Hey, ever think the forklift would be less of a 'cheat' if it was as slow as a Voinian Supply ship? Or just completely immobile like a mine of some kind?
What signiature?
Hey, ever think the forklift would be less of a 'cheat' if it was as slow as a Voinian Supply ship? Or just completely immobile like a mine of some kind?
What signiature?
Originally posted by Autonav 6000:
**Hey, ever think the forklift would be less of a 'cheat' if it was as slow as a Voinian Supply ship? Or just completely immobile like a mine of some kind?
That wouldn't really make it less of a 'cheat'. You'd still have to cheat to get it. It would just make the 'cheat' less powerful.
The Forklift isn't a cheat, it's an easter egg. Using it to defeat ships that you otherwise couldn't is cheating. Typing the key sequence to get it isn't cheating. So if it's not powerful enough to allow the player to defeat ships he otherwise couldn't, it isn't a cheat in any way.
"I am astounded ... at the wonderful power you have developed -- and terrified at the thought that so much hideous and bad music may be put on record forever."
-Arthur Sullivan, unknowingly anticipating the Backstreet Boys upon viewing of Edison's talking machine in 1888
It is an cheat, u can´y buy it and u don´t get it in an misson. And why woukd u wan´t to use it? U can´t plunder and the 25$ was down the drain
After hearing that REM rejected the MS offer to buy a song for ad purposes,
it came to me that it might have been:
to the tune of Losing My Religion
Cheating sucks. period. Its very lame and means you're too much of a loser to play for yourself.
=Spread the Chaos=
Originally posted by Desert-Rat:
It is an cheat, u can´y buy it and u don´t get it in an misson
Which makes it an easter egg, not a cheat.
Cheat == something that makes the game much easier than it should be. E.g. a ship with ridiculous shields or recharge rates that costs 1 credit.
"I am astounded ... at the wonderful power you have developed -- and terrified at the thought that so much hideous and bad music may be put on record forever."
-Arthur Sullivan, unknowingly anticipating the Backstreet Boys upon viewing of Edison's talking machine in 1888
Come on people...this has got to be the lamest thread I've ever seen. Easter egg or cheat? Puh-lease! It's a cheat, through and through. By claiming that it's only an easter egg because you press a couple of buttons...that's just wrong. What, exactly, would that make -cheat- codes? They're cheats, to be sure, but they're just a few keys that you press, right?
Just my thoughts.
Battler of the unjust Forklift.
And still blowing up them Strands, 'cause the Aggies haven't given him the new shield generator yet.
Sorry, must have missed tihs in all the commotion. Morbid curiousity beckons me to ask, what is the key combo to get the forklift?
Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!
Originally posted by Kill THIS With A Forklift:
**Come on people...this has got to be the lamest thread I've ever seen. Easter egg or cheat? Puh-lease! It's a cheat, through and through. By claiming that it's only an easter egg because you press a couple of buttons...that's just wrong. What, exactly, would that make -cheat- codes? They're cheats, to be sure, but they're just a few keys that you press, right?
Just my thoughts.
I'm only saying that just getting the forklift isn't cheating, it's using it to complete missions or defeat ships you otherwise couldn't that's cheating. If you don't use it at all, or just shoot it at kraits or defenders to watch 'em vaporize, you're not cheating (unless of course you do the latter from, say, a shuttlecraft).
"I am astounded ... at the wonderful power you have developed -- and terrified at the thought that so much hideous and bad music may be put on record forever."
-Arthur Sullivan, unknowingly anticipating the Backstreet Boys upon viewing of Edison's talking machine in 1888
Originally posted by Payback37:
**Sorry, must have missed tihs in all the commotion. Morbid curiousity beckons me to ask, what is the key combo to get the forklift?
Off of the top of my head, I can't remember, but you can do a search for "Escape Velocity" at codes.ign.com - it's in there, somewhere.
We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
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Anyone who can figure out my password can choose my new sig for as long as I don't notice.
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Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
Cheating sucks. period. Its very lame and means you're too much of a loser to play for yourself.
Actually, I have to agree. I've cheated MANY times when I just plain didn't feel like playing fair; this happens most often when I've had a bad day. Those are the times where nuking every ship in the system feels really good.
Another time that I've found cheating useful is in plugin development. When I did Hornet (shudder), I did the prices and weights last, so I could test out every ship and every weapon. Very helpful, as I was also able to test out how well weapons did damage (although, when I had 8 Hornet heavy turrets, it was a bit hard to guage how effective a single one was, but thats just because fleets of 6 ConFed cruisers are week :)).
As for the topic at hand: the forklift is a cheat. It doesn't matter how you look at it (like you can do anything with it OTHER than blow stuff up), it is something that unfairly modifies the odds in a battle to the player's favor, which makes it a cheat. If you modify the forklift to be more of a well-balanced weapon (ie: if it were to have unlimited ammo, but less damage to armor and shields, and smaller blast radius), it might qualify as an easter egg; until then, its a cheat.
Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
**Cheating sucks. period. Its very lame and means you're too much of a loser to play for yourself.
I disagree. If you've just bought a game, and can't play it, what do you do? Send it back? Hide it in a corner and tell your friends you didn't like it? Give it to someone as a birthday present?
Or cheat, and enjoy the game you bought.
Of course, if you cheat and then say "I destroyed the Black Hole in Frozen Heart easily!", for example, THAT'S wrong. But, if you want to end a game like Frozen Heart, and simply don't have the time to try and aim those IMP bombs, there's absolutely nothing wrong with going to EV-Edit and giving the Black Hole 1 shields. Not, of course, that I've ever done that...
Just think here; a cheat is nothing but a gaming aid, something to make a game easier. It's like another difficulty level - you have hard, medium, easy and absolutely impossible to lose easy (or cheat). If you lose on easy, you should go down a level. After all, would you throw a game out because you can't win on hard? It's nonsensical.
Not only that, but cheats are great after-games. There's nothing more fun than downgrading your Rebel Destroyer for a little shuttlecraft and then turning Sol's defences into Pentium 3 processes with a forklift, playing a violent shoot-em-up then afterwards making use of some humourous little cheat-weapon to slaughter everything.
The only thing that's wrong is this:
i destryd the big scary monster at the end of that rlly eesy game eesy!**