Paladin - I'm honored! Thank you for complimenting (sp?) the Firebird! I truly am, honored.
Also, your Crescent Fighter seems like a good layout, and I'll bet you've taken out dozens of Voinian Cruisers, or whatever warship you like to face. Am I correct?
Samurai - That's ok! We all have our own tastes! Your Lazira sounds like its a pretty strong ship!
As for me, most of you know about my Firebird, but only a few know of my Icewind Falcon. I will post the stats of each for all to enjoy. 
Current Ship: Icewind Falcon
Ship type: Crescent Fighter
4 Swivel Phasers
Sensory Enhancements
1 Fuel Tank
1 Fuel Scoop
1 Afterburner
Cargo Pod (Required for Zidagar and UE Missions)
Systems Enhancement
This setting leaves me with 1 ton of free space.
If I take my time, and act like a SMART pilot, I can take out a Voinian Cruiser with ease. I have taken out 3 Voinian Cruisers and 4 Voinian Frigates that were stacked before. The ships that give me the most trouble are Azdaras and Voinian Heavy Fighters. On the Dreadnought mission, my backup was totally obliterated when he was at 54% shields. Thus meaning I pretty much destroyed the Dreadnought myself.
Personal ultimate, favorite ship (though I am close to my falcon): A.E.S. Firebird
Ship Type: Arada
4 Swivel Phasers
2 Fuel Tanks
2 Fuel Scoops
2 Mass Expansions
4 Shield Enhancers
1 Shield Generator
1 Exp. Shield Generator
Sensory/ECM Equuipment
1 Afterburner
Marine Equipment
This leaves me with 6 tons of free space
With this ship, I've probably taken out 2/3 of the Voinian Navy, perhaps ALL the North Tip Renegades and South Tip Renegades, both Human and Alien, maybe 1/4 of the Zidagar Navy, and plenty of Igazras.
Think I'm lying? Read "Moments of Pride and Accomplishment". Still think I'm lying? Oh well, think what you wish.
As you can see, I'm a fighter pilot for the most part. On my earlier pilots, I have one flying an Igazra, and another the UE Carrier, and another the Crescent Warship. However those days are far back, and now I can summarize pretty much what you need to know to survive in this universe: "Speed can be your best friend, or your worst enemy."
I choose to have it be my friend. Others may hate speed, and use raw power. Both approaches work, both can be successful. However in my case, I need weapons that don't weigh too much, are fast, hard hitting, and can't be a turret. I don't EVER use turrets on my Firebird, or my Falcon. Why? Too much space, and they both have a maximum of 1 turret. I turn towards my personal favorite: The Swivel Phase Cannon.
The Swivel Phase Cannon is the ultimate for fighters. You can keep hitting your enemy while blasting towards him, it will target your enemy, unlike regular cannons, and it wipes out shields with a snap. However, it is not so great against Voinians. I don't look at it that way though. I see it as a challenge. People like to switch to Neutron of Blaze or even Emalgha when fighting the big Rocks, I keep my phasers, and accept the challenge. Generally, I win the battle, the only downside is that it takes around 5 minutes of constant shooting to take down a Voinian Cruiser with phasers. Also, on fighters, afterburners are a MUST. I can't think of a time when I haven't relied on my afterburners to get away from all those rockets. Crescent Fighters and Aradas may be fast, but not fasr enough when you have 5% armor, and a rocket is almost in your engine it's so close.
- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Crew of One Challenger
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation
(This message has been edited by Stud Beefpile (edited 03-24-2001).)