Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Eve of Destruction

      14 317 4482

      If everyone's ready to go, we should start the webstory in this topic, and kepp the 'New Life' one for OOC.

      Here's the rules and stuff like that:

      Name: Eve Of Destruction

      Player List:
      United Earth: Beeblebrox
      Iothe: Zax
      Human Renegades: Zurg
      Voinian Empire: U.E. Admiral(subject to change)
      Emalgha: Thought Police
      North Tip Renegades: disco
      South Tip Renegades: Player Needed
      Strandless Renegades: Player needed
      Miranu: Solel
      Zachit: Kauthor
      Zidagar: Ultimate Rebel
      Azdgari: SilverDragon
      Igadzra: Grundy
      Council: Optional
      Private Captain(s): -REDCHIGH-
      Free Huron Fleet: Cyril
      Hinwar Liberation Fleet: Player Needed
      (Explaination: Cyril can take command of a small fleet of Civilian/Renegade ships with which to take Huron. As far as the Hinwar Liberation Fleet: Same as Free Huron but with Voinian ships and most likly a shorter life span.)
      Voinian: 450 Ships
      UE: 350 Ships
      Emalgha: 70 Ships
      Human Renegades: 50 Ships
      South Tip Renegades: 60 Ships
      Strandless Renegades: 35 Ships
      North Tip Renegades: 80 Ships
      Miranu: 500 Freighters
      Zachit: 60 Ships
      Zidagar: 400 Ships
      Azdgari: 600 Ships
      Igazra: 300 Ships
      300 Total-
      -100 Igazras
      -200 Igadzra Aradas
      400 Total-
      -300 Zidaras
      -100 Zidagar Fighters
      600 Total-
      -100 Azdgari Warships
      -225 Azdaras
      -275 Azdgari Aradas
      500 Total-
      -200 M. H. Freighters
      -300 M. Freighters
      60 Total-
      -25 Zachit Aradas
      -35 Zachit Fighters
      N. T. Renegades:
      80 Total-
      -20 Crescent Warships
      -15 Lazrias
      -30 Renegade Aradas
      -15 Crescent Fighters
      Strandless Renegades:
      35 Total-
      -5 Crescent Warships
      -20 Lazrias
      -7 Renegade Aradas
      -3 Crescent Fighters
      S. T. Renegades:
      60 Total-
      -10 Crescent Warships
      -30 Renegade Aradas
      -20 Crescent Fighters
      Human Renegades:
      50 Total-
      -20 Turncoats
      -25 Helians
      -5 Kraits
      Iothe Prime:
      30 Total-
      -5 Turncoats
      -15 Helians
      -10 Kraits
      70 Total-
      -25 Emalgha Warships
      -30 Emalgha Fighters
      -15 Emalgha Freighters
      United Earth:
      350 Total-
      -50 Carriers
      -150 Destroyers
      -75 UE Fighters
      -20 Freighters
      -30 Cargo Transporters
      -5 Scoutships
      -15 Shuttles
      Voinian Empire:
      450 Total-
      -100 Cruisers
      -200 Frigates
      -75 Heavy Fighters
      -50 Intercepters
      -25 Supply Ships
      Common sense to be used at all times.
      Real-time will be used for research/building.
      A maximum ship construction per day will be issued for each government.
      No single-post battles.
      All players are to be treated as if their crews are the same in every way(no "my crews are more experianced than yours so i can kill 8 destroyers at the loss of one ship" crap).
      Ship and Fleet movement restricted by fuel capacity alone.
      Effective Scanning Range is no more than 2 system radius(Unless upgraded).
      Players can overrule the moderater(s) provided they all agree.

      Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

      (This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 12-03-2002).)

    • OOC: I'm just gonna post who my character is and a small intro, since nobody else has really started anything

      Name: Myrx
      Rank: Squadron Commander of the "Predators"
      Strength: Excellent fighter pilot and good leadership
      Weakness: Headstrong, occasionally puts too much confidence in himself and crew, doesn't always think things through.

