Hi chewy, I think I've got you're answers!
1. The spellbook can be opened by pressing 'c'. You should see the list of spells and necessary ingredients then.
2. You'll find out later, but for now, if they hurt you, maybe you shouldn't eat them 
3. Well, the name suggests that it's near Berglum, and upper you should be able to figure out (though it doesn't just mean above :))
4. Well, polish your boots of course! What else would you do with it?
5. When you need to find the other parts you'll be given clues. Or you could just go poking in the bushes right now, but that would take a really long time.
Don't worry about the stupidity of questions, we've all asked a few of those. We're pretty easy-going here.
PS-If you're using World of Chaos, you need Spells Expander installed too, just in case you didn't know.
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