2005 - 02:07 PM