      Commander Myrx's squadron "predators" just came out of hyperspace from a routine patrol and entered the Zidagar homeplanet. They prepared to land, all were content thay saw no sign of Igadzra or Azdgari or Renegades. However, the thing all the others weren't worrying about was worrying somebody. Myrx had a bad feeling about seeing no sign of anything to pose a threat. He walked down the ramp of his Zidara feeling uneasy.
      "Anything to report, Commander?" asked the General coming into view from the control tower.
      "Nothing at all General," answered Myrx, "didn't see anything. Only Zidagar planetary defense and freighters. Didn't even see any North Tip."
      The experienced General could sense that Myrx didn't sound too happy.
      "Well then, what's bothering you? Everything's quiet," the General said.
      "That's just it. Our region is completely deserted of anything not Zidagar. It's all too quiet. I'm used to always having at least a small squirmish on these patrols. I think something may be wrong," fear was almost audible in his voice, "The only other time I can remember this happening was when the Azdgari attacked our eastern sector, the Igadzra attacked our southern, and the North Tip attacked the northern. Almost as if they all planned this out together. Luckily we managed to hold on to all of our systems, even though we did lose many ships."
      There was a small pause as the General thought all this through.
      "If you think something is wrong, I'll have the other systems on military standby, and make sure that the construction of more Zidaras continues. I'll have them be on the lookout for any enemy activity. I trust your judgement, as you have proven yourself in battle many times. You are one of the few who have reached a combat rating of Ultimate. You are dismissed. Now take your crew and go to your quarters," the General didn't think anything of this, but knew Myrx didn't worry like this over nothing. If it weren't for Myrx they would've lost a few outposts near Azdgari territory. An atack that nobody except for Myrx had thought would come. Myrx had been readying his squadron for that attack by adding some dispersal rockets to take out Azdaras. Myrx saluted smartly, rounded his crew together, and left for their barracks. He couldn't stop wondering what their enemies were planning, or had they simply backed off to raise their attack fleet? He finally fell into a restless sleep, haunted with memories of surprise attacks and ambushes. Many of those he barely got out of alive, though many of his friends and comrades weren't as lucky.

      OOC: Do you guys think that's good? I haven't been writing stuff like this since Flashpoint, so I've probably gotten a bit rusty. If you think I need to change something just let me know.
      (EDIT) If this is how SD stated in the OOC then by the next post I should have 30 zidaras and 10 fighters by my next post.
      original fighter count:
      300 Zidaras
      100 Zidagar fighters

      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
      -Ultimate Rebel

      (This message has been edited by Nobody(edited 11-29-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by Ultimate Rebel (edited 11-29-2002).)

    • Zurg sat at his desk at his HQ on Freeport preparing uprgrade plans for the Renegade fleet. His eyes snapped up as "Needle" Edwards stepped in acompanied by two guards brandishing a large array of viscious looking weapons. "Needle" leavind his bodyguard at door and strode across the room to stand in front of the desk. "You sent for me. What do you need?" he said. "I have choosen you to lead a deep strike into UE space. Here are some upgrade plans for your fleet included in them are upgrades to the fuel tanks," replied Zurg, "I will tell you the target system after the upgrades, which should be completed by tomorrow, are finished. You are dismissed." "Needle" turned and left. Zurg got up put on his long silver cloak and followed "Needle" out the door. As they walked Zurg said "I am leaving today so communicate with Proxima Presley in case of trouble." They reached a small docking bay which housed Zurg's decked out scoutship. "Where are you going?" asked "Needle". Zurg left him at the door without answering. Ten minutes later his scoutship blasted into outer space.

      Upgrade of Fuel Tanks: 1 real time day
      +2 jumps per ship
      10 ships to be upgraded

      Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one.

      • Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat
    • Disco sets out in his good old Lazira, the "U.S.S. Odyssey." He has decided to go exploring for other renegades, and possibly make an alliance.

      What Happens: Finds Freeport
      ETA: 1 (real time) day

      That wedge of cheese
      can't hurt anyone! So
      don't dread it - it even
      says not to

    • (deleted; Azdgari over to Vice Admiral Ipvicus)

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-30-2002).)

