Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Wave of Destruction - Ch. 11-15

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      Created by Redchigh

      (url="http://"")Story Map(/url)
      (url="http://"")WoD Website(/url)
      (url="http://"")Wave of Destruction, Chapters 4-7(/url)
      (url="http://"")Wave of Destruction, Chapters 8-10(/url)


      The Acarra Empire, a race of powerful conquerers, has invaded the Milky Way with their hoards of warships, and nothing has yet to stop them.

      Qerid, Huron, Kelmoan, and Hrekka have already fallen to their wrath. As they continue to march on the offensive, the galaxy is in chaos, with government leaders racing to find a way to stop them before it's all too late.

      The Confederacy has taken especially bad losses, and while the Coalition tries again and again to retake huron, the generals of the Acarra, led by Supreme Imperator Carnotaur and the Covenant, seem invincible.

      Meanwhile, Mamajama continues research on a group of captured slugs, to try and find out what makes them tick, and if this second dark threat can be stopped.

      The Wave of Destruction has come.


      Okay guys, post away! 🙂

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Qerid System

      With the Zidagar gone after loosing well over twenty or more warships, the Acarra quickly began preparing for another possibly strike, as well as constructing a second battlestation to aid in defense. The Menthu-Ra returned to it's base, leaving Lythrawn and his formidable force of 120 warships to defend the system.


      DSN-2131 System

      The primary section of the battlestation was completed, allowing ships to dock with it and be serviced. Work would continue for a long while to come, but soon it would be fully completed, making the system very hard to attack.


      Dewe System

      The Adaah Emitters had little effect on the Acarra, only minorly affecting their shields and engines. The Acarra scattered and began to swarm each individual Miranu ship, taking them down one by one. Through it all, the huge Command Ship Quezacotl plowed through the Miranu ranks, incinerating ships in an instant.

      Suddenly it and a small group of escorts headed towards the actual planet, smashing through the blockade of Miranu ships easily, causing it to crumble, and melt, under huge amounts of psi fire.

      As Kalej lances ripped through enemy warships, melting hull plating and vaporizing shields, the Acarra also began landing ground forces on the planet. Working quickly, the Acarra rushed to take control of the planet, their Legion Troop Transports easily pushing through enemy fire (they're designed with almost no weapons, but lots of shields and armor for survivability). The Acarra warfleet was slowly but surely pushing back the Miranu fleet, and as 15 more ships arrived, the battle was quickly in their favor...

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • A scientist walked up to Grunadulater.
      "We have finally completed the Hyperbeam Reciever and Transmitter. The Transmitter and the Ion Generator have been put far apart from each other in the Duram system. They are at the systems edges. Luckily, we found a large patch of ions far out in the system, but that was all we found, enough for about... I'd say 2-3 jumps. It was about 1 Ion gathering. The Generator collected them and is about to fire. Please come see."
      He said all this very fast, but Grunadulater followed him anyway. He was led into the control room where one screen showed the Ion Generator and the Hyperbeam Generator hooked up together, and another showed the Hyperbeam Generator and the Hyperbeam Reciever hooked up together.
      "Begin Hyperbeam fire." A large electronic voice boomed. The scientist spoke to Grunadulater.
      "This will make a very small hyperlink, but it should still work."
      Grundy looked at the Transmitter. It looked like a long rod with a slightly larger sphere at the end. The rod was on a large box. The sphere glowed blue for a few seconds, and then shot out a pure blue ray. The beam didn't go far though, only about 30 meters before it stopped and, with a bright blue flash, slipped into hyperspace. At the Reciever, the blue line came out of hyperspace and the Hyperbeam Generator, a large, sophisticated spearlike rod, turned blue all over. On the command screen, the computer asked which system to hyperlink to. The scientist typed"dest=syst'Tientu'". The computer beeped and the Hyperbeam fired in the direction of Tientu. About 5 km out, the beam seemed to spin into a funnel. Then, the bottem of the funnel shot out a tiny blue beam in the direction of Tientu. The scientist turned on the Comm with a Tientu scientist.
      "Do you see it?"
      "No... not ye- wait! Yes! Wow, its creating a funnel... like the beam is spinning through the bottem of the funnel to the open, larger top. Amazing!"
      "Is the link secure?"
      "Yes sir! Send the Frieghter through."
      An old, worn out frieghter set on autopilot slowly flew towards the funnel, then stopped half a km before it. The frieghter then shot into hyperspace- right into the funnel. When it hit the funnel, it stopped, and then was shot back into hyperspace twice as fast. Suddenly, the comm crackled.
      "I see it!. It's coming out of the funnel... yes, its intact."
      "Good. Check the test animals on the ship, check if thier alive."
      "Yes sir!"
      The comm turned off. It had worked... except the tunnel was still there. The scientist looked bewildered until Grunadulater suggested something.
      "Turn it off."
      "Oh, oh coarse! Yes, my lord."The scientist walked over to the Hyperbeam generator control panal and turned the beam off. The funnel dissapeared in a very quick flash of light...
      Grunadulater, who had just returned from the Hyperbeam experiments, told MJ 'never mind about the new tech'.
      Ion engine ETA= 6 posts
      New ship/tech:
      Ion Enforcer
      Turning:60 deg/sec
      1 Ion detonator
      There will only be one of these ships, considering that the Ion detonator costs so much time and money to build. When the Detonator is fired, a large glob of Ionized energy is shot at an incredible speed. When the glow is shot, it just gets more energized. Any ions in space that are hit by the glow are quickly energized, so they will disable all electric or energy using things. The energy travels rapidly, so a whole system may become Ionized very fast. After disabling all electric or energy using objects, the ions slowly eat away at the hulls of ships and any other materials. The Ionization wears off when the ships are out of the Ionized zone.
      ETA=20 posts

