Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Wave of Destruction, Ch. 8-10

      14 202 2345

      Posted Image

      Created by Redchigh

      (url="http://"")Story Map(/url)
      (url="http://"")WoD Website(/url)
      (url="http://"")Wave of Destruction, Chapters 4-7(/url)


      The Dark Angels have begun an alliance with the Zidagar, compromising their former good-terms with the Azdgari. Meanwhile, the Confederates have begun the start of a new offensive against the Coalition.

      To the south, the Pirates fight off invading fleets of Coalition warships, meanwhile the Renegades are preparing for war, and the Independents have united for protection.

      But through this all, dozens of alien scouts have suddenly appeared out of nowhere, scanning all governments, while only seeming to care about information. They claim to be the Attar, who come from the Proxima Nebula, but many are still suspicious of them, especially Azdgari Admiral Yakuza who, though he knows that the alien scouts must be destroyed, is unable to tell anyone, for he holds a dark secret...


      Okay guys, post away! 🙂

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • OV jumped into the coilation space and tryed to get a message off to the Coilation before he was destroyed

      (Message to Silver Dragon)
      (High Encryption)
      Hello, we would like to make a pact with you. We will join you in assults if you can give us protection. We will do our best to help you fight your enimies if you can give us some help with ours

      Are you still alive Esponer.....

      Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
      (url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
      (url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

    • (to:Attar Scout)
      (fr:Seraphim (Saraine, Rasael, Raiessa/K'res))
      (re:Goodbye, then...)
      (Why must you go? Anyway, we look forward to your return.
      -The Seraphim

      ETA until Weapons Module complete: complete
      ETA until Drone complete: 6 posts

      (url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

    • REDchigh stared at Admiral Yakuza as he left.
      On a whim, he addressed the computer directly.
      "Yes, emperor?"
      "I need you to acess the military schedules.."
      "Yes, sir."
      "Tell me what meetings are taking place within the next hour and a half."
      "Sir, there are no meetings."
      "Are you positive?"
      "Computers do not make mistakes, sir. There are no meetings until 9:00.. 4 hours from now."
      "Thank you.. computer off."
      Red strangely relaxed. He won't press Yakuza for any more information.
      "Emperor? Emperor Redchigh?"
      Red was suddenly awakened from his thoughts. "Yes, ensign?"
      "We've gotten the message from the aliens. "
      "Thank you.. you're excused."
      Red got a chill up his spine. He asked the computer to read the message, then pondered it a minute. Then he realized something. He mentioned the energy signals in the message, however the aliens called it "energy burst". It's no where near enough to start a war over, but the aliens shouldn't be trusted quite yet...

      Message to: Alien scouts
      From: Redchigh of the Azdgari
      We welcome you to this galaxy. This galaxy consists of the Azdgari Alliance and Coalition as the primary superpowers, with the Miranu to the north, Zidigar to our relative north, confederation to the far east, and renegades on the far northern and southern tips.
      Pardon our asking, but how have you lived in the Ji nebula without being noticed? There are several races that live around there, the renegade in particular, which have extremely advanced sensors... how have you excaped detection so long?

      "I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • Azdgari System

      Yakuza headed off for the Valhalla ; his personal Predator Warship. Boarding it, he looked at his schedule, which included him travelling to Dirach for a meeting. Then, it happened again. For just a split second, the face of a huge and menacing alien appeared. It was gone in a flash, but the image spooked him considerably...

      Meanwhile, the aliens responded after a moment to the Azdgari. We hid in the interference of the Proxima Nebula... We developed very good sensors there, but they are not long range, so we could not detect the energy burst, or energy signal, when we travelled into your space... We also have very good cloaks.... We thank you for this information... Please wait for a moment; we need to recieve new orders from our leader...

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • OOC: Think of things as though the renegades havn't noticed the Aliens as of now.

      OV walked into one of the bars trying to grab a drink. When a mercant jumped up.

      "I tell you there are aliens in this galaxy!" he screams as he draws his gun.

      OV steps over, "What's this about aliens?"