    • My character is Mindule. He is a normal Igadzra, but he is very smart and good with ships.

      (url="http://"")Here is a map. Ignore the pretty colors. This map is from Captain Carnotaurs site.(/url)

      (edit)Dear god Espy, what the heck did you just write? ;)(/edit)
      OOC:Sorry. I was thinking of something to post.
      Mindule sneered as he saw the newest addition to his fleet. With already 5 Igadzras and 20 Igadzra Aradas, he had said he didn't need anything else. But no, they had to add another Igadzra, just to be on the safe side.
      "If you make my fleet even more powerful, we will have nothing to defend our land from the invaders!"
      "I am sorry, captain. I just thought-"
      "Get out of my site, before I kill you on the spot. And you!" He pointed to a shipyard controller.
      "I want to increase ship production by at least 50%. I am planning a strick soon, so build as many Arada's as possible."
      "Yes sir." Mindule stalked off, in a terrible mood. Days earlier, his scouts had noted much more alien life to the west. He still hadn't gotten over it. He sighed, and walked to the turbolift. He went up to the Scouting Center and told then to send a scout group of 1 Igadzra and 10 Aradas to the west.

      I see undead people.
      Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-29-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-29-2002).)

    • OOC: Esponer will notice this is the same introduction I used in Shadows Dawning (Or close enought to it. The end of Ch.1 is now different. ).

      Character Name: Lelos Somm
      Rank: Miranu High Councilor
      Strengths: Lightning reflexes, exceptional leadership qualities, strong drive for research efforts: genius-level on the Galactic Intellect Standard
      Weaknesses: Does not like to lose, has difficulty adjusting research towards other ends, hatred of war.


      Saga of the Guild: Chapter 1

      Since time immemorable, sentient species had a hungry fascination for the stars. During such species' early development, mysticism and religion shed their glorious light on the cosmos. Spatial phenomena would be attributed to the supernatural forces wielded by the local deities, and supernovae would spawn tales about wars the gods waged. Nebulae and galaxies seen through the revealing lenses of telescopes brought more wonder to the populace. The stars in their full scintillating glory were a comforting constant to all who viewed them.

      Yet, amid such worship and awe, there was also a great yearning, as it were, to walk amongst the stars. To be with such beauty and idyllic splendor would truly be an achievement. Thus, the sentient races set out to advance into the space race. Those capable of contesting advanced rapidly in both technology and national identity, bringing a unified front of scientific intellect to the fore. A species' culture was often symbolized in the new stellar navies that started the race for power and the desire for empire grew strong. Ideology, not technology, began to bend the routes of these fleets to its own ends. Conquest, research, trade, isolation, or xenophobia took hold to guide the flow of history.

      As the great races moved inexorably outwards from their homeworlds, carving interstellar kingdoms as they went, the more primitive peoples of the outlying worlds became part of the empires. Some were welcomed as partners, others as mortal enemies. Others were exterminated, while still more were subjugated and enslaved. All were caught up in an enormous cyclone of change, a cyclone that seemed to have no escape. The forces of time drew lines on the galactic maps, and the great races obliged them by expanding. Contact and war would become inevitable. Resources would dwindle and run dry. Subject races would rise up against oppression. Time was always in motion; nothing ever remained static forever.

      All this passed through High Councillor Somm's talented Miranu mind as his courier approached the homeworld of Mira. He never ceased to admire the pristine beauty of the world. Pride filled him with a glowing sense of warmth as he thought of the utter lack of pollution on the planet. Mira was both the birthplace of the Miranu and the womb of the trade guilds that flourished and sprawled across the Miranu Star League. The far-flung trade outposts his people had scattered around the galaxy all had their roots below the purple cloud cover of Mira and its countless archipelagoes. Many of these interstellar marketplaces were divisions of the Miranu Trading Conglomerate, the economic organ that pumped the lifeblood of the Star League and funded many of the science community's major projects.

      Today one of these projects would be presented. The Station Pybin Steering Committee would lay down its goals to the Miranu High Council. The eudaimonic government of Mira helped to foster the scientific psyche of his people. Somm had little doubt regarding the approval of the project.

      His vessel landed in Docking Bay 83 of Miranu Guild Spaceport. The sleek violet courier was pulled in by tractor beams and secured by docking clamps. Spaceport personnel bustled about and made haste to complete the final procedures before the councillor disembarked. Dockworkers could be seen with laser welders, safety equipment, and the ubiquitous Miranu wallet and phase pistol. Through the transparent gem windows of the port other travellers could be seen hurrying about. A keen eye could pick out an abnormally large quantity of government officials. Senators and their retainers marched somberly through the spaceport's crystalline corridors, while high councillors and their armies of clerical staffers ambled towards the magnetotram terminals. Along the walls were commodity tickers, news broadcasts, and trade guild announcements. Policy changes could be viewed above the doors that lined the hallways. Information was a constant everywhere on Mira, and the spaceport was no exception.

      High Councillor Somm and his escort of petty officials and assistants finally were cleared to exit their spacing vessel. The high councillor's rank brought them through customs in record time, and a four standard minute voyage on the magnetotram brought him to the capitol of Mira, which held the same name as the planet it governed. He trekked the familiar walkways that led to the Grand Convocation Chamber, and emerged into the courtyard that spearheaded the building. Plantlife and fauna from across the Star League flourished here as a symbol of the eudaimonic cooperation the worlds shared. The building was of the finest Zarla stone, excavated from F-9012 and augmented by rich veins of ore mined on Zeldra. It stood thirty stories high, and housed the clockwork and machinery of the Miranu government. Its splendor was unmatched across the League.

      High Counillor Somm casually entered.

      "We thus conclude this project to be worth investigation. Your work is to be a collaborative effort with the Himgro plague-curers and our other intellects at Station Pybin. Begin work on the Nebula Penetration Device at once. The High Council will supply adequate funding."

      The speaker was Trademaster Corzun Dah, official leader of the free peoples of the Miranu Star League. He had started as a scientist at Station Pybin, where he had developed the widely-used pursuit missile weaponry, and had quickly risen through the upper echelons of the Miranu government. Somm thought highly of him for his achievements.

      "The chair recognizes the High Councillor from Priat."
      "Motion to move to agenda item nineteen."
      "All for Councillor Somm's proposal?"
      The green lights of approval flickered on. They were in the majority against the red lights of disagreement.
      "Motion approved. Agenda item nineteen. The Miranu People's Assembly has proposed contacting the Zidagar to offer the following proposal, presented here for our approval. The Assembly wishes us to open negotiations for Zidagar aid against the North Tip renegades. The Assembly believes such an alliance would greatly aid our Zachit comrades' successes."
      "Motion to table the proposal."
      "All for tabling the motion?"
      The green lights flickered on.
      "All against?"
      Red lights flashed as they activated.
      "The motion has been defeated."
      "Motion to approve the Assembly's proposition."
      "All for?" The majority of green lights lit up in agreement.
      "The motion is approved. We shall dispatch negotiators at once to contact the Zidagar and sue for aid against the North Tip renegade threat to further safeguard our mutual trade agreements. Today's session of the Miranu High Council is adjourned."


      Constructed/Built/Completed: 20 M. Heavy Freighters, 30 M. Freighters

      Research begun: Singularity Warp Shielding
      Project Initiated: Miranu Carrier design ( refitted M. H. Freighter chassis with carried fighters ) (Begun: 11/29/02) (End: 12/6/02)


      OOC: As I do not know the exact specifications we have placed on research rules and project time lengths, as well as restrictions on what can be researched (or is imagination the limit?) the above numbers for the Carrier are estimates with little information. If someone could clarify this for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

      Cogito Ergo Cogito
      United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

      (This message has been edited by Solel (edited 11-29-2002).)

    • As Kirk Z. went through the hall of Outpost Zachit, he was in deep thought about the last several years. There were many renegade incursions, and it is starting to worry him that they might go for Outpost Zachit, once and for all. He leans over to his intercom and tell his chief of staff to gather the scientists for a top-secret meeting.


