Hey, Capn. Skyblade, you even get an Alliance Command Ship! Now, let's see...those are scary.
They beat the daylights out of the Galactica Warcruiser, can take on Haorn Motherships on a good day, would most likely turn a Raiek Dreadnought into slag in about the time it takes a Raiek Dreadnought to turn anything else into slag, and would get transformed into stardust in a fight with a Prylak Starfortress.
Have fun! 
(Note - the Alliance command ship is very expensive, too, and there aren't very many of them...unlike Raiek Dreadnoughts <shivers> )
Anyway, nice technologies allround. Some make me shiver in fright at the thought of coming up against them, so I'm now posting the Terran techs, just to try and comfort myself.
Nah, don't worry. You guys have some really neat and somehow actually legal techs here (I must be getting soft!)
Terran Technologies
• Zeno Sensor Cloak
It's a cloaking device. Ship go fast, it seen. Bad guy ship come about four times closer than weapons range, it seen. Ship go slow, bad guy must come very very close to see it. Comprende?
• Zeno Sensor
It's a sensor. It totally 100% beats the above cloaking device, and also totally gets round interference...of practically any kind, really. No increase on "sensor range", but just allround better sensors. Can detect the presence of a cloaked Tribunal ship, but not the direction or specs.
• Antimatter Disruption Cannon/Turret
Each blast is powerful enough to blow up some of the lighter of light fighters. And of course, it's reload rate lags seriously as a cost - with one cannon or one turret, you're be lucky to have three blasts in space at a time. Turrets at just turreted versions of the cannons, and this weapon is overall more powerful than most primaries, by about 2:1, so of course Terran ships have less of them. Oh, and of course, blasts DON'T fire at a slow range, and aren't inaccurate. Just clearing that up.
• AM Lance
"The most advanced in missile technology" say the Terrans. Well, it's good, but not that good. The anti-matter lance is a modification on earlier starlance designs - it fires without a launcher, and they can be fired together. AM lances, however, have a link with their firing ship, and it's Zeno Sensor. The link, surprisingly enough, works with a camera and an infra red beamer, and can usually use a signal-link as well. AM lances are powerful, but do more damage against old Prylak-designed shields (used by Raiek and Sijak)
• Stasis Generator
Only carried aboard the Equinox, this weapon is nice enough. Creates a huge shield wall, encasing up to two hundred ships (if they are in a close formation, obviously) and preventing them from...well, doing anything. Two hundred ships could probably "break" the shield wall in about an hour. One ship would suffer from severe grey-haired-pilot problems before it got out.
Terran Ships
• Thunderhawk Strike-fighter
It's average. Average shields, average weapons, average speed - or maybe just above average speed. Just about any fighter could beat it in a head on head fight. Zeno Sensor Cloak efficiency level 5 (the efficiency level tells just how fast it can go without being detected, or how close an enemy ship can get). Thunderhawks are armed as standard with an antimatter disruption cannon, and three AM lances.
• Darkwing Spycraft
Armed with a single antimatter disruption cannon and six AM lances, it could be said to be "capable of defending itself". However, it's slower than the Thunderhawk and not quite as well shielded. That said, it's Zeno Sensor Cloak operates at efficiency level 10. If this ship hypered into a heavily guarded system, they would be left wondering what that tiny energy signal was.
• Supernova Light Warship
The Supernova is an ingenius piece of work, improved from it's brief appearance in Reign of Chaos 2. With a Zeno Sensor Cloak at efficiency level 7, it can easily disappear into crowds. They are armed with three antimatter disruption turrets, and fifteen AM lances, as well as a Thunderhawk bay or twenty more AM lances. Supernovas aren't much against full warships, like the Confederate Raven or the Galactica Strike Cruiser, but with their cloaks they can simply fade away from conflict.
• Equinox "Ark" class BASE ship
The Equinox is six miles long, four miles wide, and about a mile high (yes, deck 1036 please). It is capable of supporting 200,000 civilians, of which only 135,000 currently exist in the Terran government, total. The Equinox is armed with two hundred antimatter turrets to "defend" itself, and approximately two thousand AM lances - although only two hundred of those can be carried externally and fired without reloading. It's sensor cloak efficiency is only level 2, but it's additional armanent of Stasis Generator certainly adds to it's power.
Note - the Equinox does not have a standard bay, but rather a small dock that can carry a few Supernovas at a time.
Now, you might notice the lack of seriousness in that report. That's about as official as Blade, one of the major commanders of the Terrans, will get. 