      "Oops, I think I killed it..."-Me
      Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

    • OOC: Does no one read through my posts? I said I did not fire my Adaah Emitters. And were are you getting all these reinforcements from?
      Paul watched as several Ares Warships were destroyed. "All ships, concentrate fire on one ship at a time. Then move on to the next closest. Formation Beta-86." The ships formed up into a tight ball, with barely a few meters between each ship, their shields refocused so that almost all of the power was set to the outside facings. This effectively doubled their shields, but reduced maneuverability. Several Accara warships fell to this tactic before the Miranu lost any ships. As the Miranu started losing ships, they would transfer one of the ships that was inside the sphere to the outside or make the sphere smaller. The Accara were losing ships fast, but the Miranu ships were weakening and being destroyed a little bit faster. The remaining fighters had started strafing runs on the transport ships, taking out a couple as they were unloading their shocktroops. Soon they gave up on the transports and started firing at the troops on the ground. Many were on foot, but some had commandeered repulsor-sleds and inner-atmosphere vehicles.

      Reinforcements for the Miranu fleet were arriving in ones and twos, mainly Ares Warships. Two patrol fleets had come in. Each included a Dragon Dreadnaught, 12 Ares Warships, and 12 Heavy Fighters(+Carried Ships). These had formed up at the other end of the system as another ball of ships. These ships fought their way towards the main battlegroup, losing a Dragon and 5 Ares Warships on the way. Most of the ships within one jump were in, the rest still had a few jumps left to go and were under way or engaging pesky pirates. If the Accara got too many more reinforcements, the Miranu would be out of luck, and most likely lose a large portion fo their northern fleet.
      Disruptor Cannon Development
      ETC:1 Post
      Azdgari Ship Refitting
      ETC:9 Posts
      Mech Mass Production
      Per Post:25
      Total Produced:50
      New Hrekka Station
      ETC:10 Posts(Begins after Disruptor Cannon Ends)

      "Take me to your dealer"-Bumper sticker
      "This yacht is the luxury vessel for the pimp on a budget..."-Considered Plug-in Text
      "Doritos:The official currency of fat people."-My friend

      (This message has been edited by Admiral Benden (edited 04-15-2002).)

    • Mamajama is p o'd at Grunadulator's decision not to have her scientists research a new tech when she had asked for them to join her in Eltor. She asks Grunadulator,

      "If you read my message, you know that I had also ordered my ultra slow hyperspace observatory to see if we could retrieve your ship from where it is stuck between systems. Should I cancel that, too? And if you just want the Jama fleet as reinforcements against the Acarra, tell us when and where."

      TO: Mercenary Houses of Poch
      FR: Mamajama
      RE: Scientists, etc

      Guess what, we don't need the scientists here after all. Leave them on Poch and in Nemnel researching the slugs. I had a new idea about that that I want to pursue, anyway. Also, tell the ultra slow hyperspace observatory guys that they can probably turn around and chug home...Grundy's changed his mind about that, too. As far as I know, our fleet is still wanted as torpedo fodder for the Confeds against the Acarra. Make your peace with your preferred deities and get out here ASAP.

      TO: Mamajama
      FR: Mercenary Houses of Poch
      RE: Recalled to Dewe
      Sorry, MJ, we just had an emergency call from Admiral Benden. Seems the local Acarra are attacking Dewe. We just can't let them destroy all our Mumb leaves. If we have to be in a hopeless battle, let it at least be closer to home.

      Mamajama frowned as she read the MH of P's reply. If Grundy wanted to keep her idling out here in confed space while the Acarra were only a few systems away from Poch, he had another think coming. Still, a contract was a contract. But, if she saw no action within a post, the Jama fleet would be heading back to Poch. She had an idea for using the slugs against the Acarra.

      ENCRYPTION: Ancient Poch Aboriginal dialect
      TO Bomphur, Lead Scientist, Slug Research Project
      FR Mamajama
      RE Wild hair idea

      Hey Bomphur,

      I have an idea that may kill two birds with one stone, if you can manage it without getting killed yourself. Use the robots to put two of your larger slugs into a VERY secure cargo container. Put that container in a drone ship headed for the Dewe system. Have another drone with a remote camera mounted on it, taping any action. When the slug bearing drone is close to an Acarra ship, open the container and release the slugs. Record what happens and transmit the results to me.

