basicly there are many objectives. Depending on the role you chose, you might make up your own.
Trader- Trades large amounts of goods to get money. buys trading ships with lots of cargo space. Mostly runs from renegades.
Bounty hunter- hunts out renegades. Does missions which involve seeking out renegade vessels.
"X" Specialist- Does missions for X Government. Loyal to government.
Renegade- Disable and steals from diasabled ship. Flees when big "Good Guys" show up.
Mercenary- a little of all of them
My personal favorite plugins
-frozen heart--Awesome
-Femme fetal- addon to frozen heart-Awesome
-Babylon 5 Newest version- Good, but some flaws in the graphics
Nice Shuttle--Where are the Rockets
-Rebelrunner when a fleet of shuttles attacked him