What you could do is go into ResEdit and edit the spรถbs so that there is a direct link between two far away systems...
First, you need to find both systems' IDs, then open one of them. In the window for the resource, I think the first few fields are for hyperspace links. In one of the blank links fields of System A, put the ID of System B. Then, in one of the blank links fileds of System B, put the ID of System A.
Now you have a direct hyperspace jump between the two systems, and, though it is kind of ugly to have that line from the one planet to the other, it lets you traverse Space with relative ease!
"Squirrels: They seem cute, UNTIL THEY GET ONE OF YOUR EYES!" - A T-shirt I once saw
"If Johnny has 6 apples and you take 2, how many years will you have in jail for robbery?" - Me
(This message has been edited by Mirrorman (edited 12-24-2001).)