You can count me in. Although I would like to clarify what exactly "OOC" means. I assume it is used if what you write is not part of the actual storyline.
Yup. (ooc) = "out of character"
walks in, covered in ribbons, bows, and wrapping paper
Hi! I just killed all my creativity, and made a huge mess in the process. Yay! :blink: prem, glad to see ya! And it's OZY! Hey!
Early Merry Christmas, everybody!
The stark contrast of the black letters punch out one by one on the white Invision backdrop.
Clickclickclick go the keys.
Fettrin stands there, stands on the hard white floor. Sourceless white light, some environment details, contrast on the black preachers cloak. Should work, this'll be a dialog bit- good scene connection back to that station setting with Lara, Ta-Vora, and Page.
Okay, preacher-demon raises head, looks into middle distance. Clears throat.
"You can stop that now."
"It's the intermission, Mr. Hamster. The bit between bars. You're calling me to do a brief narrative, narrator? Why didn't you pick Hamster? He is your signature character, no?"
Fettrin grins, tilting his head, looks up at the white. He clasps his powerful hands behind his back.
"I know, I know. You identify with me, don't you?"
The demon begins to pace across the white space.
"The whole 'Father' bit. I controlled the Vell-os, I controlled the Nirttefs, only thing I couldn't control was the creation of something older than you, eh?"
The demon paused, a grim look on his face.
"And I still want to control him. That is the desire you placed in me. 'Destroy Jasan,' you imply."
Fettrin glances up, a slightly worried look. He can't control it, he knows- good, good.
"You made me a weapon... You made Hamster and Retsmah thrill-seeking joyriders..."
His voice trembles, escalating to a yell,
"Is that all you got?! Is that all any of us stuck in this fake world are?!"
Fettrin heaves, his eyes frantic. He tries to gain composure.
"You probably won't even let me remember this monologue. Wouldn't fit with the story. But where's the story now, oh mighty Author? Where are your actors, Director? The stage is here, but there's no one to play upon it!"
The demon smiles, a sadistic curl to his lips.
"Will you take up the strings of more puppets, as I do so easily with my Nirttefs? Will you introduce more of your marionettes to complete your prerogatives? How many more plot twists, Mr. Hamster? When do I taste Jason's blood?"
He pauses, inhaling deeply, exhaling slowly. Continuing, whispering,
"He was your hero, wasn't he? You admired the way he wound black letters on white backdrop together. You scuttled around with your pet hamster, tried to make a statement with your tall, black Retsmah, and in your frustration to attain the purity of power, created Father. Me. Fettrin."
Fettrin nods, looking up at the white.
"Well, it looks like he's in College now. College, what a funny idea for us puppets. None of the other little directors thought to delve that deep into realistic backgrounds for their puppets, did they? Hit too close to home, would it, Mr. Hamster?"
Fettrin smiles, gives an almost pitying glance.
"You're going to go too, you know. And then me? I'll be lost. It's just another RP, right? An adolescent experiment gone dead? You'll never know the pure feeling of disappointment at never fulfilling the destiny that was placed in you. Not as much as I will. You gave me an impossible mission, you sick bastard. Kill the creation of another Director? Heresy. That breaks the laws of this place."
The demon is truly angry now, his pacing resumed, walking forward. There are no objects to judge distance on, walking appears to be a pointless routine. Shoes go clickclickclick on the white hard floor.
"Your Hamster has it off a lot easier. No definitive mission for him. Do you even remember how many times you have let him sort of slip into a 'maybe-he-died-maybe-he-didn't' situation? A clever little trap to let you get away from directing his actions? Something you had to do once in a while, back when the little Authors were more active, more numerous."
Fettrin's yellow eyes look up at the white.
"Well, it looks like there are a few willing. Are you going to take it up? Who's going to start the new bar, Mr. Hamster?"
Fettrin grins.
OOC: I uh, just watched The Truman Show.
hysterical laughter
Eh, that was hilarious. I have a bit of an idea, but I don't think I have the time on my hands to play the all-powerful-active bar creator. At this point, I don't know if I want to, either...grumbles
I know I wasn't around to participate in the last bar, but I'm interested in being part of the next one.
I used to participate on webstories and bars on this board all the time...
my aim name is duodeadlypeace.If anyone is interested in a webstory, let me know. if there is support for it, I'd love to start one.
Sorry for being off topic, but I wanted to post where the good writers would have access to it.