Ok, people, this is not a test!
What do you think the dumbest ship in EVO is?
(Here comes the proverbial Hurricane
Ok, people, this is not a test!
What do you think the dumbest ship in EVO is?
(Here comes the proverbial Hurricane
The worst ship too me is the Krait. Then at a close second is the Turncoat. The krait serves no purpose to me and the Turncoat isnt worth a fraction of the price....then there is the UE Freighter, but its at least got an ok hauling stat.
"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."
I think the worst ship is the Azdara! And now I shall run far far away since your all going to spam me with reasons it's not the worst. I have my own opinions and my own reasons so don't try flaming my opinion just because you think your opinion matters more.
Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
I dont wanna yell at you...(ok, i do, but im not gonna). I just want to know your reasoning, you'd seroiusly rather be a krait over an Azdara?
"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."
Oi. About a zillion more people are going to act like this on this topic...
By the way, nice anger management, Phantomrain.
Oh, yeah, the topic. Uhh, I'd have to say the UE Freighter. No standard weapons, no shield s, no armor. C'mon!
The Krait is great. Absolutely fanatic.
What's the current rate? 1500 Kraits to 1 Azdara? Case at rest.
Plus, the Azdara is a load of **** (I did that myself, censoring). Too weak, too weak, too weak.
Ow! A dispersal rocket got me between hyperjumps!
What a great ship...
That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon
Krait is the worst ship. Azdara is as good as they come.
-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
Is it just me, or was silver dragon contridicting himself?
"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."
It's called sarcasm, my dear friend, but I can't imagine you understanding that.
What I mean, Captain Skyblade, is costwise. And anyway, I piloted an Azdara. The only ship made for war I couldn't get through the North Tip in, and I usually pilot a Crescent Fighter.
Phased beams or dispersal rockets - approximate killing time, 1/2 a second.
And I did a test. A Crescent Warship, at best, with upgrades, can take on about 20 Kraits at a time, coming out pretty damaged. I don't think it'd perform so well against 50, and at the cost rate there would be around a THOUSAND Kraits to one CW.
That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon
The ship I really hate is... what's it's name... thingy... blah blah... h yeah, crescent fighter!
I despise false modesty.
No, actually, that WASN'T an edit.
That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
What I mean, Captain Skyblade, is costwise. And anyway, I piloted an Azdara. The only ship made for war I couldn't get through the North Tip in, and I usually pilot a Crescent Fighter.
Ha! Your Crescent Fighter will be no better off than an Azdara! I can feast on those Zidager and Miranu Fighters with an Azdara, using speed, circling tactics, and four swivel phase cannons. Of course, I usually lose my shields when fighting those Igazras, but they certainly can't get through my dospect armor with phase weapons...
-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
Hey, problems with an Azdara.
Get it's speed up, or Zidagar Fighters will have you for dinner. Plus, never take on two fighters, since one might hit you with a lone bolt and blow you up. Never jump from one system to another, for a stray dispersal rocket will blow you to blazes........
That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon
Hmmmm, you couldnt get an Azdara to the North-Tip....Maybe its you and not the ship
"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."
I could get a Crescent Fighter through any mission you threw at me, I spend most of my time in EV in a Lightning happily blowing every other ship to blazes, the idea of piloting a Voinian ships makes me want to scream, I destroy the Dreadnought with fighters no matter what, the only warships I'll touch are the Zidara and the EV Rebel Destroyer - sometimes the Crescent Warship, and I've tried out the rest, but they are all too slow.
When it comes to fighters, come to me, and don't doubt my skill.
Phoenix, you can now have your ego back.
That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon
the probelm with getting an Azdara to the north tip with the mission is not with u surving but keeping the rest of your squadron alive
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
Oh, i probably just got really lucky then. It took me only one try to complete that mission. But when i tried it on another pilot, it took me like 3 days to do it. Then again, the first time i probably just had begginers luck seeing how it was my first pilot.
Whats the sense of hating when i can show love, whats the sense of faking, when i can show blood?"
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Hey, problems with an Azdara.
Get it's speed up, or Zidagar Fighters will have you for dinner. Plus, never take on two fighters, since one might hit you with a lone bolt and blow you up. Never jump from one system to another, for a stray dispersal rocket will blow you to blazes........
Hehe... Opinion of these two fighters all depends on one's taste on the long run...
As for me, speed is the most important feature of a vessel. Many people focus on shielding to stop weapons from harming you, but when you have speed, you have much less incoming weapons to worry about.
The Crescent Fighter certainly has speed, but a good bit slower than the Azdara. Using circling tactics, Crescent Fighters become easy meat for Azdaras.
-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
If only we could play each other online...ahhhh the possibilities. Then we'd see who'd win this battle.
::sits down and crys himself to sleep with the thought of such happiness in his head::
Whats the sense of hating when i can show love, whats the sense of faking, when i can show blood?"
Azdaras rock. yes, speed is the most important aspect. I like upgraded aradas (youd never have guessed, eh?) which are rather fast and still very powerful.
And online would be cool, but dont let moki hear ya say that (shhh!)
=Spread the Chaos=