I remember going through the EVO webboard 3 years ago (with a different username; the e-mail account that it was registered to was relinquished to obscurity a long time ago). One of the many topics I saw discussed was the plugin 'Burning Season'. However, after conducting a (somewhat) comprehensive search through several of the Ambrosia webboards and on the internet, I could not find any trace of this plugin.
I have a certain amount of free time this summer, and I was wondering if any of you were interested in a plug-in with the same basic premise (Igadzra and Voinians ally up to defeat the UE and rest of the Crescent). There is a very small amount of information that I remember from the official Internet sites and discussions about this plugin, and some more saved upon my computer. I have already drafted a rough proposed mission outline (involving possibly 250+ missions). If there is at least some interest out there, I will evaluate whether to continue or not (while still at these beginning stages). I am willing to write out the storyline and rewrite planet descriptions, etc., but if there are to be any custom graphics, they would have to be outsourced (otherwise, if I actually develop the plug-in, the graphics will be stock EVO graphics).
Obviously, the missions would differ greatly from the author's original intent. That is why I say that this new plug-in would be INSPIRED by Burning Season. If some of you show interest, I would be more than willing to start work in earnest. One thing I can say: if I start this plug, it will not become vaporware unless something absolutely catastrophic occurs.
Thank you for considering this proposal, feel free to comment. If you really think it's a bad idea, comment as well. I can see why there could possibly be opposition to such an idea, but if I am to release something to the public, it would be prudent of me to consider their feedback.
Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
(This message has been edited by UE_Research & Development (edited 06-26-2003).)