Please disregard that last post (SexyStripperBoy) and forgive me for making it. Today is a new day.
Allow me to take a crack at the plug-in problem.
The problem with the Star Wars plug set is NOT a memory issue. I know this because I have 384 megs of ram, 330 megs of which are allocated to EVO, and I run a separate extension set whenever I play games. The problem of turrets not working and getting a halo of laser blasts circling around the player remains.
The problem is that the Star Wars plug set has too many separate plugs in it, plugs load alphabetically into the game engine (I think, anyway), and the data gets skewered because it gets loaded in a bad order.
The fix is complicated, but it WORKS! Here is what you do:
1.) Open SW20 1.0 (the largest file) in Res-Edit.
2.) Open SW20 1.03 fix in Res-Edit.
3.) Click on the first resource in the second plug to highlight it, then copy the entire resource.
4.) Open the corresponding resource in the first plug and paste the data from step 3. Doing it this way will overwrite some data, which is what you want, without losing data in the first plug that is not in the second plug. In other words, you are merely adding from the second plug what is not already in the first plug (but the corresponding resource window must be OPEN when you paste the entire resource from the second plug).
5.) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all resources from the second plug have been added to the resources in the first plug. Now close the second plug and save the first plug.
6.) Repeat the entire sequence until every resource from the rest of the plugs in the set has been added to the first plug.
If you want to cheat, I suggest that you add the resources from the cheat plug-ins last or any data you add afterwards will overwrite it, causing it to be lost.
If this sounds time consuming and aggravating, wait a few days and download the Star Wars plug from the add-ons page. It is a cheat version, but you can test it for yourself and see that it has no bugs. I intend to upload a non-cheat version when I get time.
Good luck to you.