Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • A new bar

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      It has been suggested to Coyote that I should start up a new gathering place for people to relax between missions and tell war stories and discuss mission strings (where in the bleep is target vessel?)

      Hokay - but while I'm willing to do so, I want to get some input as to what we should call it? Does any one recall the SF/F bar where you could meet anyone from any SF/F story?

      I could call it "Coyote's Bar & Grill," but I'd rather a more evocative name...


      Coyote Jack
      "I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that makes living worthwhile?"
      Death thought about it.
      CATS, he said eventually, CATS ARE NICE.
      -- Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

    • I've always thought it would be cool to make a resort-style bar, planetside in some alpine setting.

      Brewski, scumble, and snowboards... 😛

    • Yes, yes! I love the idea of having a bar on the ski-resort planet. Doesn't it start with a K? Kirrim, or something like that. bounces around in excitement With a pool! Yay! 😄

    • Yes, Kirrim Prime. Sounds good. I'll stop in every now and then.

    • That would be interesting.

    • And so it is...

      Just talked to Marvin and he tells me that he'd be more than happy to let Coyote put up a gathering place on Kirrem Prime. The only thing that he had to say is that we should keep it away from the tourist trade and post a damage bond (for those of us who have captured Renegades in our fleet). No sweatty da...

      And so, I'm still looking for a name for the bar...

      Coyote had a nightmare last night, and it'll wind up as a story here but not quite yet...

      And yes, Coyote did see some serious service in the mundane world once upon a time.

      G'night, my friends.


      War is like Wagner. It's loud, it lasts too long and you can only smoke and drink during intermissions.

    • "Avalanche Cafe"

    • "Spaceport Snow Flurry"

    • If it's a classy, lunch serving place, it could be called Ava Lunch...

    • Mmmm... lunch.

    • mrxak, on Jan 5 2006, 01:39 AM, said:

      "Avalanche Cafe"
      View Post

      I like taht one the best... Hey, maybe I can acually post in this one!

    • mrxak, on Jan 5 2006, 06:39 AM, said:

      "Avalanche Cafe"
      View Post

      Agreed, that name kicks ass.

    • mrxak, on Jan 4 2006, 11:39 PM, said:

      "Avalanche Cafe"
      View Post

      Hmmmm.... While it is a good name, it seems to imply a lot of action.

    • Not necessarily. It could be a little place buried under some snow, where people have nothing to do but talk about their old adventures.

    • mrxak, on Jan 7 2006, 04:01 PM, said:

      Not necessarily. It could be a little place buried under some snow, where people have nothing to do but talk about their old adventures.
      View Post

      Snowbound, or just in a snow-cave of sorts?

    • Snow-cave!

      Grah. Does anyone else have problems logging in / replying? I'm always coming up with a "you are not logged in" error the first few times.

    • mrxak, on Jan 7 2006, 02:01 PM, said:

      Not necessarily. It could be a little place buried under some snow, where people have nothing to do but talk about their old adventures.
      View Post

      I guess so...

    • GutlessWonder, on Jan 7 2006, 06:31 PM, said:

      Snowbound, or just in a snow-cave of sorts?
      View Post

      Eh, what do I care?

    • This is getting silly. I'm writing up a dësc now...

    • So, with everyone else's permission, perhaps someone could post the new bar topic: "Avalance Café"?

      EDIT: And I know! Someone should intert the é with the accent in the name!

      This post has been edited by Capt. Radio Willy : 21 January 2006 - 09:54 AM