      It seems to me that the Acarra and the slug race may be natural enemies. Scouts reported seeing one of the "Attar/ Acarra " scoutships burn a slug off an asteroid, even though the slug wasn't directly attacking the Acarra. At the least, we'll find out another way to exterminate the slugs. At best, we could have the beginnings of a biological weapon against the Acarra.


      ETA hyperspace vehicle (unless Grundy doesn't want it anymore) 3 posts
      ETA slug container into Dewe 1 post
      ETA arrival of Poch mercenaries to reinforce Miranu fleets around Dewe: next post

      My karma ran over your dogma. - bumper sticker

    • OOC: Carno, I for one feel that the Acarra are too powerful. They can't be stopped, can't be fought, do not parley how the blimmin' heck blimey are we supposed to defend ourselves? Also, you're continually pulling reinforcements out of thin air, and it's getting on my nerves.

      (message to:MamaJama)
      (message fr: The Seraphim)
      (message re: Acarra)
      We sent a fleet into Querid to fight the Acarra/Attar earlier: suffice to say, we won't be repeating that mistake with standard technology again although there are several good ideas in the works. We'll share them with you when they're done; against this threat, our little Galaxy needs all the help it can get.
      In return what we'd really appreciate is your scientific aid; we've got a very promising avenue of research opening up right now, and House of Jama scientists could provide a good new outlook.
      -The Seraphim

      ETA until SILO production complete: 2 posts
      ETA until Singularity Creation Techniques complete: 2 posts
      ETA until Archangel complete: 9 posts

      (url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

    • "Yes, MJ, keep the hyperspace slower coming. If you are in such a hurry to defend your planet, so be it. You may leave, oh, and your pay for the Hyperspace observatory... I know, you will get one of my fleets to help you defend your planet... and here is 1M credits."He hands her the credit stick and walks out to go get the fleet ready. The fleet will have 1 Defender, 7 Carriers, and 5 Haulers. The Carriers are loaded with shpis and the Haulers are loaded with troops to defend the planet with.

      "Oops, I think I killed it..."-Me
      Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

    • OOC: Quite honestly, I think you are all acting a bit lazy. THINK! Just think, use your head, and you may actually be able to stop the Acarra, because they are not all powerful. I can say one thing though; their navy is quite large enough to conquer all of the Milky Way (which is why I am not 'pulling reinforcements out of thin air'), and to stop them, you'll have to smart. There are a lot of ways to do this, and I'll try and give you hints as best I can.

      Oh, btw, I already gave ESPilot a hint over AIM, so don't say I'm unfair. 😉

      Benden; whoops! Sorry about the confusion about the Adaah emitters. However, I do think that you would be fairly badly beaten up by 65 warships.

      And finally, I will finish the battle in DSN-4386 if UE Admiral doesn't post soon.


      Dewe System

      The Acarra continued to pound the Miranu as hard as they could, firing off hundreds of warp disruptor torpedoes which had a devastating effect on the enemy fleet; ships were unable to fire for 10-15 minutes, and during that time they were helpless and easy prey for marauding Acarra warships.

      Multiple energy lattices swept through the Miranu fleet, giving them immense casualties. The quick Wraiths and Shrikes outmaneuvered even the Miranu, and the Acarra were even beginning to use their most devastating weapon; their minds. Using psi force, they gave pilots and captains incredible pain, causing them to fall to the floor, incapacitated. Fighters flew out of control and hit their motherships, and the Acarra even began to have their scoutships (each command ship carried 90 of them and used them to scout the battlefield) ram into Miranu warships, detonating in a huge explosion which tore through hull and armor.


      Slug Research - Nemnel System

      More and more was learned about the developing slugs each day. The two larger slugs were now quite different, and the scientists deduced that the slugs must be able to form into different kinds of "strains".

      The larger one seemed to 'command' the others, and could even hold baby slugs in special pouches in its chest. It was now over 20 feet long, and all the slugs were moved to a much MUCH larger containment area. The second adult slug seemed like a fighter; it had powerful claws (which is horribly odd for a slug) and huge jaws with which he could tear through metal. It was over 10 feet long, and its four black eyes seemed to be watching the scientists, trying to figure out what they were doing.

      The slugs also had a whole arsenal at their disposal. Not only was it suggested that they may be able to eat whole ships if they got big enough, but they also were able to charge their bodies with EMP Energy and then ram a target, causing a bit of damage to it. They could spit acid (secreted from specialized glands) which could eat through metal and somehow passed straight through shields, and while they continued to grow, some scientists believed they would be able to generate enough EMP energy (generated by specialized organs found only in the slugs) to fire an actual pulse of the energy.

      Finally, one interesting thing happened. The second-largest-slug seemed to 'eat' several of the baby slugs, which then hid in another previously unused pouch. There they developed and continued to breed, until there was at least 50 of them in this little pouch. The slug could then actually SHOOT them at targets. The slugs would spin around rapidly and smash into a target, causing lots of damaged with a combined emp charge, a layer of acid covering them, and with the fact that they had long "blades" running along the sides of their bodies. The slug-projectiles would then actually return to the slug, or continued to pound their way through a target.

