Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Universal Ascendancy—OOC Thread

      16 372 3464

      All non-plot related posts, AKA OOC posts, are to be made within this thread. This means disputes, rules, etc. More on this later, within this topic, of course. 😄


      All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
      —J. R. R. Tolkien
      (url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

    • Just how many Research Points or whatever does everybody have?


    • I saw the Jump Speed Chart kauthor posted on the webstory, how many jumps per RTD would a CW(Not Renegade) have?

      -Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
      -Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
      -Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

    • Webstory Rules-

      Zeroth Law: Use logic and reason at all times.

      0.1 There is to be absolutely NO use of OOC (Out Of Character) knowledge. (i.e., the Azdgari player posts that he's moving all his ships to his border, out of range of Igadzra or Zidagar sensors (more on sensor range in the next rule), and the other two strand players decide to move their ships to their borders because they saw that.) Doing anything in your posts that involves using information you obviously do not have IC (In Character) qualifies as using OOC knowledge. Using OOC knowledge is illegal. An example of this would be saying you know exactly what technologies your enemies are researching. There is no espionage of this power involved.

      0.2 Sensor range, from systems, is 2 hyperlinks (jump lines).

      1. No controllong another player's characters.

      2. Ship constructions and counts must be updated at least once a week.
      2a. Ship Construction Rate is done by the following: you take your initial fleet count (listed below), divide it all by 10, and that's what you make per RTD. Thus, your ship construction rate is 10% of your initial fleet value per RTD. Should you develop a new ship class, you must adjust this rate to accomodate this. Use logic to reason how you should fairly adjust your build rate.

      3. All researching and Technological Advance must be Approved by a Moderator.
      (Note: Technological Advance counts as any change in:
      A. Your fleet's Outfitting.
      Outfitting Project Initiated.
      Purpose- Remove rockets and launcher from all UE destroyers, and add 1 Hunter Launcher, and +30 Hunter Missiles.
      ETC(Estimated Time to Completion): 2 RTD's.(Real time days.)

      B. An upgrade to current weapon systems.
      Upgrade Project Initiated.
      Purpose- Increase the Rate of fire and the Range of standard Blaze weaponry.
      ETC: 3-6 RTD's. (Again, the more time you spend, the more effective the new design will be.)

      C. Development of completely new technology/weapon
      Research Project Initiated.
      Purpose- To design a weapon superior to the Blaze cannon in damaging armor, and lighter.
      ETC: 4+ days. (Yes, 4+, I've been in Webstories where a player took 20 days to develop a weapon. It was horrible for everyone else, but we couldn't complain, since he DID research it fairly...)

      3a. For any new weapon/outfit technology developed, Time must be spent seperately on Developing the Technology,and Outfitting it.
      3b. All research is to be measures in RTD's, Real Time Days. Effectiveness of a weapon or technology will be directly proportional to the number of days spent.
      3c. Time required will be proportional to the race's current technology level in related fields. ie- Azdgari could research a new maneuverability upgrade faster than the Emalgha could.
      3d. number of research projects allowed to run at a time:
      Miranu: 4 Projects (Military offensive projects will be incredibly slow with the Miranu.)
      Strands: 3 projects
      NT Renegades, Humans, Voinians.: 2 projects.
      Kayans: 1 Research, 1 Construction
      Human Renegades, Emalgha: 1 project

      4. Battles must be fair (To the proportional strength of ships AND the ship count, 200 UE fighters could obliterate the dreadnought.), and as specific as possible.
      4a. Ship numbers entering battle must be noted.
      4b. Time must be granted for the opponant to react.

      5. Standardized Space Travel will be averaged based on the Race's engine advancement.
      5a. Jump Speed Chart:

      4 Jumps per RTD: Azdgari, Zidigar.
      3 Jumps per RTD: Miranu, NT Renegades, Zachit, Igadzra Aradas, Kayans
      2 Jumps per RTD: UE, Human Renegades, Voinian Fighters
      1 Jump per RTD: Voinian Cruisers and Frigates, Emalgha

      Initial Fleet Counts:

      Alliance of Akrayhek
      5 Laziras
      25 (Renegade) Aradas
      40 Crescent Fighters

      South Tip Renegades*
      12 Crescent Warships
      15 Laziras
      35 Renegade Aradas
      60 Crescent Fighters