      The man shrinks back, "Sir... There are starnge aliens, unlike any one has ever seen. HERE!"

      "Hmm, I have not seen any of them. Shall we investigate?"

      A group of renegades fly out of Freeport trying to locate the nearest aliens.....

      Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
      (url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
      (url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

    • Message to: South Tip Renegades
      From: Azdgari Alliance
      (High encryption, omega9)
      There are some aliens in our space, that call themselves the Attar. We have reason to believe they are not trustworthy, although we have minimal proof. They claim to be from the Proxima nebula. I wonder if they have contacted you or not. If no, then they are probably lying about their origin. Otherwise, I'll have to search for other ways to catch them up.
      Thank you for your consideration.

      Red leaned back. He was desperate for a way to catch the aliens in a lie. The galaxy would have to wait for proof.
      If these aliens are hostile, I need to make sure I'm able to concentrate on them, not my current enemies... "I'm not positive about the aliens, so I'll prepare for either way" Red got nervous when he realized he was speaking out loud, but relaxed when he saw he was alone. He sent a message to decrease scout fleets, and move the ships toward patrolling the frontier, the border from southern coalition space up past miranu and stopping around the Zidigar barriers.

      "I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • OOC:Look, I'va been waiting forever to capture a planet of the Coalition. Can I please have it now? All my people are there. It's in Otid.

      Never pet a burning dog.
      Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Overrider720:
      **OV jumped into the coilation space and tryed to get a message off to the Coilation before he was destroyed

      (Message to Silver Dragon)
      (High Encryption)
      Hello, we would like to make a pact with you. We will join you in assults if you can give us protection. We will do our best to help you fight your enimies if you can give us some help with ours

      Are you still alive Esponer.....


      OOC: i have not heard from him in 5 days. im begining to ponder whats up too.

      (Message to OV720)
      (High Encryption)
      greetings. i will think deeply about this. in the meantime, who are your enemies?
      ~U.E. Admiral
      (Message to Confeds.)
      (Low Encryption)
      greetings from the Coalition. our people grow weary of this bloody war. we would like a permenent peace treay.
      we will give you Otid as a show of our friendship.
      we ask that all movements through our space be uncloaked.
      ~U.E. Admiral
      (Message to Zidagar)
      (Max Encryption)
      Greetings from the Coalition. We have no quarels with one another and we share a common enemy. We would like to ensure that we never will, thus we ask for an Alliance between our three peoples.
      we are willing to share with you some of our shielding and armor tech in exchange for some tech of equal level to us.
      ~U.E. Admiral
      Coalition of Worlds
      R&D; Operations

      Outpost Construction
      Total: 0, ETC: 2

      Dreadnought Construction
      Total: 8, ETC: 5

      ETC: 3 posts
      Insanity has its advantages

      (This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 03-13-2002).)

    • OOC: I believe Esponer has resigned, sadly, so I guess UE Admiral is the new leader.



      The Renegades didn't have to look far. As a wing of three turncoats departed from Freeport, multiple jump points opened, and six alien scouts entered the system. Their shields glowed blue for a moment and then they began to zip around the system quickly, using high-energy scans.

      Many independent and Renegade vessels freaked out and scattered at the sight, but the first three turncoats simply stood their ground and watched the aliens as their scouts zoomed through the system.

      Taking several passes at Freeport and the three turncoats, whose crews were quite scared and worried, the aliens finally sent a message to them...

      "Greetings... We are the Attar... We originally thought that you were insignificant (which was why we did not contact you first), but apparently you are quite formidable... Who are you?"



      Fleet Commander Suran walked into the emporer's office. He bowed then spoke. "Emporer, I bring urgent news from the Pirates. They have been able to fend off the attack in Huan by the Coalition, and gave them heavy losses. Unfortunately, Iothe fell to the Coalition just a few hours later. They are requesting assistence by us as a show of friendship."



      Sadly for the Coalition, the message of peace never reached the Confeds. Instead, it was jammed by a high-frequency sub-space jammer, deployed by the "Attar". They didn't want the Coalition and Confederacy to start to ally, at least not yet, and they were going to make sure it happened that way.



