What is the best ship? I like the Voinian Cruiser.
And what are the best weapons and stuff?
What is the best ship? I like the Voinian Cruiser.
And what are the best weapons and stuff?
You're asking the wrong question. The correct question is:
"What is the best ship for me?"
It all depends on the way you like to pilot your ship. If you like to fly circle around an enemy, use an Azdara. Or if you prefere to sit there shooting while the idiotic AI runs at you, go for the Voinian Cruiser.
Best weapons depends on where you are. In the Crescent, use Phase, everywhere else, I'd say go for Neutron.
Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
Sorry -REDCHIGH-, It just fit so well.
Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**You're asking the wrong question. The correct question is:
"What is the best ship for me?"
It all depends on the way you like to pilot your ship. If you like to fly circle around an enemy, use an Azdara. Or if you prefere to sit there shooting while the idiotic AI runs at you, go for the Voinian Cruiser.
Best weapons depends on where you are. In the Crescent, use Phase, everywhere else, I'd say go for Neutron.
too true. I like the Turncoat and Zidara. The Turncoat with Dospect armor kicks arse because of its firepower, price, availibility, and durability, the Zidara has the right balance between firepower and manuverability. I usually buy a turncoat, upgrade it, use it to do the Zidagar missions, then replace it with a Zidara.
Cmon people, the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
Yeah, Zidara rock. Only flaw is a lack of fuel and free space.
Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
Sorry -REDCHIGH-, It just fit so well.
Didn't this question just get asked?
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum8/HTML/005031.html#")Topic a few post down(/url)
"If life gives you a lemon, wing it right back and add some lemons of your own."
-Bill Watterson
(url="http://"http://www.aresaxis.us")Enigma(/url) <-- The best online game ever.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/evweb/")TS(/url) <-- My site redone.
y do you choose your favorite by the price?? the turncoat is not better cause of is light price. my first game i did 0 spaceboard mission and i control every single planet execpt the council. you just have to buy a transporter (75 000)really cheap to capture an merchant arada to capture some freight courier as escort and one 4 u after u go on told( an unabited system solar near of azgadari) and you let zidara and igardra fight and when the igardra killed the zidara he is weak so you disable it and capture it.you ship that you paid 75 000 now as a big big big value.
is the igadra the most expensive ship?
Originally posted by IhaveaNameButIcantTellYou:
is the igadra the most expensive ship?**
Yes, that and the Voinian Cruiser.
I love the Miranu Gunship. It's like the perfect balance of speed and power; the compromise between the Arada and the Crescent Warship. Like the Lazira, but faster and better.
I rip out the SAD launchers and modules (I swear, I've never hit anything with those), giving me 90 tons more space. I also ditch the repulsor beam. I replace all of this with three phase turrets, three swivel phase cannons (I use the Enhancements/Fixes plugin - why not? Why shouldn't I be able to choose cannons over rockets?), two needle missiles launchers (plus 250 missiles), four shield enhancers, dospect armor, a shiled generator, and all the maneuverability upgrades (including Azdgari).
It rocks on toast.
(The only thing I can't do with it is take on a swarm of Enhanced Azdaras. Stupid Enhanced Azdaras.)
The price is a large factor when it comes to picking ships. But the turncoat barely has an advatage there, once I've bought phase weapons, dispy's, pursuit missiles, armor, and manuvering upgrades it is very expensive for a cheap ship. But it does the job like little else.
Cmon people, the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
when u have enough planet u control money is a detail i have 100 million and capn hector always take me money.
igardza and voinian cruiser and arada are my favorite
Originally posted by ...:
**capn hector always take me money.
It might be a wise idea to register the game then. It really isn't that much and you'd help a shareware company like Ambrosia to dish out more quality games like EVO
i gotta register by credit card but im only 14 so...
and i prefer to keep my money for other thing...
Originally posted by ...:
i gotta register by credit card but im only 14 so...
and i prefer to keep my money for other thing...
Well, you COULD use your parents' credit card. That's what I did (with their permission, of course).
Anyway, my favorite two ships are the Igazdra and Azdara. I got some Dospect Armor and Shield Enhanchers on my Igazdra, and I have a LOT less trouble with the "zillion of fighters all swarming at you" missions. The Igazdra just rocks.
The Azdara isn't as strong, but if you put Dospect Armor on it it's near invincible (as long as you don't just stay in front of an enemy ship, it's unlikely it'll be killed--it has such rapid shield regeneration). Shame about the fact it can barely carry any cargo, though...
Now, what's a good idea for something to put in my signature?
I thought that the Shield rechargers never really helped on the Igadzara.
The world today is absolutly bonkers, with nuclear bombs that can blow you sky high...
In my opinion, an afterburner is essential to every ship regardless.