      Whoever these slugs were exactly, they were strong.


      Acarra Research Center - Iragdza System

      In order to increase the survivability ratio of their command ships, Supreme Imperator Carnotaur had ordered that the research centers of the Acarra begin work on designing a better shield matrix for the huge vessels. It would take time, but it would make Prelate Zaertarul (the C&C; of the navy) a lot more happy, because it was he who was constantly worried about loosing command ships.

      R &D;

      Command Ship Upgrade - 8 Posts

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-16-2002).)

    • DSN-4386
      All ships took on passengers and retreated to Earth.
      all ships retreat with heavy damage "let them have huron save our fleets"
      (message to Milkyway)
      (milkyway encyption)
      i think that we should all join into one nation. a Federation. and pool our resources in doing this we will research faster and accuire trust between us all.
      Coalition of Worlds

      Dreadnought Construction
      Total: 10, ETC: 5 posts

      Cenurion Force Engine
      ETC: 2 posts

      Stratta Class Battleship:
      ETC:19 posts

      Insanity has its advantages

    • OOC: Hint over AIM? I haven't gotten any IM's at all today. Feel free to pass the hint along any time, Mr. Arbitrary. Also, according to what you posted on page 5 of Chapters 8-11, the Acarra only have 390 warships to work with. Subtract the 120 in the Qerid system, and you're left with 270. One more thing; THERE WERE NO BLOODY CODES NEEDED FOR THE STATION'S SELF-DESTRUCT. I understand that the Acarra have the biggest, baddest more powerful fleet in the galaxy etc. but making everything work how you want it to so that they win is beyond unnescessary as well as unfair with such a fleet.

      The new Zidagra Frigates were being spewed out of major Zidigar shipyards at a prodigious rate, and their numbers began to rival those of Zidaras. They had superior defenses and firepower, but weren't quite as fast. And the first Trebuchet Heavy Destroyer was nearly complete. Espilot had appointed First Lieutenant Kalej as Vice Admiral in place of Z'tar, and then Espilot went and did something very out of the ordinary. Leaving the Vice Admiral to command the fleets, he went to a secluded section of the Steel Roost's bay. There were no lights in that section, so the ship in it couldn't be seen, but it was there; it was one of the old Aradas, painted completely black, with many advanced modifications. It had five Flash Turrets, light dampners, which kept the engine from emitting even the slightest glow, an advanced Zidigar hyperdrive, a custom-made sensor cloaking device, several solar panels and a similar visual cloak. It was the Wraith Shadow, Espilot's old spy ship. Jumping into the cockpit, he blasted out of the bay, totally unseen and unnoticed. Landing at a Tumni spaceport, he went as fast as possible to the R&D; facility to speak with Kennel. He had something of an idea as to how to gain an advantage over these Acarra; synthesize psionic waves, amplify them to the point where they block out all other psionic energy within it's range, and broadcast it from a special emitter (okay, so it's a spoof of Starcraft. Who cares?) Kennel nodded, but he responded skeptically "That might be possible, but we need an example of a living being emitting psionic waves to figure out how. And I don't think it would be wise to run the risk of capturing an Acarra." "No, it wouldn't. Unless we had spies in the Acarra military...but to be a spy in their military, one would have to mask one's own psionic presence. And as far as I know, no one that isn't an Acarra from Hrekka to Kaiya can do that. Well, I'll leave you to your anti-matter research. Good day." Espilot went back to the Wraith Shadow and took off.

      Far out in the middle of the NT Asteroid Belt, the Wraith Shadow was simply floating in midspace, invisible to both eyes and scanners. Espilot was in the miniscule five ton cargo bay of his Arada, with a collection of various antique silverware items. He held one in his hand before him, and was concentrating his entire being on making the spoon bend. He was trying to develop his own psionic potential.
      Phased Beamer Upgrade-Postedpond (2 posts)
      Anti-matter Missiles-1 Post
      Anti-matter Synthesis-5 Posts
      Trebuchet Heavy Destroyer-1 Post

      Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
      Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
      All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

      (This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-16-2002).)

    • Paul stood in the battleroom, watching as the three advisors fell to the ground, writhing and holding their heads because of the pain. There was a little twitch at the back of Pauls mind, which soon grew to become a painful pressure. With a shout of rage, Paul thought of just ripping the pain out of his head and crushing whatever caused it into a tiny box of shrapnel. On the screen, a Wraith that had just come back from repairs detonated in a wash of psionic energy. Paul looked at the hologram, and thought of the command ship. He concentrated very hard, thinking he had caused the explosion and could cause many more with just his mind. The command ship sat there, pristine and deadly, without even showing a microfracture in its hull.