      The Coalition fleet was taken totally off-guard by the Confederate warfleet, and took heavy losses as they launched their defense fleet and moved into formation to attack.

      When they finally did make a counter-charge, they were suddenly hit from behind by a wave of Confederate warships. The Coalition fought on desperately, but they were outgunned and outnumbered.

      The Coalition fleet turned tail and began to run to try and escape, but over half of the remaining ships were taken down before they hyperspaced out. The Confederates quickly took control of Otid, now knowing that the Coalition would not be caught off-guard so easily again.


      OOC: I'm going to finish up the battle in Huan. UE Admiral should have replied to it, but he didn't.



      The Coalition fleet sent out wave upon wave of heavy weapons fire into the Pirate fleet, giving them heavy losses, but not without losses. The Coalition had already lossed one dreadnaught, and many other were damaged.

      The Pirates suddenly made a huge charge through the Coalition lines, breaking their formation, with both sides taking heavy damage. The Coalition was hit hard, but they still outgunned their enemies, and they were hopeful that they would win the battle.

      Suddenly, some 250 more Pirate ships jumped into the system, with 75 mroe on the way. After being hammered by a colossal wave of missiles, the Coalition was forced to retreat. Jumping into hyperspace, the Pirates fired off more weapons, destroying another damaged dreadnaught, which also took out many of its escorts.

      With the Coalition fleet gone, Huan was safely in the hands of the Pirates. They had suffered heavy losses, but those losses were somewhat helped by the fact that 25 independent ships on the planet had been taken along with the captured bases.



      The Pirates in Iothe were not so lucky. They had been taken off guard by the massive Coalition fleet, and took heavy losses early on. Even with 50 more vessels arrived, they were still outnumbered, but they intended to fight to the last.

      They grouped up into a tight formation and charged the center of the Coalition line, blazing away with all they had. They were lucky; the Coalition line was broken and their formation scattered. The Pirates delt out some heavy blows upon them, then regrouped for a second charge.

      But this time, the Coalition was better assembled, and they failed to break through. Then the Coalition flanks moved around to try and surround the Pirates. Hearing the call to retreat immediately, the Pirates turned back and blasted through the left flank, which was weakest.

      Hyperspacing out with severe losses, the Pirates left Iothe now in the control of the Coalition. The Coalition had suffered moderate losses in the battle, and was quite happy with their work, but that was to change soon. With news of the bad losses at Huan, the Coalition commanders in Iothe were rather disappointed, but still thought that the capture of Iothe would make up for the losses in Huan.

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 03-12-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 03-12-2002).)

    • A fleet in Octivara and one in Sulthus both jump into hyperspace to Riden.
      The fleet from Octivara came first, and started to pound the ships in the system. After they were pretty well noticed, they cloaked and waited for about an hour, then uncloaked and killed everything else in the system. They then cloaked and waited for the Sulthus fleet and the Riden defence fleet to come.
      Scatter cloak ETA=9 posts

      Never pet a burning dog.
      Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

    • (Message to Aliens)
      (From Renegades)
      We are the South Tip reneagdes. We fight anyone willing to confront us and raid our challengers, would yuo like to know anything else?

      (Message to Coilation)
      (From Renegades)
      We have not seen battle in many a time, except for the frequent barfight vreaking out so as of the moment we have no enimies

      Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
      (url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
      (url="http://"")Nova6's Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV Forums(/url)

    • Message to the Aliens
      From: Azdgari
      Too many things about your arrival dont add up. Brief us on your history..

      Meanwhile, a fleet of 3 Draekon light cruisers (azdgari warships, carry 6 azdaras and decent firepower) head towards coalition pirate space as a sign of peace.

      "I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • Z'tar and ESpilot discuss many things in their meeting, one of which is the current times at hand. "There are many wars going on, Espilot, and these new vessels are showing up everywhere... How should we address this? I've been thinking about it, and I've come to the conclusion that these aliens, whoever they may be, have broken through our protective barriers without our consent; this should not be allowed at all. If they found a way to get through them, then they must know what they're for. By breaking through, they have disrespected our wishes--even though these wishes weren't communicated directly, the barriers themselves should have been enough to show that we have a "no visitors" sign on our front door. We need to ask them to leave until we can sort this out. If they are truely just "visitors," they will respect our wishes and leave us. If they do not comply... If they don't comply, I don't know what we should do..."

