Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Escape Velocity: Override... THE MOVIE

      14 17 1.1k

      Hey, if ambrosia cut a deal with a film company like New Line to turn Override into a movie, what would you have in it?

      My Thoughts:

      Since it would be a sequel, (see my thread here -> (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/003094.html(/url) ) our charicter from the first film would be brought in as a war captain in the Vinonian war, but because of the timing of the movie, he will be a passive charicter at most. why? Since this movie takes place after much fighting, we open on a new charicter who, for now we will call Joe. Joe has just completes his schooling to be a pilot, and has to survive in the middle of the war. from there, he has to battle the vinonians on an almost constant basis, and has earnes some acclaim as a mercinary captain with a good shot and a taste for "black blood" (vinonian blood) the UE forces come to him one day, which by the way, includes our charicter from the first movie, saying that they have a job for him. he does a couple missions for them, nothing spectacular, but then he has to rescue a vinonian informant. by the way, we have to talk about the vinonians for a moment. this informant, will be a strong looking thing, about 5 foot 8 to 6 foot. the vinonians have to be burgandy colored with gold eyes. but they must not be computer animated. a man in a rubber suit works much better. anyway, the informant tells Joe that the vinonians have created the dreadnought. the movie next has our charicer destroy the dreadnought (with help, but he deals the deadly blow). suffering many losses, the vinonians retreat, and joe is very famous, and very rich. we end with Joe speeding off into the stars in search of adventure.obviously, much will be cut from the movie, but it can work.

      what are your thoughts?

      There can be only one

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Tripos:
      **< snip>

      You do not need to make repetitive topics on the same core subject, I hope you realise that you have posted another topic before you reaped the responses from your other topic. Here are some guidelines for you to follow so you do not make any mistakes like this in the future:

      1. The (url="http://";=8")Search(/url) feature is your friend

      2. Do not make repetitive topics or posts, and condense multiple questions into one topic.

      3. There will never be EV:3D, EV:Multiplayer, or EV:TheMovie (sorry)

      4. Respect the mods and senior members, the mods have the power to smite you and the older members have experience (and strong opinions) best considered.

      5. Do not ask for karma, if you want it earn it!

      6. Do Not Spam. Posting irrelivant topics or self-promotions are frowned upon, and the latter is reserved for EVula ;).

      7. Under no circumstances emulate newbie regulars from EV:B&B; and/or ATT, their posts are often considered nosy and irrelivant. (LifeKnight is one such member)

      8. If you wish to retain any real life avoid the Boozarama Bar at all costs

      9. Do not ask when a project will be done, it will be ready when it's ready.

      10. Seek not a high post-count first, because if you still have low karma when you achive that goal you will be branded a spammer.

      That sais, welcome to the boards 🙂

      I am the everpresent guest-The one who may never leave. Til death do I part with these forums. I am the vIsitor

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ~vIsitor~:
      **< snip>

      I would like to add to that.

      It helps if you offer answers and help to other people's questions. If you just cover the boards with your own stupid, repetitive questions, you will get frowns. And in relation to that, I think it might have been better if you just took all of your movie ideas and posted them on the banter and brawl.

      And like vlsitor said, stay away from the Booarama if you want to retain your image as a sane person. 😉

      As to the origonal topic, it has been one of my dreams to make an EVO movie, though I prefer the idea of a totally origonal plot line. Some stories on the Chronicles would make good short, or long, films. I disagree with emainiac on the CG buisness. Lets be reasonable, the ships are 3D models, they lend themselves perfectly to 3D animations.

      Cmon people, the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
      I love Frigates, as is easily seen:(url="http://"")EV Frigates(/url).

    • Even if the movies were made, you wouldn't be able to use the same main character. Override takes place 150 years before EV Classic.

      -esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
      Official member of WORRPBOITATMPSH
      "Your values suck. Fix it." - Captaintripps
      Posted Image Now Playing: Further Seems Forever - Justice Prevails

    • Quote

      Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
      **Even if the movies were made, you wouldn't be able to use the same main character. Override takes place 150 years before EV Classic.


