Who is better. The Voinian, The UE, Miranu, Igadzra, Zidagar or Azdgari.
What is with the counsel?
Who is better. The Voinian, The UE, Miranu, Igadzra, Zidagar or Azdgari.
What is with the counsel?
Originally posted by aaaox:
**Who is better. The Voinian, The UE, Miranu, Igadzra, Zidagar or Azdgari.
What is with the counsel?
Welcome to the boards,
I think that the Zidagar are the best, along with the Emalgha, then third is the UE, then the miranu, and then the Azdgari, and then the rest of them stink. Exept the Renegades, they have character.
Cmon people, the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
Voinians. Best weapons and protection in the game.
Also, they're absolutely and unquestionably evil. That's a big upcheck for me.
As soon as I reach 1500 posts, the bomb sitting under my computer will go off, so don't expect to see me again after that.
Originally posted by aaaox:
**What is with the counsel?
The Council seems to have been intentionally left under-described and mysterious. It appears to be a slightly UN-like organization that is independent from all 3 Strands; they've got one planet and one pers ship. There may or may not be a couple other references tucked into missions, but beyond that its nature is largely left up to the imaginations of players and plug-makers!
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Interests: The Good, The Bad, and The Loopy.
where does the voinian misson start?
where do i need to go when the zidagar allow me to have their technologies?
sorry if the english is not perfect im french(from quebec)
I believe the Voinian missions start on Pax. For the Zidagar question, it depends on what technologies. The planets in the Zidagar system have most of the technology on one planet and most of the ships on another I believe. That's the best I can remember, but I believe most of the Zidagar planets that aren't on the borders also have the Zidagar technology. If I remember, Vlagos should have most, if not all of the Zidagar technology, considering it's the planet with the most scientists.
I like milk. It tastes good.
Bienvenue, IdontHaveAnyName (je te suggere de changer de nom...), les missions Voiniennes commencent a Pax (il me semble me souvenir qu'il faut avoir un peu d'experience de combat), et le matos Zidagar peut surement se trouver a Zidagar, s'il ne s'y trouve pas (il devrait y avoir le rayon Zidagar, le Zidara en vaisseau et le chasseur zidagar en outfit, et le brouilleur zidagar anti-SAE), c'est qu'il n'ont pas encore autorise a en acheter, fais des mission supplementaires.
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zacha : je peu acheter le lazer les zdara et les blockeur sae module mais je trouve pa sont ou les autres missions.
pi aussi les azgardis commence ou parceke g lu c aute topic ke cetai a sout tip station mais c strandless. jcompren pa...
does anyone here has the council has friend?if yes how can you make it become your friend?
Originally posted by IhaveaNameButIcantTellYou:
does anyone here has the council has friend?if yes how can you make it become your friend?**
You can't. It was made for plugin developers...Tjeck out the Beyond The Crescent plug, it can be found (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/evo/addons.html")here(/url), just look under most downloaded plugins.
I personally like the Igazdra the most. The Igazra, is at least in my opinion, the best ship in the game, especially if you have the Plasma Siphon. Without it, I used to have a lot of trouble clearing some missions where there were about a zillion fighters coming at me. With the Igazra, I have a lot less trouble.
I'd say the Azdagari are second...slap a Dospect Armor (you can get them from Paaren Station after completing some missions) on an Azdara and it's practically invincible. Too bad it can't deal too much damage...but it's so fast using the Monty Python maneuver it helps me clear those stupid "lots of fighters" missions.
Of course, to get the Igazdra OR the Azdara, you have to go with the UE.
Now, what's a good idea for something to put in my signature?
Originally posted by Lord Seth:
Of course, to get the Igazdra OR the Azdara, you have to go with the UE.
Why? You can be with the Voinians as well, or both offcourse. An Igazdra with bronev plating is practically invincible
Nice to hear from you. To answer you question about why I haven't posted, it's because I have been lazy and I don't get to play EVO anymore. I don't have a Mac either . However I thought I reply a few times to the board for old times sake.
To answer the post though, one can side with everyone but one of the strands if you wish. This is not a cheat. If you like a big bruiser of a ship, don't side with the Azdgari. If you want a quick fighter with tons of recharge rate don't side with the Zidagar.
I personally liked my old UE Cruiser with Voinian, UE, Zid., and Igaz. upgrades. But the most powerful ship I ever made was a Voinian heavy fighter with, UE, Voin., Igaz, and Azdg. upgrades. I stood toe to toe with the Voin. Dread. shooting it with my neutron cannons and plasma siphon. It actually kinda made the game boring.
So I guess the point of this reply is just pick a side and a ship that you think is fun and go blow up some AI ships.
Cheers Everyone
Why are there no maroon ships?