      Techs In Progress:
      Acid Machine Gun Slugs - 2 posts
      Explosive Machine Gun Slugs - 2 posts
      Shield-Projecting Missiles - 2 posts

      "Given a long enough timeline, the survival rate of everyone drops to zero." ~Fight Club
      "'Dammit, don't ask me questions!' ~a giant nipple" ~Me

      (This message has been edited by outoforder (edited 03-14-2002).)

    • OOC: outoforder i am not the leader of the Zidagar. i am the leader of the Coalition.(not for long i hope) (help me Esponer)

      (Message to Confeds.)
      (Max Encryption)
      greetings from the Coalition. our people grow weary of this bloody war. we would like a permenent peace treaty.
      we ask that all movements through our space be uncloaked.
      ~U.E. Admiral

      I hope they get this message, we could do great things together.

      (Message to Azdgari)
      (Max Encryption)
      Greetings from the Coalition. I ask for a cease fire, at least until these Alien scouts go away. If they are more than they say they are I believe we will both need all the ships we can get.
      ~U.E. Admiral

      (Message to Attar)
      (No Encryption)
      Greetings from the Coalition. please leave our space a.s.a.p. We do not trust those we dont know and we dont know you. Please do not see this as a threat. I hope you understand.
      ~U.E. Admiral
      Coalition of Worlds
      R&D; Operations

      Outpost Construction
      Total: 0, ETC: 1

      Dreadnought Construction
      Total: 8, ETC: 4

      ETC: 2 posts

      Insanity has its advantages

      (This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 03-13-2002).)

    • Coalition

      (Message to Coalition)
      ( We see anybody telling us to leave their space as a threat... We don't understand... We will leave, but we warn you that you are making a mistake... )
      (End Message)

      The Alien scouts in Thoso slowly moved out of the system, but suddenly they changed course and zoomed off in all directions. Just a few hours later, alien scouts were sighted in Verril, Bakka, Sol, and Paaran, but they all disappeared shortly afterwards into nothingness...


      Third General Lhevak growled lowly as he watched the psi readouts. His hunched over form was barely visible to humans, but to his kind, he was perfectly visible even in the near complete darkness. "What are they doing?" he growled.

      "Reports are coming in that multiple races are trying to make a peace treaty..."

      Lhevak growled again and his eyes glowed blue. He was thinking deeply about what his next move would be. "Jam the message between the Azdgari and Coalition... We can't let it go through...."

      "But won't they get suspicious-"

      "They're already suspicious! This is a chess game, and we're slowly loosing our advantage. We have to take a risk."

      "Very well, general..."

      "But that won't be enough; we need more...." He clenched and unclenched his fists, thinking again. "Influence the Azdgari leader.... Try and get him to not want to make any alliance with the Coalition."

      And with that, the message was blocked, and the psi warriors went to work on influencing the mind of the Azdgari leader....



      (Message to Azdgari)
      ( We Attar lived in the Proxima Nebula for years.... We hid from your kind with our cloaks and in the interference of the Nebula... We developed great technology, but not much weapons.... Then we came out to try and contact you, but we decided to try and find the biggest governments first; we considered the Renegades only worthless thugs, but we've decided to contact them as well after much diliberation... Why are you so suspicious of us? We only want peace and knowledge... )
      (End Message)


      Coalition Capitol; Pax Station

      The lone frieghter entered the system, and immediately several Coalition patrols moved to intercept and hail it. However, there was no response. The ship had been attacked and captured by the mysterious slugs, killing their crew. But now the other slugs had gone; they had been chased off by the Attar. The only ones that were left were the ones on the frieghter...


      OOC: UE Admiral, you HAVE to respond to the battle in Riden and to the post about the frieghter I just made. You're the leader.

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 03-13-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 03-13-2002).)

