OOC: Hey there people, this is me. I would first like to say that this web story is really kewl. I love the whole battle of Sol thing. And it is refreshing to have only one alien race. Err... two, forgot the Emalgha. But its neat without all the others. Well anyways, Skyblade I really enjoy the story and its going well. However, to you shayborg, I know you are a mod and all. Which I assume means you are god material or something. But none the less I dont appreciate the way you handled the interaction with my character. He was going to be leaving Freeport he same day. And I think that you overstepped your bounds by the way you posted. Its kewl to have a spy and all but this web story is for everyone's entertainment, not just yours. Having the post take up a couple days. However long it takes to get to Freeport and all. I think that it was not fair. I think that there would have been other renegades in the system that would have attacked you. And I was waiting for OF to reply to my offer but then I was going to leave immediately. I believe you handled this very poorly and I am sorry. Skyblade your story is great, however I will be leaving it. OF you may take control of LaVec for the remainder. I would suggest that you have him sue the heck outta Huron and shayborg as they technically pirated his ship without cause. Remember that SC has never been pinned for anything. Read the desc on New Chicago if you have questions.
This is me singing off....
Its is true that Neverwhere is a troubled land...
Yet I have no qualms in ruling it with an iron hand...
Back through your portal I say for this land is mine...
- Me
(This message has been edited by LaVec Kordun (edited 09-27-2001).)