"Gordontron, how did you travel all that distance in one post?"
If you read the post I did the math. I sent out the ships the first day of the game, and for the following four days "4 Jumps per RTD: Azdgari, Zidigar.". so that comes out to be 16 jumps which is enough to get to where my ships were exploring. I thought I explianed it but I guess I didn't. Here is what I wrote to my self at least:
My Raigner Azdara scouting party (5 ships that are taken from that planets defense)
have traveled south from the 30-31-1-2 at four systems per RTD through: Dewe-Orarn-Garren-Timidor (refuel) then Kitrak-Kirrim(refuel)-DSN-1469-DSN-8209 then through Kelmaon-Emalghion-(stopping to refuel and tell Major about the Azdgari, finds out through them and goes into vionian space)-DSN-4743-Kraali
hired miranu party traveled from same location at 3 systems per RTD, Dewe-Orarn-garren, Timidor-Kitrak-Turfet, Zanat-Piriat-Smott, DSN-8619-DSN-9608-DSN-4044 (they are searching not going to a specific place so they missed outpost theta)
what I wrote:
"1-Send out 2 miranu scoutships to report back when they have found a race that we do not know about"
"3-Send a message to Apert and Raigar telling them to send out Azdara's outfitted with fuel scops to explore the galaxy"
I hope that clears things up
"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"- George Shrub