      Maybe it was just a fluke, he thought. He turned around to look at the remains of his fleet. He was down to just 50 Are Warships, half of which were ineffective at any given moment due to the torpedo things that these ships were spewing at him in an almost endless supply. They had only lost one Dragon, the one that went out in the first few minutes. He was about to tell one of the advisors to order one of the Dragon Dreadnaughts to fall back, but then saw that the advisors were still incapacitated. "Damn them!" he thought. "Bothering me when I don't need them, useless when I do."

      He recieved a message from Himgro, stating that they had enough Munb leaves to last through a short while as long as the Accara were intent upon killing and not maiming. Another message from the Mercenaries from Poch. They would be arriving soon. A third from Research and Development stating that the Disruptor cannon had been succesfully tested and was ready to produce. And a final message saying that enough men had been freed up to help build New Hrekka Station.

      Paul opened a message to all the Dragons. "Fire your Adaah Emitters at the formations using latices. It should suck the power out of those faster than anything else." He closed the comm channel, and watched as several Dragons fired at the fighters that where using latices and saturating them with Adaah auras.
      Azdgari Ship Refitting
      ETC:8 Posts
      Mech Mass Production
      Per Post:25
      Total Produced:75
      New Hrekka Station
      ETC:10 Posts

      "Take me to your dealer"-Bumper sticker
      "This yacht is the luxury vessel for the pimp on a budget..."-Considered Plug-in Text
      "Doritos:The official currency of fat people."-My friend

    • -------------Non-Azdgari-----------------
      As the battle rages in Dewe, A Miranu radar tech. on the planet suddenly notices something on radar... It's faint.. obviously not strong enough to be picked up by ship-based sensors, but it's not confed.. "Oh damn! More Acarra reinforcements!"
      Before he can message the fleets however, jump points open... Well, they seem kinda like jump points.. and the fleet enters, and stays on the edge of the system..
      "Are those even ships?"
      "Uh... I don't think so... they look.... they look a LOT like those slugs we've heard about..."
      Before the miranu even notice what's happening, the creatures scream toward the engaging forces, with heavy amounts of EMP energy detected... obviously their weapons are charging...

      In DSN-2189, a azdara patrol fighter squadron is moving through the system...
      Out of the blue, an azdara takes a few points of damage from an unknown source of energy (Later identified as EMP waves). A few rounded slugs spin into view, towards the fleet, but by now the Azdgari have learned better. They hit their afterburners and hit hyperspace, losing one azdara to a kamikazied slug, and a few others taking damage from EMP pulses...

      REDchigh looks over the message from the Zidigar again... "It's a shame... but it's not gonna happen. The Zidigar can take care of themselves. Who are these Acarra anyway? They can't be stronger than us... "
      "Um, sir? I think they might be..."
      Red turns to face the ensign. "Was I speaking out loud? Forgive me. Any new information?"
      "Not really. We found another slug colony... It's an abandoned system a few jumps away from our space, nothing to really worry about..........."
      "Don't give me that bull. These slugs are advanced as all hell. Send a fleet of 50 of our best ships... send cruisers and battlecruisers... we have to crush them."
      A Fleet is assembled in nearly a day, and they hyper towards the system...
      when they jump in, they raise shields, power weapons, and are met with... nothing. the system is empty....
      The ships scan the system, see the slugs went north, and then the fleet heads home to reinforce the frontier... Red laughs to himself, that the zidigar will have even more trouble...

      "I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • While Espilot was trying out his psionic abilities, having gotten about a third of the way through the silverware with some success, he received a message. "Damnit, I thought no one was supposed to know I'm out here....what is it!?" "Sir, the Azdgari have rejected our transmission again. They—" "Where are the holovids of the Qerid battle?" "They're still on board the Steel Roost, sir." "Transmit a copy of them here. That will be all. Dismissed." Espilot sent a long-range holovid transmission to Red'chigh; "Red'chigh, you need to get your ignorant, proud little head out of the clouds and listen to me. I have fought the Acarra. I know what they can do. They use psionic weaponry, Red. Psionic weaponry that can rip up a Predator in a matter of minutes. I doubt you've ever seen Acarra ships in combat, but you will now." After saying this, Espilot input the copy of the Qerid battle holovid recording. "See what I mean? These people are powerful. Very powerful. They've been advancing on all territories all over space; Coalition, Confederacy, Miranu, and ourselves, the Zidigar. Trust me, you'll probably be next on their list. If you don't believe me, send this to Yakuza, and ask him. Espilot out." The message was sent, and he went back to his training in the cargo bay, thanking himself for having set up a spy network. He was noticing that he was able to bend more and more of the objects, and that it was becoming increasingly easier. Soon he would try bigger, harder things...the comm unit beeped. "AAARRRG!!" He was about to punch the console, but let the message play. "Admiral, this is Kennel. To things; one, the Anti-matter missiles have been successfully tested, and the first Trebuchet Heavy Destroyer has been completed. What should we name it?" "Call it...Quetzalcoatl. The feathered serpent god." "Sir?" "Ahh just a little bit of terran history. Anyway, call it that." "And sir, we've began researching the new hyperdrives; the ones that don't require jump links. "Ah. Good. Now, DON'T BOTHER ME AGAIN. Dismissed." Espilot went back to his training, and finally was able to do it in peace.
      Phased Beamer Upgrade-1 Post
      Anti-Matter Missile-Complete
      Anti-Matter Synthesis-4 Posts
      Trebuchet Heavy Destroyer-Complete
      New Hyperdrive Research-8 Posts

      OOC: I'm not making anything up about the Quetzalcoatl thing. He really was the Aztec feathered serpent god. If that was what you were trying to name, Mr. Arbitrary, you spelled it wrong 😉

      Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
      Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
      All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

      (This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-16-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-16-2002).)

