and making it work
I booted up EVO last night for the first time in months and quickly beat the first half of the Zidagar strand, like I've done so many times before. And then it hit me... I remember why this strand always frustrated the hell outta me every time I played it... the BROKEN ZIDARA. Its launch bay doesn't work, its phase beams are useless, it has no cargo space. It's broken.
So, after owning this game for years and years, I finally went ahead and downloaded ResEdit and fixed the damn Zidara. Fixed the launch bays, gave the beams unlimited ammo (it doesn't break the game balance), added some cargo space. Done. (And then some weapons space and some more fuel, because I deserve it after all my hard work.)
And now I'm flying around in a Zidara and lovin' every purple minute of it.
-- the end --
This post has been edited by hospitalfood : 03 November 2005 - 12:49 AM