MOD: All battle posts in Avann except for the first one that UE Admiral posted are revoked. Next time, please wait a little longer for me to respond.
Avann System
Though they had lossed three starcruisers to the Coalition fleet, all three of the supercruisers had rammed the station before blowing up, wiping out what was left of its shield grid and badly damaging its armor.
Finally, under heavy weapons fire, the station began to implode. The Acarra jumped out instantly for an unknown destination, and the Coalition fleet tried to escape as well, but before they could the station exploded violently, sending flaming debris into the Coalition fleet and destroying several of their ships and damaging several others.
Romit System
The Acarra fleet, being much faster than the Coalition in hyperspace, now slipstreamed into the Romit system and also headed straight for the station. Moving into position and pummeling it with all they had, another of the starcruisers was severely weakened by enemy weapons fire, and thus began a slow ram of the station.
Blasting through the shield grid, the starcruiser slowly crashed into the Voinian battlestation, and actually began to push it towards the planet. It was too weak, however, and exploded, causing heavy damage to the station and pushing it more towards the planet.
The Acarra tried the tactic again, but this time with a much more healthy starcruiser, which was able to push the station quite a distance with its huge engines before exploding.
The Acarra then pushed several asteroids into it (using their form of tractor beams), which finally did the trick; the station was pushed too far into the planets gravity and began a slow descent into the atmosphere.
The station finally detonated as it crashed to the ground, incinerating everything within a 1,000 kilometer radius and causing severe damage to the atmosphere and spreading huge amounts of fires. The Acarra then began a quick bombardment of the planet, wiping out what was left of the colony. This was quickened by the fact that one Wolf was hit badly and fell to the ground, exploding so tremendously that it wiped out several cities.
Finally, leaving behind the devastated colony after loosing 4 of their starcruisers, the Acarra slipstreamed out. They then hid in Krraali, before breifly jumping into Emalghion, and then back out towards Kelmoan, where they would now stay and hope that the Coalition tried to chase them.
Dirach System
Sneaking in from where the Azdgari thought none could come, Lythrawn now lead his forces. A fleet of 130 warships jumped into the Dirach system and opened fire with all they had, pretty much obliterating the first and second defense fleet waves, then moving in to deal with the rest of the fleet.
Plowing through enemy resistence, the huge Apollyon lead the charge, its impenetrable shield matrix impervioust to all enemy fire. The swarms of enforcer frigates and wolf starcruisers simply overwhelmed the enemy, and immediately dozens of legion troop transports, each carrying about 1,500 soldiers, began landing on the surface. One of the prisoners taken was Fleet Admiral Yakuza, though none knew this; Yakuza had pretty much disappeared and was hiding on Dirach in a forced vacation (he thought he was going mad). And so, the Acarra captured the Azdgari's greatest threat to the Acarra, and they didn't know it.
However, as the last of the defense fleet was chased down, Lythrawn was confident that the Azdgari would soon send a backup fleet to try and retake Dirach...
OOC: Please don't look into Yakuza's disappearance, Red. I'll make sure you learn about him soon enough. It has to do with something I'm planning. 
Acarra Frontier
With attacks from the Dark slowing, the Acarra frontier in the known section of the milky way were gearing up for a major push. Ships were being assembled and shipyards were working as fast as they could. Ships were being poured out from captured or newly built shipyards, and were mostly produced not by the Acarra, but by slaves. Millions of them, working endless like zombies. The Acarra had a lot of workers, yes, but not enough to build very many ships. So, in conquered territories, they used slaves (though in their own space, there were plenty of civillians and workers do make ships, there just isn't much on conquered worlds).
Acarra R &D;
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