    • (message to: ESPilot)
      (message fr: The Seraphim)
      (message re: Scientific Exchange)
      ESPilot, your scientists and ours have already collaborated upon one weapon system, the Positron Beam. However now the Dark Angels have moved on to a new and powerful field of research - singularity mechanics. Although this technology promises to be powerful, we need the scientific support of other nations to make it more so, and to speed the development process. In return for your aid, you would recieve whatever technology we developed; the intitial research into singularity creation techniques will soon be complete, and we hope to begin work on a Singularity Generator soon, which would supply awesome power to warships, followed by a Singularity - powered shield system and a Singularity - powered high - energy beam weapon. With these technologies, the Zidagar can become powerful and defend themselves against the Acarra. All we need is your scientific aid.
      The Seraphim

      ETA until SILO production complete: 1 post
      ETA until Singularity Creation Techniques complete: 1 post
      ETA until Archangel complete: 8 posts

      (url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

    • OOC: ESPilot, will you shut the freakin heck up? And if there's no codes, then how did you detonate it? And don't forget that the Acarra have a total navy of over 5,000 warships, and they can easily send more ships to help Lythrawn and his generals anytime. Be very happy i'm not using all of those 5,000 ships against you. And btw, I copied my spelling of Quezacotl from SilverDragon, so if you have a problem with it, go to him.

      I also hope you got the hints I sent you last night. If you didn't, then I'll just stop giving them to you and give them to someone else who actually sees and uses them.



      As the Acarra continued to pummel away at the Miranu, slowly be surely, the giant Quezacotl also plowed through the ranks of Miranu ships with devastating effects. Its huge armament torn through warships like paper, and as packs of Wolf Starcruisers took out the Dragon Dreadnaughts one by one, the Acarra continued to make enemy pilots, crews, and captains writhe in pain.

      Suddenly, a wolf-pack of Wolf Starcruisers, led by the Quezacotl , charged Benden's flagship head on. They new that, despite his attempts to use psionic powers, he was harmless; the only race that had that ability was the Azdgari. The Miranu would not be a problem.

      As hundreds of psi pulses and dozens of warp disruptor torpedoes began to smash into the shielding of Benden's ship, the Adaah Emitters only had a limited effect on the energy lattices, and only drained a part of their energy. Shields and engines on the Acarra warships were slightly effected, but not much to be any problem for them.

      And meanwhile, on the surface, though the Acarra destroyed any sort of resistence to their efforts, they did not try and harm the munb leaves, or try and causes excess damage. Though Lhevak and many other Acarrans liked total destruction, Lythrawn wanted the captured planets in as good condition as possible.



      Third General Ravaer was beginning work on a new battlestation. It's job; to keep that sector of space safe for the Acarra. It's location; Holmm. Not only would Holmm keep the other bases safe from flanking attacks, but it would also provide them with a good base on which they could set up a few shipyards. With fighting slugs, the Gyn'Thar, and the Dark, the Acarra Empire didn't always have ships to spare. So, Ravaer would have to build his own ships. The primary section of the station would be done in a rather short period of time, as would the primary section of a station he was building in Kelmoan, then he could move on to DSN-1469.



      As Ravaer built several new stations in his conquered territory, Second General Thrade, now reinforced with his new command ship, was also building a battlestation in orbit of Huron, as well as several torpedo silos on the planet below. Right now, he was unable to attack, and so would have to be ready to defend himself at all costs.



      Frieghters and a few warships quickly moved through the system and immediately began construction of a new outpost. Using a lot of the scrap metal on the planet below, they worked quickly and efficiantly, and soon the work would be done, and another system would be safely in the hands of the Acarra.


      As battles raged on in the Milky Way, the Acarra continued research on the Command Ship Upgrade, and now a new upgrade for the Wolf Starcruiser as well. Wolves had turned out to be quite useful, and Prelate Zaertarul wanted them to survive battles better. Supreme Imperator Carnotaur agreed.

