Please, oh please let me make in time.
Name: Kill THIS With A Forklift (That's a mouthful, eh?)
Ship: Adzgari Warship (I'm not sure if this is possible. I just like the colors.)
Govยดt: Adzgari (I'd prefer independent, it that's possible.)
Location: Crescent, UE space, Southern Renegade space.
Hail Quote: "My Warship is god."
Comm quote: "People try to forklift me.
I just phase them all." (For those who didn't catch it, my hail and comm quotes form a haiku. :D)
Shields: 200%
Agression: (To be frank, I don't know much about this one..I'm going to go with what other people have posted.) 3
AI type: 3 (Warship)
Credits: None. (Yes, you heard me. I want the player to go "Arrrgh! You <preferred insult>ing <preferred insult>er!")
Weapons: Azdara Bay & 6 Azdaras, full phase turrets, 3 Defense pod launchers, 30 Defense pods.
Grudge: Yes
Escape Pod: No
My idea, here, is to create a beatable ship that will take some skillfull cheating, flying, or a considerable number of escorts to disable. I want it something people want to kill, just because it's satisfying to blow up such a rude ship.
"Do-spect armor? Hah!
I Do 'spect that you're going to die, Vonian scum!"
Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, whilst the Dreadnaught turned into another profile on the BRunner's hull.
(This message has been edited by Kill THIS With A Forklift (edited 08-21-2001).)