      North Tip Renegades*
      16 Crescent Warships
      25 Laziras
      45 Renegade Aradas
      80 Crecent Fighters

      200 Crescent Fighters (Militia)
      600 Miranu Couriers
      250 Heavy Freighters
      300 Freighters

      100 Zachit Aradas
      240 Zachit Fighters

      300 Zidaras
      200 Zidagar Fighters

      100 Azdgari Warships
      250 Azdaras
      250 Azdgari Aradas

      150 Igazras
      250 Igadzra Aradas

      30 Emalgha Warships
      50 Emalgha Fighters
      20 Emalgha Freighters

      100 Cruisers
      200 Frigates
      100 Heavy Fighters

      United Earth
      150 Destroyers
      50 Carriers
      300 Fighters

      *All ships are assumed to behave with the same level of strategy/prowess, except those of the Zachit (better) and renegades (worse whenever it involves organisation).

      On the note of the number of game days per RTD, here is my opinion, which can be debated here. It is only relevant for the above ship-movement/jump speed chart, as ship movement is the only time when game days are actually important. If your character is having a conversation with another player's and he doesn't post for 3 days, don't take that to mean that his character hasn't said anything for 9 days, 6 days, or 1000 days, because it doesn't matter in that case. The game day:RTD ratio is only necessary for movement and battleposts, and all the information is up there.

      REDchigh, I eliminated the point system. We'll use logic from here on out to have things be fair. And we'll always be watching to make sure nothing is ridiculous.


      All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
      —J. R. R. Tolkien
      (url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Solel (edited 03-30-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by Solel (edited 03-30-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by Solel (edited 04-07-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Solel:
      5a. Jump Speed Chart:

      4 Jumps per RTD: Azdgari, Zidigar.
      3 Jumps per RTD: Miranu, NT Renegades, Zachit, Igadzra Aradas, Kayans
      2 Jumps per RTD: UE, Human Renegades, Voinian Fighters
      1 Jump per RTD: Voinian Cruisers and Frigates, Emalgha


      Would that put my Cresent Warship at 3 jumps per RTD?

      -Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
      -Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
      -Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Solel:
      South Tip Renegades*
      12 Crescent Warships
      15 Laziras
      35 Renegade Aradas
      60 Crescent Fighters

      North Tip Renegades*
      16 Crescent Fighters
      25 Laziras
      45 Renegade Aradas
      80 Crecent Fighters


      You mean 16 crescent warships right? Are you designating where we can build our ships or can we build them on any planet.

      "Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
      Long live the Azdgari!

      "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"- George Shrub

    • Also, I'm assuming we're assuming every system has the equal amount of ships? Or do we need to create our own shipcounts?


    • (Begun: 3/30/03 End: 3/13/03)?
      How does that work. Posted in the other thread.
      Could someone dig up a map that we can view online? I know there are some that you can download but it would be nice to see one from multiple computers. Also were is the Ayack (I know sp) alliance? Does it comsume the independent planets in the south.

      "Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
      Long live the Azdgari!

      "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"- George Shrub

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Gordontron:
      **(Begun: 3/30/03 End: 3/13/03)?
      How does that work. Posted in the other thread.


      I think he meant (Begun: 3/30/03 End: 4/13/03)


    • I just posted, how long do you think getting a technology I already have should take? I copied down the Interceptor desc for that tech. As for the other I'd say a week should improve acceleration 10, top speed 5, and turn rate 12 degrees/second. So completion date will be the 5th of April.

      "Paranoia is Life"

    • There was a certain issue brought up in the Sign-up thread in response to research rule C. (development of a completely new technology/weapon) which I believe should be addressed:


      **The amount of time spent determining the quality is plausible, but it needs to be kept within reason. If you're going to make an upgrade to Blaze turrets that increases rate of fire and armor damage, explain how much you're increasing the rate of fire and damage, how you'll increase the rate of fire without overheating the ship, and how you'll increase the armor damage of a weapon that fires concentrated lasers.


      Also in direct reference to the aforementioned rule, I will repeat that because a certain webstory moderator did something stupid (more unfair than stupid, really) with the R&D; system does not mean that we should as well.

      In reference to rule 1, the main rule of all webstories, of course, I believe it would be fair if the player whose character another player is controlling for one or two post gives permission - a review of the post in question by the player whose permission is required would be good, probably via e-mail.

