I remember a long, long, long time ago (before EVO) there was a group of people working on a multiplayer EV. Just wondering, was that ever finished? Was another attempt made if it wasn't? And if not, why not? I know some of you people have the knowledge to do this and too much free time to do it in, and I need a decent multiplayer game for when my friends come over. Hell, if I knew how, I'd do it myself, but I don't so I can't. Ambrosia seems to be dead against it, but by gee, by golly, by crikey, SOMEONE has to do it! It needs to be done! (insert extra insane ranting here)
Anyway, net EV would be extremely cool, and it would give everyone (with a mac, hahaha :p) something to do other than hang around on these webboards. Don't you all think those poor webboard people need a break from our insane rantings? That's enough from me, I need sleep.
"My, captain, how did you manage to fit such a luxurious double bed onto a scoutship... Oh, captain..."
Kinandra Alfar, Shipmate onboard the Wolverine II