This is to Decreped crow. The shield enhancers don't help the Igazra very much. Actually its kinda a waste of space. Where they can be effective is on a Voinian Heavy fighter. On the Voinian heavy fighter place 4 shield enhancers, both shield regens and a layer of Dospect armor. What happens is quite amazing. The recharge time stays the same, but you have increased your shields by ten plus times. So you your shield recharge rate has gone out the roof. Also your armor recharge rate will be the same as you shield recharge rate. This will give you one nasty little ship. You'll have more firepower, shields, armor and recharge rate than an upgraded azdara. But not more speed.
Why are there no maroon ships?
(This message has been edited by Jubee (edited 06-15-2004).)
As a lark, I built the following ship:
Miranu Heavy Freighter
Emalgha Freighter-to-Warship upgrade
24 Mass Expansions
Rip out those useless* defense pods
This setup gives you a whopping 420 tons of upgrade space (and still leaves you with a fair 40 tons of cargo space).
What to do with all this space? What to do...
Here's what I did:
Two phase turrets
It's not much for keeping off pesky fighter swarms, but is better than nothing.
Two blaze cannons
For fighting Voinians, the one race slow enough to be outrun by Freighters.
Afterburner and Thrust, Engine, and RCS Upgrades
The MHF is slow.
Four shield enhancers, Dospect armor, and a shield generator
The MHF is weak.
Three Pursuit Launchers + 100 missiles
Three Needle Launchers + 250 missiles
This is the fun part!
After all this, you're left with something like 80 tons of space. You could add SADs (which I've never been able to hit anything with), Hunter missiles, or rockets. I tend to add Dispersal rockets for those close encounters with Crescent fighters or Adzaras.
I call it the Miranu Missile Frigate.
The obvious question on all of your minds: WTF?
I wanted to try something different. I usually fly super-quick fighters or super-tough warships, maxing out on guns and turrets for close combat. I thought it might be fun to try a slow, weak ship for a change; one that's only powerful when the enemy is really far away.
This ship is FUN. It's a real challenge - you can't take any warship toe-to-toe, and a handful of Crescent Fighters will murder you. You have to get the distance on them and then pummel with missiles; needles for fighters, pursuit for warships. The MMF works best as a support vessel for your warship and fighter escorts.
Taking on the Voinian Dreadnaught in this thing was a blast. Tore down it's shields with my blaze cannons, then emptied all 100 pursuits and 250 needles into the thing and IT'S. STILL. ALIVE.
(I think my next project will be a plain-old UE Freighter.)
Originally posted by Harlequin Jones:
**As a lark, I built the following ship:
Miranu Heavy Freighter
Emalgha Freighter-to-Warship upgrade
24 Mass Expansions
Rip out those useless* defense pods
This setup gives you a whopping 420 tons of upgrade space (and still leaves you with a fair 40 tons of cargo space).
What to do with all this space? What to do...
Here's what I did:
Two phase turrets
It's not much for keeping off pesky fighter swarms, but is better than nothing.
Two blaze cannons
For fighting Voinians, the one race slow enough to be outrun by Freighters.
Afterburner and Thrust, Engine, and RCS Upgrades
The MHF is slow.
Four shield enhancers, Dospect armor, and a shield generator
The MHF is weak.
Three Pursuit Launchers + 100 missiles
Three Needle Launchers + 250 missiles
This is the fun part!
After all this, you're left with something like 80 tons of space. You could add SADs (which I've never been able to hit anything with), Hunter missiles, or rockets. I tend to add Dispersal rockets for those close encounters with Crescent fighters or Adzaras.
I call it the Miranu Missile Frigate.
The obvious question on all of your minds: WTF?
I wanted to try something different. I usually fly super-quick fighters or super-tough warships, maxing out on guns and turrets for close combat. I thought it might be fun to try a slow, weak ship for a change; one that's only powerful when the enemy is really far away.
This ship is FUN. It's a real challenge - you can't take any warship toe-to-toe, and a handful of Crescent Fighters will murder you. You have to get the distance on them and then pummel with missiles; needles for fighters, pursuit for warships. The MMF works best as a support vessel for your warship and fighter escorts.
Taking on the Voinian Dreadnaught in this thing was a blast. Tore down it's shields with my blaze cannons, then emptied all 100 pursuits and 250 needles into the thing and IT'S. STILL. ALIVE.
(I think my next project will be a plain-old UE Freighter.)
Woooow, Miranu Missile Frigate is a good name, Make a plugin out of it. I'm gonna go try that!
Cmon people, the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
Zachit Arada, because I care about style, and Aradas rawk. It's just a shame that you can't buy them even if you do the Zachit missions.
As for your Missile Freighter...the only thing that could compare to being destroyed by an MMF would be being savaged by a duck.
"Hey...don't touch my drink, or I'll bore a hole into your skull with my thumb!"
(QUOTE)Originally posted by Opalius:
I'm gonna run away now...
slowly walks to the door... Steps outside and begins running in circles
Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
Sorry -REDCHIGH-, It just fit so well.