      Acarra R &D;

      Command Ship Upgrade - 7 Posts

      Wolf Starcruiser Upgrade - 6 Posts

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Dewe

      Bomphur, lead scientist on the Poch slug research project, hovered over his control board. He was as safe as anyone in the middle of a formation of Poch mercenaries in older Crescent Warships and Miranu gunships might expect to be, facing an implacable enemy such as the Acarra. His task was to move the slug-carrying drone in position next to an Acarra command ship, release the slugs, and videotape for Mamajama and for posterity, whatever happened next. MJ hoped to use the slugs as some sort of bio-weapon against the Attar. Certainly, there was potential for that, what with the slugs ability to mutate rapidly, adapt to electrical current, regulate their own electromagnetic fields, and use their young as weapons. What an odyssey that had been, getting the slugs to move into the drone ship he thought. They had placed two large Grivans in the bay of the drone, with 10 centimeter thick steel walls guiding the slugs to their feast. Still, the slugs hadn't moved, until the largest one, the "commander" had nudged them to go. Bomphur wondered if the lead slug had an idea that the slugs were going into battle, and might feast on better treats than Grivan brains. At any rate, they had crawled into position, and the drone ship had closed its container and lifted into space in the midst of a group of mercenaries.

      As the mercenaries on the outer shell began to take hits from the Acarra, Bomphur shut his mind to the sights and sounds of the battle and the shouted orders from the bridge crew. Several of them were clutching their heads and moaning in pain. He thanked his local deity for the hard-headedness he had inherited. Many Poch Miranu were notoriously impervious to psychic attack. They had little or no psychic ability - but seemed to be able to fend off telepathic attack. The bedtime story went that a witch had attacked a village, but all of the villagers had gone about their business until the poor woman expired from frustration.

      He guided the drone carrying the larger of the two slugs closer to its target - a behemoth identified on scans as the Quetzalcoatl. Energy lattices barred the way, and swept through the outer formation of Poch mercenaries. Several ancient houses lost their leadership in moments. Benden's Dragon warships fired their Adaah emitters at the lattices, and there was some decrease in the energy.
      That may be as close as we can get thought Bomphur. He pressed the button on the drone ship.

      "Release....the slugs!"

      OOC OK, Carno, what happens with the slugfest?

      ETA until the Ultra Slow Hypersacial Observer arrives to rescue Grundy's ship - next post.

      My karma ran over your dogma. - bumper sticker

    • The Battle of Dewe
      Background Development

      "What the freakin heck?" Lhevak roared as the drone deployed the slugs. They had rapidly grown, and there were now three large slugs, four smaller ones, and a dozen or so baby slugs.

      "Shamtul!" the lieutenant yelled. "Do we back off, sir?"

      "No. We will win this battle. Fire on the slugs!"

      Psi fire rained down on the slugs, and immediately the baby slugs retreated to the drone, which was then forced to leave under heavy weapons fire. The huge command ship forced the slugs away, but not one had been killed.

      "Frigate Wing Azak; watch out! Ghalok incoming!"

      The Enforcer Frigates began firing at the incoming slugs, which were known as Ghalok. They were fast and powerful, and seemed to be the warriors of the slugs, called the Shamtul. They were dangerous, but not nearly as big as the Zareak Shamtul, which seemed to be the commanders of these strange beams.

      The Ghalok attacked an Enforcer, tearing through its shields and consuming its armor as the other frigates fired on them. One Ghalok fell and the other three attacked the remaining frigates, when suddenly a Wolf Starcruiser flew past, blasting apart two more Ghalok with consontrated lance fire.

      "Damn the Shamtul!" Lhevak cursed as his command ship continued to pummel the three large Zareak, which could not seem to penetrate the shielding on his flagship. Then left that ship and then attacked several more enforcers, but suddenly a stray shot from a Miranu ship hit one of them.

      The Zareak instantly turned towards the Miranu Avenger Frigate, blasting through its shields with an EMP Ram and starting to crunch and consume its hull plating. The Avenger was actually smaller than the huge Zareak, and fell quickly. The Zareak came under fire from some Miranu vessels, and then attacked them as well.

      As the slugs rampaged around the battlefield, the Acarra and Miranu continued to duke it out, with the Acarra still winning. As the Miranu were slowly pushed back with only 1/3 of their original strength, the last slug was also destroyed.

      "Blasted Shamtul..." Lhevak muttered.

      "Umm.... Sir.... They're not gone yet...."

      Shamtul were not only powerful, but had the ability to emit extremely long range EMP waves, which could call in more Shamtul. Suddenly, a whole fleet of thirty or so slugs entered the system, and immediately began to attack both sides.

      The Acarra had delt with the Shamtul for centuries and knew how to deal with them, but the Miranu were not so well trained. A wave of huge Ghalok, some the size of frigates, tore through the Miranu fleet, consuming anything that got in their way. Acid globs passed right through shield matrixes, eating away hull plating. Things called Glavir Worms (specially modified baby Shamtul) were shot out by Ghalok and struck down many fighters. Many slugs simply attatched themselves to enemy vessels, causing dozens of two-feet-long baby slugs to invade the ships, eating anyone and everyone.

      The Acarra were being pushed back, but in a valiant charge against the Shamtul, they were able to push them back long enough to reassemble their fleet. The Shamtul charged again and again, each time taking heavy fire, but each time weakening the Acarra as well.

      The first major encounter between the Acarra and Shamtul in months had occured, and while they faired somewhat well, their Miranu adversaries took heavy damage.