    • Name : Zax
      Rank : Blork

      Fleet : 5 turncoats
      10 helians
      15 craits

      Funds : don't have a clue, damn bank is closed (hint)

      Planetary Defence fleet : 4 turncoats
      10 helians
      14 craits

      Away team : 1 krait 😄

      My ship : Turncoat, with 3 blaze turrets, needle missiles and a bunch of rockets.

      Zax sits in the pilot seat of his brand shiny new Turncoat, and orders 5 freighters to be built once his banker has sorted things out, and asks Beeblebrox whether he'd like to make a trade agreement. Lieutenant <insert name> arrives

      Lieutenant : Sir?
      Zax : Ask the local militia whether they'd like to form a military alliance, and order a freight courier, I hate there ****ing Turncoats.

      (url="http://"")Snow White was recently expelled from Disneyland following alegations that she sat on Pinocchio's face and shouted 'Lie bastard lie'(/url)
      (url="http://"")Solar Knowledge(/url)|(url="http://"")Solar Quiz(/url)|(url="http://"")Image Gallery(/url)|(url="http://"")Fribbles!(/url)|(url="http://"")Blorktronics Software Inc.(/url)|
      (This Message has been edited by a garden troll)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Solel:
      The Miranu People's Assembly has proposed contacting the Zidagar to offer the following proposal, presented here for our approval. The Assembly wishes us to open negotiations for Zidagar aid against the North Tip renegades. The Assembly believes such an alliance would greatly aid our Zachit comrades' successes."
      "Motion to table the proposal."
      "All for tabling the motion?"
      The green lights flickered on.
      "All against?"
      Red lights flashed as they activated.
      "The motion has been defeated."
      "Motion to approve the Assembly's proposition."
      "All for?" The majority of green lights lit up in agreement.
      "The motion is approved. We shall dispatch negotiators at once to contact the Zidagar and sue for aid against the North Tip renegade threat to further safeguard our mutual trade agreements. Today's session of the Miranu High Council is adjourned."


      OOC:Wait. So what just happened there, I don't quite understand?
      IC: Myrx was delighted as they added 30zidaras and 10fighters to the list of warships. They now had 330zidaras and 110fighters. He had all but five of the zidaras and two fighters disperse to outposts nearest to the enemy stations. He added the remaining to his squadron. He now had 12 zidaras and 7 fighters under his command. Murx sat back in his chair. He was in his small office in the barracks. He remembered research of stronger phase cannons. He pressed a button on his phone,
      "Have the research scientist of the phase cannons come in for a report."
      Myrx waited about 12minutes when he heard a knock on the door.
      "Come in," he answered.
      The scientist was a small man, who had the look of bad news.
      "Report. How goes the research? We really need that upgrade," Myrx when on to tell of the importance of stronger phasse cannons.
      "Well," stammered the scientist meekly, "so far we are in the testing a couple variations believed to add a considerable amount of damage. One of them was too powerful for the fusion matrix, and overpowered. It then went to extreme heat and exploded, destroying much nearby equiptment. The explosion could have almost taken out a zidara, if one were carrying it."
      This interested Myrx greatly, "Could we possibly turn this into a missile? This would help greatly against the igazras."
      The scientist thought about this for a while before answering, "We could, but it would take us awhile to create the prototype. Then another great while to mass produce the weapon-" Myrx cut him short, "Good. I want this to be the top priority of research. Continue the phase cannon, but don't spend much time on it. I know it would slow both, but when we do get it it would be like a child getting to great presents at once."
      Myrx smiled as the scientist left. Then he heard his pone ringing and answered it, "Yes, Myrx here. What? The Miranu? They want a word with me? Well, take them to the conference room. I don't care who reserved it! If it's important then I must speak with them. The Miranu don't just come in for nothing. Tell them I will be there shortly." With that Myrx hung up, and straightened him uniform. He walked up to the conference room to find a few Miranu diplomats there.
      "Good day to you. I am Commander Myrx. You wanted a word?"
      OOC: I can't continue, since I didn't fully understand Solel's post.
      How's this for research:
      New missile research done in ten posts (more research would need to be done after this to produce more)
      Stronger phase cannon done in forteen posts (it's not top priority, but shouldn't take as long to upgrade original phase cannons.)
      Tell me if something doesn't sound right.