      Take a line from any Star Wars movie. Replace certain words with 'spank':
      "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Spank."
      "Queen Amidala is young and naive; you will find spanking her not too difficult." "And what of the Jedi?" "She should never have brought them into this. Spank them immediately."

    • Paranoid, the Dogover System is independent. Fleet Distribution for that system is Rejected.


    • Human Renegades Message from Voinian Empire is rejected. The voinian Empire don't know that they exist. And they are eight jumps away from the nearest Voinian Outpost. So the message to the human renegades is rejected.


    • Cloaking will have to, at the very least, be edited. As a moderator, you should know better than that.

      I know cloaking is in the game, but it's only ever equipped on one ship, and as a prototype. It will have to be restricted, and I reccomend that power to all weapons and shield systems must be directed to the cloaking device to power it. Then it will still be an extremely valuable asset, but not quite as unfair. Also, you do realize it will take at least... 10 RTD's to research, and since it's so intensive, several days to outfit.

      Sorry to moderate on a moderator, but it has to be done. Nothing personal, it's for the good of the story.

      "And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
      ~Diane Kinsman
      (little known philosopher, early 21st century)
      Proud Member of the (url="http://"")Webstory Developer's Commune(/url)

    • Well, I am learning anyway. You're correct, Redchigh.


    • I have editted my post. It reflects balance now.

      All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
      —J. R. R. Tolkien
      (url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

    • Quote

      **Time required will be proportional to the race's current technology level in related fields. ie- Azdgari could research a new maneuverability upgrade faster than the Emalgha could.


      I think that the advancedness (for lack of better term) and effectiveness of a weapon should also be proportional to the race's current technology level - the U.E.'s prototype cloak drained shields and fuel if I am not mistaken, but if the IMA (Igadzra) decided to research a cloaking device that would take 10 RTD's, it would be much more effecient (no shield and slower or no fuel drain) and probably cost less, correct? And the Kaiyans being not that far behind the Igadzra, I think that no shield and slow fuel drain would be acceptable, as long as the cloaked ship isn't able to fire weapons.

      Well, Jeebus! Revoking the Voinians' message to the Renegades just obliterated the main plot of my post. Now I have to make another one, damnit...

      Take a line from any Star Wars movie. Replace certain words with 'spank':
      "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Spank."
      "Queen Amidala is young and naive; you will find spanking her not too difficult." "And what of the Jedi?" "She should never have brought them into this. Spank them immediately."

      (This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 03-30-2003).)

    • I revoked your message after discussion with Redchigh about your post.


    • Please look at these
      Technology breakthroughs

      1. Zidagar Arada (ResEdit terms)
        Holds: 30
        Free Mass: 0
        Shields: (500) 50
        Armour: (100) 10
        Acceleration: 600
        Speed: 350
        Maneuver ? per sec: 360?
        Shield Recharge: (100)
        Phase Cannons:
        -Cannons: 5
        SAD (Seek And Destroy) Modules:
        -Launchers: 2
        --SADs: 20
        Cost: 1,250,000
        Misc: Interceptor/ SAD Carrier
        Production Time:
        Blue prints: 2 RTD's
        Prototype: 4 RTD's

      2. SAC (Seek and consume):
        Hull damage: 85
        Shield Damage: 5
        Speed: 650
        -Launcher: 30 tons
        --Module: 0.5 tons
        This weapon is designed for penetrating the shields and heading straight to the hull.
        The chance of penetrating the shields is: 1/4

      Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?

    • Two things; the happy first.

      Xenocide; your Arada plan for the time of 6 RTDs to be spent on it checks out. Go for it. You'll need to pick a timeframe for developing that SAC device...I would recommend about the same as for the Arada—Red can join in here too if he wants.

      Gordontron; you have 5 projects running. The Azdgari can have no more than 3 running at the same time. You'll need to scratch two of them, or postpone them.

      Also, your shield generator has to have some restrictions. If it's as powerful as the experimental generator, you'd be unbeatable. So, I think it should be balanced a little bit. 40 tons, but it is very close to the experimental generator level. This way, you can put it on your new ship class—which would have to be slightly slower than a Crescent Fighter—but there's no way you can get invincible Azdaras. Invincibility is no fun.

      Your cloak looks fine. Just make sure it's clear that you can't fire while it's up, and that it drains shields or something like that while it's on.

      Sorry to have to drive the nail home there.


      All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
      —J. R. R. Tolkien
      (url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)