Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Blue Mushroom Pub

      I'm going against my common sense by posting this, but hey, if you want to simply chat with other PoGgers (what do you call yourselves, anyway?), post something completely random, make up a story, act as if you were in a pub in Garendall, or just raise your post count, this is the place to be. Have fun!

      After Rawzer had cleaned off the bar, checked the cash register, and gone over everything else he could think of, he turned around the little sign from Closed to Open. The newly, permanently rebuilt town of Dernath now had a pub. And a good one, at that. Not only was there a bar with most drinks brewed by Mankind, Dwarves, and Elves; there was also a small restaurant, and some rooms for rent.

      Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
      -Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
      The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

    • I walk in and everybody(Rawzer and whatever patrons from Dernath are there) looks at me, not knowing my name and expecting me to declare it. I walk to the bar, order a blue mushroom, and realize that they want my name. Uhhh..problem heh, I don't know it either. After a moment everyone goes back to their drinks and quits staring at the mysterious adventurer.

      OOC: Rawzer, maybe you could make a plugin with the Blue Mushroom Pub in it. That'd be kinda cool πŸ™‚


      Who is John Galt?
      "I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)

    • Maybe I don't have Coldstone... πŸ˜‰

      Rawzer, in order to bring more patrons, offers a "First Drink Free" special.

      Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
      -Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
      The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

    • I walk into the bar, grab the first drink free (a Dackery, always did love them) and sit down at the bar to impart the benefits of Coldstone to Rawzer, and that you can also get a demo that lasts for 30 days with almost full functionality.

      OOC: you should make the plugin. By the way, this is a modern bar, right? So we can talk about CS, or whatever?

      (url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

    • Rawzer installs a pool table and a QuickDraw Lotto moniter. Yeah, modern enough. Rawzer then enqiures about the user friendlyness of Coldstone and the resources available and required by the user.

      "What's up with Coldstone?"

      Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
      -Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
      The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

    • I get bored of my drink and go over to shoot some pool. My first hit knocks three balls out, one hitting the Lotto moniter....oops I always did have bad luck. I slink back to my seat, hoping no one noticed...


      OOC I was just thinking it was an idea Rawzer, or a suggestion to any aspiring plugin developers πŸ˜‰

      Who is John Galt?
      "I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)

    • I continue to explain Coldstone. It is really user friendly, and easy to use, once you get the hang of it. I then play ait of pool, but becoming quickly bored, return to the bar to continue explaining Coldstone. I'd say that with a look at the manual and the tutorial, you can get the hang of it easily enough.

      OOC: If you don't make the plugin, I definetly will consider it.

      (url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

    • pp stumbles into the bar for the free drink and is about to leave when he sees Rawzer behind the bar. "But weren't you at the Boozaramma just a sec a-..." Ah well. pp shrugs and decides to stay a bit to see what happens.

      "I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

    • I call over to PP "Hey, did you find a name anywhere between Fantrima and Gidolan Keep? I think I lost mine somewhere in that area. D'you think a Sea Ginat took it maybe?"


      Who is John Galt?
      "I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)

    • Rawzer offers 50 gold to anyone who can repair the Lotto moniter. Rawzer then offers 100 gold to anyone to can destroy it in an even more original way than the first time. He goes on to add a pinball machine and an electric bull to the empty corner of the bar.

      Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
      -Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
      The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

    • I call a repair man to repair the lotto machine for 10 bucks, then collect the 50. As I walk skeptically over to the lotto machine, I am shoved from behind spilling my drink all over the lotto machine. It seems to still be working, though, so I take a quarter (or what seems to be a quarter) out of my pocket and put it in. However, it was not a quarter, but a one dollar coin, and the machine only allow quarters. The machine is now effectively jammed and all I have to do is wait. Along comes another customer who gets angry when his money won't come out and kicks the lotto machine, destroying it. I add 100 more dollars to the days profits, $20 of which I spend on the pinball machine.

      OOC: EDIT: added more color to the story

      (url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

      (This message has been edited by CI-Ia0s (edited 02-08-2003).)

