Anyone got a good site? Dun make me whip out the old site and dust it off so I can play a good plugin or two.
thx in advance... Names and adresses will do.
A site for plug-in review? There are some? Really? Hm...
Lequis Design
Originally posted by Simsu1:
Anyone got a good site? Dun make me whip out the old site and dust it off so I can play a good plugin or two.
(url="http://"")My site(/url) doesn't have a section currently for plugin reviews, although I could certainly add one (or, if you want to revive your reviewing site, provide (url="http://"") space for it).
(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
Yeah, that'd be a great idea. I remember some of those things were around before, but nothing ever really turned big. Since you have all this stuff on your site for EV already, EVula, I figure that would be perhaps the ideal place for something like this. I'd be willing to do some reviewing of plug-ins I've played...
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Hm, just was surfing the 'net and came across Necromicon's site, I remember seeing it at some point, but don't know why he hasn't advertised more, it's a nice-looking site. Apparently there's a reviews section for it, but no one's reviewed anything yet.
I think what'd be best is to have one universal reviews site (which is why it'd be best if it were here, but I don't know how the Ambrosia guys would feel about that), so that we don't have people reviewing all over the place.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Originally posted by Firebird:
**Yeah, that'd be a great idea. I remember some of those things were around before, but nothing ever really turned big. Since you have all this stuff on your site for EV already, EVula, I figure that would be perhaps the ideal place for something like this. I'd be willing to do some reviewing of plug-ins I've played...
That would be quite cool. If I were to have plugin reviewing, I'd probably put it on -- I've started pushing for it to be the best place for resources in the EV community (ie: PFTN, Upcoming Plugin Directory, David Arthur's site), and this would definetly fall under that category.
/me jots down further notes in his Evil Journal (yes, I do actually have one) in slight reference to this subject, or rather, everything else. Mwuhahaha...
Originally posted by Firebird:
Hm, just was surfing the 'net and came across Necromicon's site, I remember seeing it at some point, but don't know why he hasn't advertised more, it's a nice-looking site. Apparently there's a reviews section for it, but no one's reviewed anything yet.
Yeah, is a pretty nice site, although I can't say as I've been there recently (I just haven't had time to devote to non-EVula stuff :)). I'm hoping that traffic there will pick up once Nova is released, as Nova plugins require a higher general knowledge of what you're doing. My only problem with it is the fact that it isn't hosted on my site.
Originally posted by Firebird:
I think what'd be best is to have one universal reviews site (which is why it'd be best if it were here, but I don't know how the Ambrosia guys would feel about that), so that we don't have people reviewing all over the place.
Agreed. I think it would be great if it were implemented here, but I don't think that Andrew has the time to devote to hacking the UBB some more, and I'm thinking of some nifty little tricks to pull...
Edit: Forgot to promote the other guys, too.
(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(This message has been edited by EVula (edited 02-24-2002).)
Sorry if this is off-topic, EVula, but I think I've tried to e-mail you in the past and haven't gotten any replies. It actually sort of fits in with your post anyway.
Yeah, so anyway, I was wondering, since you're hosting so much EV-related stuff, how that works out (i.e. details). Let's just say I'm often having frustrations with my current webspace providers at times.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
So I'll take that as a no. chuckle
Ah well didn't really expect to find one.. Mine was was only one around in EV days, that was worth the html it was written in imho.
Maybe I'll get around to putting up the old site when EV-Nova ships. Until then I dun think it's really worth the effort to track down a bunch of plugins and their dev and etc etc etc etc...
Originally posted by Simsu1:
**Maybe I'll get around to putting up the old site when EV-Nova ships.
By "old site" do you mean the old EV site? Do you have that by any chance? If I remember correctly, that was a really nice site, as it had a lot of resources that we don't see on the site now...I mean, those databases of everything in the game, the upcoming plug-ins section, even that thing where you could help other people out on plug-ins...that was cool.
Ahh, those were the good ol' days. Actually, it'd be nice if you had the old parts of the site where it had all the ships, all the outfits, and everything else in the game, as it'd be kind of useful at times.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Originally posted by Simsu1:
**Though coming back and looking around here I do wish the ambrosia-ev site had some of the old things of
A lot of people agree with you...
"The French model seems to show that, ultimately, someone will do my work FOR me."
(url="http://"")EV/O/N Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
Do not worry, all, many of the things that you speak of are coming back in a rather short while...
Damn I love being me sometimes.
(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(quote)Originally posted by Firebird:
**Sorry if this is off-topic, EVula, but I think I've tried to e-mail you in the past and haven't gotten any replies. It actually sort of fits in with your post anyway.:)
(url="http://"")EVula,(/url)** your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(quote)Originally posted by EVula:
**Do not worry, all, many of the things that you speak of are coming back in a rather short while...
Damn I love being me sometimes.
"The French model seems to show that, ultimately, someone will do my work FOR me."
(url="http://"")EV/O/N Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)** | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")