Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Panther fix for Pillars

      How's it coming?

      Okay, maybe this might seem random, but...
      I was wondering about when is it likly that pillars will be playable on 10.3 and up.

      Also, does anyone know if you can boot an eMac on system 9.2.whatever? I want to do so to mine so I can play POG on it! 🙂

    • Try clicking once on the PoG Application, selecting "Get Info" (Command-I or via the File Menu) then checking the "Open in Classic Environment" box.

      Lit Nerd

    • As far as when, the latest information was posted on the Coldstone forum refering back to an answer given on the Help on the Way forum. You can read it here.

    • I read somewhere that ambrosia will start work on PoG when they finish Wiretap Pro. Is this true? Will there be a PoG update progress log when Wiretap Pro is finished? I sure hope it's soon. I don't even have panther and I can play the game just fine, unfortunately I can't buy it because of the panther problems, and it doesn't seem like anything I can say will change that seemingly strange fact. I was also wondering if anyone knows if there are specific news lists I could sign up my email for, so for example I would get any news about PoG sent to my email. Any help or information would be very appreciated, considering that "latest information" made me ask more question than it gave me answers. (thanks anyway Rubber Ducky).

    • It has been said in several places that work on Coldstone/PoG will be forthcoming after Wiretap Pro is finished. I am skeptical about any PoG update progress log. Ambrosia staff seems reluctant to provide any information prior to completion of the task. I did learn that the intern who was hired last January for this project was not up to the complexities of the job and is no longer with AmbrosiaSW. It is all now in the hands of Dominic whenever Andrew will let him start working on it. I do wish I could be more helpful than that.

    • Any and all help is appreciated. It will be wonderful to see the rejoicing in the (web board) streets when this is all taken care of, and I hope than when it is staightened out the Canadian dollar is still high, or even higher, so that the cost is as low as possible for me. Actually this just goes to show how things can turn out for good. If I had been able to buy PoG when I first wanted to it would have cost me almost $40 Canadian, now it's almost down to $30 (in both cases I exagerated by $1.50 or so, but that's not the point). Heh, once the PoG fix is reportedly under way topics about the fix will be a lot more lively than this one.