    • Such as plug-in would be extremely entertaining; if I weren't constantly wringing out my creative juices with TFM, I'd offer to make it myself. As it is, it sounds like an excellent project for the whole PoG community. A regulated open-source model would be extremely fun and benefit such a plug-in, I think. Heck; during my occasional bursts of boredom, instead of playing Jedi Knight II, I'll fool around with a pub plug-in instead.

      Great idea, guys. Thanks for making it public so I could steal it. πŸ˜‰

      "When angry, count ten. When very angry, swear!" Β—Mark Twain
      (url="http://"")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall. | (url="http://"")TFM FAQ(/url) | (url="http://"")TFM Progress Log(/url)
      Β— Cafalll, the only permanent employee of (url="http://"")Wolven Studios(/url).

    • How would you make it? A building that you can wlk into like the crypt in the ghost swamp? With all the PoG board members there? Hey, we could have the player do missions for each of us! I could write those...

      Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
      -Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
      The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

    • Something like that. You're already the barkeep, Rawzer... πŸ™‚

      "When angry, count ten. When very angry, swear!" Β—Mark Twain
      (url="http://"")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall. | (url="http://"")TFM FAQ(/url) | (url="http://"")TFM Progress Log(/url)
      Β— Cafalll, the only permanent employee of (url="http://"")Wolven Studios(/url).

    • As I walk in, I notice several people drinking substances not fit for a goblin, so I quickly lay down my gold pieces and ask for a habuna/fennellys stout. The pub goes quiet as soon I refuse the free drink, "Uh, I got a trick stomach, it don't take kindly to Dackerys," I say. There's a pause, and then everyone laughs.
      "Who ever heard of a stomach that doesn't take kindly to Dackerys?" shouts a shadowed figure in the corner.
      "Some call me Ted, and who might you be?"

    • Ted the Unregistered, "Very nice to meet you," says pp as he stands up to shake Ted's (The Unregistered) hand. pp than begins to sell Dr. Pepper at 5 gold a can.

      Edit: Yeah, I'm ripping you all off, so what?

      "I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

      (This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 02-09-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Cafalll:
      **Something like that. You're already the barkeep, Rawzer...:)


      Yeah, so? I'd have the most important mission to give! πŸ™‚

      "Bring me a book from the Learning Tree, traveler, called '273 Ways to Skin a Cat, Volume 3.'"

      Or... something...

      Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
      -Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
      The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

    • Well, so far you only sell a couple of drinks and a hot meal (aka, stamina replenishment). Go ahead and suggest other stuff, and I'll add it in ? heck, I'm open to suggestions about exactly what some of these alcoholic beverages do to you...

      "When angry, count ten. When very angry, swear!"?Mark Twain
      (url="http://"")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall. | (url="http://"")TFM FAQ(/url) | (url="http://"")TFM Progress Log(/url)
      ? Cafalll, the only permanent employee of (url="http://"")Wolven Studios(/url).

    • Could some drinks temporarily reduce speed, dexterity, etc.? But what would the benefit be? I suppose stamina, but there should be something else. I actually don't really want it to be a shop so much as a meeting place.

      Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
      -Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
      The Aftermath will soon be upon you. Be warned.

    • I look at pp and Ted realize that they look like Picassos. Must be the Mushroom...In my 'shroom induced hallucinations, I think the newly repaired lotto mcine looks like a big chocolate cake and try to eat it...first shck from the monitor puts me off that delusion though. Still looking for my name though :frown:

      OOC:I love the way this has half turned into a plug making discussion πŸ™‚ I think I'd need to send someone to look for my name near Gidolan Keep, kill a sea giant to get it πŸ˜‰ I'd also pay well for blue mushrooms...Rawz could sell them for ohhh, 30,000 GP or something πŸ™‚ As for benefits of drink, um, temporarily increase strength or speed, but greatly decrease dexterity? You'd be full of bravado, but be unable to hit anything πŸ™‚


      Who is John Galt?
      "I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)

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