      Acarra R &D;

      Command Ship Upgrade - 6 Posts

      Wolf Starcruiser Upgrade - 5 Posts

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-17-2002).)

    • OOC: Just goes to prove that Englishmen can't be trusted with New World names 😉 And there weren't any codes needed because it just sends a signal from the Steel Roost to the station, which the station's computer acknowledges and activates the self-destruct. And no, there's no manual override except onboard the Steel Roost. (edit)whoops...forgot my research...(/edit)

      Vice Admiral Kalej was in his office, when an ensign came in. "Sir, we've received a transmisison from the Dark Angels. Shall I play the message?" "Be my guest." Responded Kalej. "Intersting...this might work. All right, I'll accept. I'm sure the Admiral would've done the same thing for the DA." Kalej sent a message to the Seraphim...

      <Message to the Seraphim (Saraine, Rasael, Raven)>
      <From Zidigar Vice Admiral Kalej>
      <Encryption code 0KWSTR 1st Priority>

      I received your message, Seraphim. I'm sorry for Admiral Espilot's absence, but he was away dealing with private matters at the moment. I will be glad to accept your proposal. I will send a team of scientists to Gadzair pronto. Also, just so you know, both of the new ship types have been completed.
      Kalej Out.
      <End Message>

      In the NT Asteroid Belt, Espilot decided he was done with his current level of training. Going to the bridge, he set a course back to Tumni.

      As he arrived in Qerid system, he noticed something. His navigation systems indicated there was a hyperlink leading out of the Qerid system. Immediately activating both cloaks, he studied the map and decided it wasn't a fluke. Resetting a course to the mysterious system beyond Qerid, he deactivated the cloaks and entered subspace...
      Phased Beamer Upgrade-Complete
      Anti-matter synthesis-3 Posts
      New Hyperdrive Engines-7 Posts

      Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
      Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
      All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

      (This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-17-2002).)

    • MOD: Would the words "Reprogram the computer" mean anything to you? 😛


      Discovery of Acarran Space

      Luckily for ESPilot, the Acarra did not see him enter Qerid, for if they had, he wouldn't have survived for much longer.

      He suddenly found himself in the Outpost Laak system, just outside the North Tip Asteroid field. Several Acarra vessels moved about the system on their regular patrol duties, and after a short scan, ESPilot moved off to another system, and then another, and then another. There was a vast area of space in this region, and after travelling through many hyperlinks, he finally came to the Acarra homeworld; Ancara Prime.

      The huge, black, menacing battlestations that guarded the system would make just about any invasion hard if not impossible. The planet Ancara itself was bigger than earth, and surrounded by three moons, one of which was just a little smaller than Mars.

      Moving out of that system carefully, ESPilot then came to Ragadiz, and then to several uninhabited systems, before he finally reached Dargol Jallan. But it was not Acarra; it was under the command of a race called the Gyn'thar.

      Suddenly, an Acarra warfleet entered the system, and opened fire on the Gyn'thar ships, who counter-charged. During the intense battle, an Acarra frigate was disabled, and ESPilot was able to download its map database from the damaged computer core before it exploded.

      Now ESPilot rushed back towards Zidagar space, with the map to all of Acarra space in his ownership...


      NEW MAP: (url="http://"")http://www.carnotaur...od/wod_map3.gif(/url)

      Now, at this time, very few of those jumplinks can be detected by anybody, because the Acarra usually just hide the links using sub-space scattering fields. So far, the only one that is known is the one to Qerid, and more will be discovered later.


      Acarra R &D;

      Command Ship Upgrade - 5 Posts

      Wolf Starcruiser Upgrade - 4 Posts

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-17-2002).)

    • OOC: Not particularly. And what's the big deal about the station not being there if they build a new one anyway?

      Espilot went as fast as possible to Tumni. Nearly colliding with an Acarra ship in Qerid, he immediately went back into a hyperspace jump to avoid destruction.

      He arrived in Zidagar and went to Tumni. Uploading the map of Acarra space onto a datacube, he rushed into the military headquarters and went straight to Kalej's office. Almost busting the door down, Espilot said "I have maps of Acarra space! Nearly all of it, by the looks of it!" He loaded the maps into the computer and they were displayed. "I want a copy of these maps uploaded into every Zidigar ship as soon as it comes to a shipyard, and a copy installed on every ship on the production line." "Yes, Admiral. But, if we can't defeat these Acarra, what's the point of having maps of their territory?" "All the more we know about the universe than anyone else other than the Acarra. Besides, you never know when it might come in handy." "Sir, we got a transmission from the Dark Angels. They'd like the assitance of some of our scientists on a 'super weapon' that would aid our battle against the Acarra." "Did you accept?" "Yes." "Good. Now, where's the Quetzalcoatl? I'd like to get a feel for it as soon as I can...I have a feeling we'll be needing it and many more of the ships."
      Anti-Matter Synthesis-2 Posts
      New Hyperdrive Engines-6 Posts

      Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
      Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
      All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles