Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Persons of the EVO Webboard Update

      62 149 4.1k

      I am making an update to "Persons of the EVO Webboard." Please imput your info here:

      Hail Quote:
      Comm quote:
      Shields: (Percentage of shilds of ship in game)
      Escape Pod:

      Just some notes:
      • Your ship's name is your UserName.
      • Only weapons in the game, and NO Forklifts or Disco Bison Machine Guns.
      • You can have fighters, but there is a maximum of 6 new fighters per type (you can have a maximum of 6 UE Fighters and 6 Kraits on one ship, for example)
      • As for projectile weapons, you can have a maximum of 50 projectiles per weapon.
      • As for loaction, the EVO engine will only allow a pers to be in these locations:

      • Anywhere
      • A specific system
      • A system of a specific govt
      • A system not of a specific govt
      • A system of the allies of a specific govt
      • A system of the enemies of a specific govt
        (So no "I want my ship to be in the Voinian systems, in Gadzair and in the Strandless worlds!)

      I'd write more, but I have to get going.

      God bless,

      UE Patriot

      "Turn me over, I'm done on this side."- St. Lawerence at his martyrdom
      "The glory of God is man fully alive"- St. Iraeneus
      Voinian lovers are ignorant of the UE marines taking over Borb Station.
      (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUE.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url): Get it today!

      (This message has been edited by UE Patriot (edited 06-27-2001).)

    • Overrider720
      UE Cruiser
      UE Space, Independants in UE Space
      "One false move and you'll be overriden!"
      "Hello! One wrong move and you'll be eating my blaze fire!"
      15 Blaze Turrets, 6 Rocket Launchers, 50 Rockets, 1 UE Fighter Bay, 6 UE Fighters
      Voinians, Renegades, John Cook
      Of Course! 🙂

      Thanks Patroit!

      You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
      (url="http://"")Ferazel Chronichles(/url). Why not? We want Ferazel Chronichles! Please give them to us!!

    • Name: Opalius
      Ship: Azdara
      Gov: Azdgari
      Loc: Raigar
      Hail: Help?
      Comm: Just a minute
      Shields: Normal
      Agres: Inceptor
      Creds: 0
      Outfits: Two shield enchancers, 3 neutron cannons and an afterburner
      E.Pod: No


    • Name: LoneIgadzra

      Ship: Igazra

      Gov´t: Emalgha

      Location: Emalgha space

      Hail Quote: Overheard on comm: hysterical laughter Look at the sensors I tell you, <PN> is the owner of that pathetic ship!

      Comm quote: "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the-" Wait a minute, this hail box isn't big enough for my quote, and who the heck do you think you are, pressing the Y button while I'm in the shower?

      Shields: 100%

      Agression: 3

      AI Type: warship (3)

      Credits: 600,000

      Outfits: 8 extra dispersal rocket launchers and the max (50?) ammo for them, 20 extra SAE ammo, and a UE fighter bay and 5 UE fighters

      Holds Grudge: yes

      Has Escape Pod: yes

      "Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-eight million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea." - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 06-26-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 06-26-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 06-27-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 07-06-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 07-06-2001).)

    • Hail quote is what is shown when the ship hails you.
      Comm quote is what is shown when you're talking to them in the communication window.

      Signature 2.0 is in developement.
      Beta will start soon.

    • Name: Kat
      Ship: Crescent Fighter
      Gov: Zachit
      Loc: Miranu wolds
      Hail: I'm Dying....... well not realy, i just need help ok?
      Comm: Hi, I hate to be the one to brake this to you, But your ship needs an upgrad
      Shields: 1000
      Agres: ?
      Creds: 10c
      Outfits: Two shield boosters, 5 neutron cannons and a shield enharcer.
      E.Pod: yes
      oh and by the kat is sort for kathy
      Amy or kat 🙂


    • Because I cheat/modify/edit, my ship has much better shield regen and a little more speed, along with some extra weapons space (I think).

      Name: Aven VI
      Ship: Infested Azdgari Warship
      Gov't: Azdgari
      Location: Anywhere
      Hail Quote: "Before you critisize someone, walk a mile in their shoes."
      Comm Quote: "That way, when you DO critisize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes
      Shields: 250
      Agression: Neutral
      Credits: 3.968m cr.
      Outfits: Enhanced Shield Generator, Shield Generator, 6 Azdaras, 6 Enhanced Azdaras, 4 Phase Turrets, Afterburner, 2 Fuel Scoops, 2 Fuel Tanks, all the sensor and missile jamming upgrades, Space Mine Layer, 10 Space Mines.
      Grudge: Against people who hate me for cheating. I already did the game without cheating once.
      Escape Pod: Equipped with a year's supply of microwaveable pizza, a big-screen TV, and a computer with an internet hookup.

      Signature 2.0 is in developement.
      Beta will start soon.

    • Ok now i know what grudge is. Mine is all Renagades been with the zachit.
      Agres: Neutral
      Hail: When you can see i'm in trouble help me, But when i'm Not take care.

      sorry i had to cange a few things.



    • -Shadow ninja

      Ship: None. I prefer to freefloat or "swim" through space

      Gov: What does it matter, theyre all bastuds

      Loc: Weeell you and there

      Hail: Infidel shall all drown in lakes of blood

      Com: Now you will learn why you are afraid of the dark, now you will know why you fear the night

      Shield: A bit

      Agro: Icy

      Type: Ninja

      Weap: Eye lasers (theyre real, mind, you get them as soon as you make friends with the Council)

      Grudge: Indeed

      Escape pod: of course not!! Whaddaya take me for, a chicken 🆒

      It's hideous head,
      founded of black steel,
      was shaped in the
      likeness of a ravening

    • Name: ~Rebel~
      Ship: Miranu Gunship
      Gov´t: Zachit
      Location: Renegade Systems
      Hail Quote: Die Renegade Scum!!!
      Comm quote: I am here to deal my own method of justice!
      Shields: 250
      Agression: Kill any renegades on sight
      Credits: 5M
      Outfits: 6 Phase Cannons, 2 Disp. Rocket Launchers w/ 50 rockets, 4 Missile Launchers w/ 100 missiles
      Grudge: against renegades
      Escape Pod: yes


    • Name: Netosa
      Ship: Voinian Carrier
      Gov´t: UE
      Location: Voinian space
      Hail Quote: To that voinian I leave... A boot to the head!
      Comm quote: Remember to donate your credits to the Save the Emalgha Fund. And it's tax deductible! Don't turn off the comm! Think of the children! Hey! He---- Beep.....
      Shields: 300%
      Agression: 3
      Type: warship
      Credits: 300 creds
      Outfits: 1 UE Fighter Bay, 6 UE Fighters + 2 Hunter launchers, 30 missiles
      Grudge: yes
      Escape Pod: yes, please!

      Truth suffers from too much analysis.
      --Ancient Fremen Saying

      (This message has been edited by netosa (edited 06-29-2001).)

    • Beowulf, your system would not work. Everybody else, remember that any outfits such as fuel scoops, enh. shield generators, and so on CANNOT be fitted to your ship. There is a maximum as 4 new weapons.

      Let me explain. If the original ship has 4 turrets, you can keep that and still have 4 weapon slots. If you want to add/take from those turrets, you take up a weapon slot. If you, say, don't want phase turrets, you say "-(the number of phase turrets you have)" for one slot.

      You CANNOT have more than 4 weapon slots, to my knowledge, and you CANNOT have outfits. Eqaully, you can't have new ships, or freefloat through space. All you are doing is annoying the heck out of UE Patriot here, because he has to sift through all this nonsense. Please try and make sure it all makes sense.


      PS: I'll get back to you soon with an updated SilverDragon, if you don't mind.

      That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
      - SilverDragon

    • Name: Captaintripps
      Ship: Zachit Arada
      Gov´t: independent
      Location: anywhere
      Hail Quote: "I'm the real American Hebrew"
      Comm quote: "When your dead and naked people tend to notice these things"
      Shields: normal
      Agression: 4
      Type: warship (3)
      Credits: 2000
      Outfits: normal setup for zachit arada
      Grudge: yes
      Escape Pod: yes

      GIJew, the real American Hebrew - Aunt Bea's Marauders

    • Name: Aben Zin
      Ship: Changeling
      Gov´t: Independant
      Location: South tip station
      Hail Quote: This is Zin. And that was a warning.
      Comm quote: Is there something you want? My time is more valuable than yours.
      Shields: (Percentage of shilds of ship in game)200%
      Agression: Towards renagades
      Type: Zidara
      Credits: 7
      Outfits: (If possible) Afterburner, Thrust+RCS+Engine upgragdes, full phase turrets/cannons, 2 phased beamers, 3 Needle launchers (with 50 missiles? That sucks!), and standard 2 Zigadar fighters.
      Grudge: None. I don't hold grudges. At least for long.
      Escape Pod: Nah.


      They are? Where?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      **Beowulf, your system would not work. Everybody else, remember that any outfits such as fuel scoops, enh. shield generators, and so on CANNOT be fitted to your ship. There is a maximum as 4 new weapons.

      Let me explain. If the original ship has 4 turrets, you can keep that and still have 4 weapon slots. If you want to add/take from those turrets, you take up a weapon slot. If you, say, don't want phase turrets, you say "-(the number of phase turrets you have)" for one slot.

      You CANNOT have more than 4 weapon slots, to my knowledge, and you CANNOT have outfits. Eqaully, you can't have new ships, or freefloat through space. All you are doing is annoying the heck out of UE Patriot here, because he has to sift through all this nonsense. Please try and make sure it all makes sense.


      PS: I'll get back to you soon with an updated SilverDragon, if you don't mind.


      Ship: Zidara

      Sield: Lots

      Agro: 4

      Type: Ninja(that means mach0 fightin warship)

      Weap: A cool blend of P.Beamers, N.Cannons and D. Rockets

      Out: The works- I'm hard as nails

      Grudje: All life

      Escape pod: You'll never beat me! I'm invincible!

      It's hideous head,
      founded of black steel,
      was shaped in the
      likeness of a ravening

    • Ahhh... many of these have popped up over time. Hopefully you can be the first one to complete the project!

      Name: Flatulence
      Ship: Igazra
      Gov´t: Igadzra or if you're making a new webboard government; that one.
      Location: Everywhere
      Hail Quote: I am the alpha and the omega!
      Comm quote: You should be leaving now...
      Shields: 200% (I think this is reasonable factoring in what upgrades my ship has right now: dospect, shield enhancers, etc)
      Agression: Bully
      Type: Is this the AI thing? If so... well, I forget the AI settings. Warship! Warship is one, no? 😄
      Credits: 2M
      5 Neutron Turrets
      1 Crescent Fighter Bay + 3 Crescent Fighters
      1 Tractor Beam
      Grudge: Yes
      Escape Pod: Yes

      Remember, I'm just text on your screen. I don't exist in your world.
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

      (This message has been edited by Flatulence (edited 06-27-2001).)

    • -CROCIX
      -If you aren't a Voinian or a Renegade is good, if you are of them is bad (for you).
      -I think that it is Warship but i'm not sure
      -5 Phased turrets, a rocket launcher,an afterburner, 2 fuel scoop, 4 shield battery, neddle jammer, ECM and zidagar sistem
      -against Voinian and renegade
      -with a lot of microwaveable pizza and a lot of comics, a bed and a Macintosh G4 with Internet and Unreal Tournament.

      I'm Crocix, the great Zacha, the hero of the UE and the captain of the MUTEN.

    • Name: Alien 5672
      Ship: UE Cruiser
      Gov't: Hinwar
      Location: Anywhere.
      Hail Quote(When you hail him): Vononinnys? Vegatas? Viks? Vegs? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewmun plant..
      Comm(Just in space): How do you spell Voinian?
      Shields: 400%
      Agression: Maxed.
      Type: Brave Warship
      Credits: 17 mil
      Weapons: 5 blaze turrents, 1 Hunter Missle Launcher with 50 ammo, 1 Regular missle launcher with 50 ammo, 1 dipsy rocket launcher with 50 ammo, and 1 pursuit missle launcher with 50 ammo.
      Grudge: Well, he's going to attack any way so yes!
      Escape Pod: No, but he does reappear. That stubbern Hinwar just won't die!

      E-mail if there's problems.

      sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
      AIM: StrikerDragon

    • As I've said before, Hail is when the other ship hails you, and comm is when you're using the communication window. Simple as that.


      I'm not smiley crazy anymore.

      Signature 2.0 is in developement.
      Beta will start soon.

    • Name: Grunadulater
      Ship: Turncoat
      Gov't: Renegade
      Hail quote: Hello, and howdy do!
      Comm quoate: you like dust no?
      Aggresion: 3
      Type: turncoat
      Weapons:3 blaze turrents, 1 phase turrent, 3 crescent fighters, 1 crescent fighter bay,1 plasma shiphon.
      grudge: yes
      Escap pod: -1

      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-28-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-28-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 07-22-2001).)