    • "It is strange how none of our messages get through."
      "Yes it is Sir"
      "Send a non-threatening ship into Azdgari space with the message i last sent"
      "sir they might destroy it."
      "i dought it, the Azdgari are reasonable people and wouldn't fire on something helpless"
      the General sent the order to the docking bay and the unarmed Coalition Scout
      went on its way to the nearest Azdgari system.
      Coalition of Worlds
      R&D; Operations

      Outpost Construction
      Total: 0, ETC: Complete

      Dreadnought Construction
      Total: 8, ETC: 3

      ETC: 1 posts

      posts till scout arives at threefrog: 1

    • OOC: oops. that last post was mine i just screwed up sorry.

      Insanity has its advantages

    • Redchigh was resting in his office, when he suddenly began thinking about the coalition... It had been a while since any offensive, maybe it was time for peace. He began writing a message to the coalition about a peace treaty..
      Unknown to him, an alien scout overhead was busy...
      emitting undetectable forms of energy...
      psi energy.....
      Redchigh suddenly began feeling anger towards the coalition... he found himself having a drastic change of thought... he heard a voice talking to him...
      "Coalition must Die.. The Coalition are preparing to ally and betray you... you need to hit them first..."
      What am I thinking?
      "It must be my subconscious... or a preminition..."
      Diamonds were plenty, but what stopped the coalition from developing new technologies? What stopped them from attacking the Azdgari? Their lack of offensives could only mean one thing.. they were planning something.... The azdgari have to make the first move....
      Suddenly an ensign ran into the room. His ensignia showed him as a diplomat.
      "Sir! A Coalition scout has just entered our space! It wants peace! Peace at last!!!!"
      "You are excused. Dont send any messages to it. That's an order."
      The ensign is crushed, but leaves... he'd never seen Redchigh with this sort of anger about him..
      "Military command, come in."
      "This is emperor Redch'igh. I hear a Coalition scout entered our space."
      "Yes, sir. Isn't the timing perfect? We can ally against th-"
      "Kill the scout. Kill it immediatly."
      "Yes, sir.."

      To show the Coalition the Azdgari's firepower, 4 predators close in on the scout.. Lead by the Valhella, the predators silently arm their weapons...
      (Carno? Yakuza is governing the minor fleet.)

      "I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • Coalition of Worlds
      Location: Dogovor

      The freighter entered Dogovor, and four Coalition fighters moved to intercept. They hailed, as was custom, but received no response.

      "Sir, there's no response from the freighter," replied the pilot of the Blue Fusion fighter.

      "Keep that signal quiet, cadet," replied a harsh voice. "You're supposed to be answering to command unit 341. You're making regular updates, correct?"

      " sir. Why should I have to update to both 341 and you?" asked the cadet innocently.

      The man snorted. The cadet had just signed his own death warrant. "Never mind, cadet. Have your wing take out the freighter's thrusters."


      "Do it, or you'll answer for it," Thćr replied.

      The wing quickly disabled the freighter's thrusters, while a team of marines prepared to enter the freighter.

      (From Jeynek Coral of the Coalition)
      (To ESPilot of the Zidagar)

      This message circumvents the hierachy of the Coalition, of both president and general. However, understand that I am the true leader of the Coalition, and my word has more meaning than that of our first general.

      The Azdgari Empire must fall, and all costs. I believe I have the means of that, enclosed within this message. Please consider it deeply.

      (end message)

      OOC: The message was sent to ESPilot privately. Some plans are best left secret.


      "We lost Otid, thanks to the first general," Thćr reported to Coral.

      Coral laughed. "Don't worry about Otid. It's of little importance. Oh, and ship that station to DSN-6004 (not sure; system under Thoso). Send a fleet of twenty ships to guard."

      Thćr nodded. "And gather the dreadnoughts?"

      "Yeah," Coral grinned. "We're just waiting for the Zidagar now."


      Outpost Construction
      Total: 1, ETC: 4 posts

      Dreadnought Construction
      Total: 8, ETC: 2

      ETC: Complete


      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 03-13-2002).)