      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
      -Ultimate Rebel

    • OOC: Grunadulator and Disco, could you please elaborate on your posts just a little, so they are a bit longer?

      Name: Zaphod Beeblebrox
      Rank: High-Commander General of the United Earth
      Personality: Zaphod Beeblebrox is a young, charismatic person, who climbed up the ranks of the UE through expert leadership and fighter piloting. He is a little too sure of himself though, and very arrogant.

      The Chronicles of Beeblebrox

      Zaphod Beeblebrox sat at his desk, in the United Earth Regional Headquarters in Tokyo, waiting for the Escort fleet to arrive, so that he could travel to the Pax system, for more negotiations with the bastard Voinians.
      His dreams of the destruction of the Voinians were broken by a loud knock on the door.
      "Come in General" he shouted, too tired to open the door himself.
      General Gygax came and sat down in front of Beeblebrox's desk.
      "What is it General? I'm very tired." said Beeblebrox, in his usual, irritating tone of voice.
      "Well...Sir, our scouts have seen unidentifiable ships to the north of the UE fringe. We believe they may be more aliens."
      Beeblebrox activated his galactic map.
      "In which system were they sighted" he asked, now slightly interested in what was going on.
      "Well, the fighter pilots reported them here" the General said, pointing to the DSN-9608 system on the map.
      "What! That's UE territory!" exclaimed Beeblebrox loudly.
      "I know. But they definately weren't hostile." said the General.
      "But what if they become hostile?" asked Beeblebrox.
      "Then we destroy them. But the ships looked weak, like they were just designed for trade." answered the General.
      "Thank you General, you may leave now." said Beeblebrox.
      The General flinched, hating Beeblebrox's arrogance, but left the rrom anyway, since he had more important things to do.
      Beeblebrox pressed the comm-link button on his computer.
      "Secretary, cancel my trip to Pax. Organise a fleet to head North.

      Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

      (This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 11-30-2002).)

    • Disco's only other crew member, a highly arrogant and overreacting fiend in Disco opinion named Bellerophon suddenly shouts, "Disco! I just had an idea! If we build a fleet of 30 Aradas, and 25 Crescent Fighters, we could launch an attack on the fools known as the 'Zachit!'"
      "Yes, yes, yes, my friend, you always seem to have "great" ideas like that." replies Disco.
      However... He thinks. Suddenly, he sends a subspace message to one of his commanders, Dash Riprock.

      *MESSAGE TO NTRS (North Tip Renegade Shipyards)

      CHANNEL SECURITY: 9 (scale of 1-10)

      Dash, I need you to start working on building and capturing a fleet of 20 Aradas, and 25 Crescent Fighters. Try to capture as many Aradas as you can because we could use some of the food, metal, and equipment from them to assist your men for building ships and to help equalize the ration level. If you find luxury goods or industrial goods or any crap like that, either ignore it or dump it.


      Building Fleet of 20 Aradas and 25 Crescent Fighters
      3 Days

      That wedge of cheese
      can't hurt anyone! So
      don't dread it - it even
      says not to

    • Message********
      To: Vonian Communications on Obron Outpost
      From: Human Renegades

      We wish to create an alliance or at least a treaty to defeat United Earth. Very soon we will have some valuable technology which made turn the tides of war. However we will need a supply of ships and building materials. In exchange we will provide soldiers to fight for your glorious cause. If you wish to make such an agreement we will send an ambassador to a meeting place of your choice.
      Death to United Earth!
      Two guards escorted Disco from his ship down a winding hall lined with security devices finally stoping at a dim room lined with worn couches. A small battered droid tottered into the room. "I am 2D55. Zurg is not here, he left not long before you came. No telling when he will be back. You may talk to Proxima Presely, temporary Commander and Cheif of the Renegades but I would suggest waiting for Zurg's return."

      Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one.

      • Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat
    • Quote

      Originally posted by Zurg:
      To: Vonian Communications on Obron Outpost
      From: Human Renegades

      We wish to create an alliance or at least a treaty to defeat United Earth. Very soon we will have some valuable technology which made turn the tides of war. However we will need a supply of ships and building materials. In exchange we will provide soldiers to fight for your glorious cause. If you wish to make such an agreement we will send an ambassador to a meeting place of your choice.
      Death to United Earth!
      Two guards escorted Disco from his ship down a winding hall lined with security devices finally stoping at a dim room lined with worn couches. A small battered droid tottered into the room. "I am 2D55. Zurg is not here, he left not long before you came. No telling when he will be back. You may talk to Proxima Presely, temporary Commander and Cheif of the Renegades but I would suggest waiting for Zurg's return."


      /Me waits for Zurg.

      That wedge of cheese
      can't hurt anyone! So
      don't dread it - it even
      says not to

    • Saga of the Guild: Chapter 2

      Zidagar Space

      "At last, the honorable Commander Myrx," greeted the ranking Miranu in the conference room. "I am High Councilor Lelos Somm, representative of the Miranu Star League and envoy of the Free Peoples of Mira. I personally govern the Research Directorate of the Priat system and Station Pybin. Trademaster Corzun Dah has authorized me to negotiate a military research alliance."

      Commander Myrx opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again. While the Zidagar gaped at the Miranu, High Councilor Somm smoothed matters over by further explaining the Miranu position.

      "You see Commander, the Miranu have deemed the North Tip renegades a thorn in the side our species would be better without. Our Zachit allies do their job well, and have long held this menace at bay while we have conducted our research and trade. Remembering our species' long history of mutual cooperation, trade, and prosperity, we would ask if the Zidagar are willing to help us neutralize this threat once and for all."

      "And what do you offer us?" inquired Myrx.

      "Research aid, if you so desire it. The science community of Priat is of no small reknown, and you could profit immensely from some of our elite minds' aid," suggested Lelos Somm casually. "Or we could refit your fleet with weaponry, such as pursuit missile magazines. A faster reactor to fuel your phased beam weaponry? Do not underestimate our research capabilities, and we are most eager to remove the Renegade nuisance."

      "I will consider this alliance, and will answer you shortly," promised Myrx.

      OOC: I hope this clears up my earlier post, Ultimate Rebel.

      Cogito Ergo Cogito
      United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

    • (quote)Originally posted by disco:
      /Me waits for Zurg.

      2D55 returned to the lounge. "Zurg may not return for another week, I will give you a room to stay in until he arrives. You will be able to leave and return whenever you want and also unlimited saalian brandy will be available at all times." The droid wabbled off down the hall followed by Disco.

      Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one.

      • Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat
    • Disco sets off again from Freeport wondering how far Dash is on the fleet. He jumps back to the North Tip Renegades HQ, walks to the section labeled, "NTRS," and finds Dash. "Did you get my message?" he askes. Dash replies, "Yes, and we've already got 3 Aradas, and 5 Crescent Fighters." Then he adds, "Whats wrong Disco? You look troubled." "Well, I went to Freeport Station - A 'Human' renegade station - hoping for an alliance. You see with only 80 ships, any one of the Strands, the Zachit, or the Miranu could crush us. Anyway, the owner they call 'Zurg' is currently gone. Something about negotiating with another spiecies of alien. So they left me hanging under a lot of pressure and stress. I fear they will not only reject our alliance, but destroy us as well." replies Disco. "Anyway, keep working on that fleet. It may be our only hope of survival..."

      OOC: Who thinks that last part was soooooooooo cheesy?

      That wedge of cheese
      can't hurt anyone! So
      don't dread it - it even
      says not to

      (This message has been edited by disco (edited 11-29-2002).)

    • The Chronicles of Beeblebrox

      After making many jumps and two fuel stops, the Escort Fleet, led by Beeblebrox, enter the Miranu home system.
      Beeblebrox is amazed to see all the enormous, alien vessels flying around the system. He also sees ships from many other governments.
      He goes into orbit around the planet, waiting for a response from someone of significance.

      Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!
      See Microsoft's 'Switch' Campaign; just goto (url="http://"")here(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 11-30-2002).)

    • Saga of the Guild: Chapter 3


      “This meeting of the Miranu High Council is now in session,” said the resonant voice of Trademaster Corzun Dah. The trademaster was in rare form. The Orbital Array had reported several contacts broadcasting identification signatures of United Earth forces. Trademaster Dah had no intention of ignoring Humanity, having participated in his youth in the exploration of the Sol system under the dictates of the Grand Surveying. The population was ever eager to befriend new peoples. Corzun Dah considered it a matter of personal honor to fulfill that expectation.

      “The chair recognizes High Councilor Imir of Blaga.”

      Councilor Imir had recently been chosen by the people of Blaga to represent their influential trading guilds. She was a young Miranu for her position; even younger than Corzun Dah had been when he had been a high councilor. Due to the fact that the Miranu Trading Conglomerate had its headquarters on Blaga, High Councilor Imir had a great deal of inherent power. She stood as she began presenting her proposal.

      “Members of the Miranu High Council, the Trading Directorate of Blaga has found information that should be brought to your immediate attention. Our analysts suggest there is a high potential for profit with the UE,” began Imir as she activated a hologram of the galaxy. Imir highlighted the vast realm of space known to Miranu traders as the Neutral Zone; She then further selected the region within the Zone to signify United Earth Space. “The people of United Earth could be a vast market for our products, and would no doubt come to understand the wealth our mutual trade agreements could trigger.”
      Shamon Zin of Leiton was listening intently, no doubt eager to hawk his planet’s souvenirs to this new potential trading partner. Seran Novan, High Councilor of New Mira, had an unreadable expression veiling his face. The same was true for Neve Somm, Lelos Somm’s representative while on his mission to Zidagar, noted Imir. She had hoped the Priati councilor would bring the support of Station Pybin for her proposal. High Councilor Imir began her sales pitch.

      “There is another region nearby that we should not ignore. I suggest that the Miranu High Council entertain and sanction the idea of exploring the Ji Nebula for more resources. If we can negate the sensor interference that plagues the region, perhaps we can bring more prestige to the Miranu Star League. As soon as the Nebula Penetration Device is completed, we should look into this venture as well as opening trade negotiations with the humans and United Earth space.”

      “The Research Directorate of Station Pybin will sanction the NPD project, High Councilor Imir,” promised Neve Somm. “However, I suggest the High Council establish contact with the UE in orbit before we discuss the details regarding the Nebula Penetration Device.”

      “Wise counsel,” applauded Trademaster Corzun Dah. “Very well. I will dispatch a communication immediately to the United Earth fleet. The High Council shall stand as witness to this historic contact,” added the trademaster.

      “Citizens of the UE,” he began, “welcome to the Miranu Star League. If you wish to open negotiations with our peaceful race of traders and researchers, respond.”

      The High Council eagerly awaited the United Earth answer.

      Cogito Ergo Cogito
      United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

    • OOC: Thank you Solel, that clarified your earlier post for me.

      IC: "I see what you mean about the renegades," answered Myrx. His voice empty, as he was busy thinking on the matter of an alliance. He thought for a few minutes on the subject, realizing Lelos sitting there, waiting for an answer.
      "Might I interest you in some refreshments?" Myrx trying to be a polite host. He flipped a switch on the desk and had a droid come in with a tray of food and beverages.
      "I will," Myrx started, finally coming to a conclusion, "personally escort you back to Miranu space, and aid you and the Zachit with the North Tip Renegades. We also just added a pretty decent amount of new warships to our fleet. As for research, we have been looking into strengthening our phased beam cannons. Also, we stumbled onto what may be a very powerful bomb or missile when one team added a tremendous amount of power. This could also aid in the offense against the renegades."
      Lelos had been listening to all this, not thinking that this alliance would be accepted so easily or quickly. He then thinks that his offer of research help had triggered it, since the Zidagar had been researching more powerful weapons.
      "Well," started Lelos.....

      You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
      -Ultimate Rebel