      **Also, another tidbit that might help this film get into production would be the ability to spell "Voinian" correctly...




    • Quote

      Originally posted by Bomb:
      ****Also, another tidbit that might help this film get into production would be the ability to spell "Voinian" correctly...




      Heh. I have no problem spelling Voinian, but apparently many people do. There is a lot of different misspellings. One is Vionian.

      I am eager to try to answer mission questions
      "There is nothing certain but and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Bomb:
      ****Also, another tidbit that might help this film get into production would be the ability to spell "Voinian" correctly...




      and "charicter"....oh and umm "mercinary" You'd be surprised how edgy we are when it comes to spelling, especially if EVO races are misspelled.

      how can anyone possibly misspell "humen"

      Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus - I'm the only guy in the universe that can make horses cry. - DryDock Station, will become a silly place...eventually. - Remember folks, an (url="http://"")apple(/url) a day, keeps Bill Gates away! - Don't laugh at my Mac, your girlfriend.jpg could be in it! - Wanna make a (url="http://";=011285")wish(/url)?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Coraxus:
      **and "charicter"....oh and umm "mercinary" You'd be surprised how edgy we are when it comes to spelling, especially if EVO races are misspelled.

      misspelling Azdgari is somwhat forgivable though. 😉


      how can anyone possibly misspell "humen"

      easy, they are from the miranu! 😉

      Cmon people, the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
      I love Frigates, as is easily seen:(url="http://"")EV Frigates(/url).

    • Voinian, Vioinian, Vinonian - maybe they're gonna start their own Crescent thing?

      Ed for teh gr4mm3r 🙂
      TIP: To get bloodstains out of clothes, soak them in cold water for five minutes before sticking them in the wash. Lifts out the blood lovely. No-one need ever know.

      (This message has been edited by martin (edited 07-04-2004).)

    • Talk about a movie how about a spin-off on startrek enterprise???????

      Sound like a good Idea???!


    • Zidigar, Agdzari, Adzgari
      Well, what do they expect if they write such tongue-breakers?

      If one day I can piece a Nova-like code together, perhaps I'll create a 3D EV.
      First I have to learn how to program, though, that is. Right now I only can do simple console apps. 😞

    • ~vIsitor~, on Dec 14 2004, 04:07 PM, said:

      Oh god not again... 😞
      View Post

      Eh? This is Override golden age material, graced by Flatty and forge themselves!

      (N.B. the listed topics are for reference only. We do not tolerate gravedigging, especially when this topic is poised become the new strand butchery stomping grounds!)

    • 3D-EV like game: Event Horizon


      It is free and not completed yet.

    • Quote

      Override takes place 150 years before EV Classic.

      Just to make more discusion: If Override took place 150 yeasr before EV, how come, when you use the gamle option in the bars, u seen ships that dont exsist yet? If Im not wrong, at least three of the gambling symbols are ships that didnt exist at that time.... :lol:

      Iiriatt <--- that guy again...

    • Why do you peope keep gravedigging this topic? IT'S DEAD. An EV movie will never happen , even more certainly that EV 4 won't happen. Grow up and stop spamming please, else we (the board members) will throw you into the black hole of the B&B.

      Have a nice day
      ~tHe vIsitor~

    • Geez, he was only asking a question. Don't get all flamy and mad, he's new to the boards. Iriatt, here, we have a custom to not gravedig. Gravedigging is when someone replies in a topic that has last been replied in a long time (more than one month). Most people mind this, so just be careful and try to look at the date before your post. vIsitor, calm down, we know an EV movie won't happen, and Iriatt didn't say anything to contradict that matter.

      To answer your question, Iriatt, the EV series have no connection with each other. As you can see, some planets that are in EVC are not there in EVO, and planets from EVO are not there in EVN. They are not connected, and the gambling signs have no significance (gambling itself has no signifiance either).