Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Well i'm sure New Zealand is great.

      Are there really a lot of sheep there?

      Don't forget, both our colonies were originaly colonized
      by th same people. The British.

      Why is Star Wars so addictive?

    • Thanks.
      Actually,our political system is based on ;'the stupidest person becomes Prime Minister."
      Helen Clark is NEARLY as dumb as Bush.
      Yes,we have about 12 million sheep,and about 4 million people.

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • Hooray!
      Double party!
      I too have passed 100 posts!

      Shade doubles the amount of chocolate at Kitty's party.

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • Grand Admiral Thrawn gets some art work out of the Chimaera
      and puts it around the bar. That should make it look good.
      So what is this party about?

      LOL, thats hillarious. The stupidest person becomes leader.
      Sounds like the States.

      Why is Star Wars so addictive?

    • Oh,Clark's not that bad...
      Before her we had Jenny Shipley,and before that we had Jim Bolger.
      Of course,if you want a really stupid NZ prime minister,we had Robert Muldoon.

      I think this party is about Kitty becoming a Member.
      My half of it is about me passing 100 posts.

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • Yes it is about me being a member, and about Shade. Oh congrats Shade! Tripples the amont of chocolate, putts some music on. This is now tuning into a disco thinks Kitty.

      Y'know the day i become a mod(is never)............ .........................................................

    • Thrawn walks into the bar and walks over to Kitty and Shade.
      Thraw pulls out Green Destiny and slices Kitty and Shades head off.
      Thrawn says he was upset that they had something to celebrate and he didn't.

      He then regenerates them both and says sorry.
      The grand admiral buys three cokes and celebrates the occasion.

      Why is Star Wars so addictive?

    • Shade tells GAT that slicing their heads off was pointless and insane.
      But he does not want to start a vendetta,so he doesn't kill GAT.
      He buys I394's Ka'aat a kennel built into the wall,with an infinite supply of LPG so it will keep flaming.
      Soon the bar is nice and warm.

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • Well Shade i did say sorry and i bought you guys cokes.

      What else could i do.Well i could have not cut your heads off
      but it's too late now.

      Why is Star Wars so addictive?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by grand admiral thrawn:
      **Thrawn walks into the bar and walks over to Kitty and Shade.
      Thraw pulls out Green Destiny and slices Kitty and Shades head off.
      Thrawn says he was upset that they had something to celebrate and he didn't.

      He then regenerates them both and says sorry.
      The grand admiral buys three cokes and celebrates the occasion.


      Well i'm sure we could find somthig to celebrate for you. Kitty then sees that there is no coke left, and brings about 500 more bottles out of her ship.

      Been there, Done that.

    • Shade sets up a firing range above Kitty's head,using coke cans instead of those ugly clay ducks,so she can have coke on tap.

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • I am taking votes to decide on whether or not I open a new bar.

      Cast your vote.

      Fashion knows no season.

    • What like Bar Latte 2? Kitty thanks Shade.

      Its only letters on your screen, so what do I care?

    • Quote

      BTW are you from Canada?

      If you're asking me, no. I'm from the USA.
      I realize the whole SW thing is unrealistic, but some of the books are just unrealistic for the Star Wars storyline. Zahn is great, but Kevin J. Anderson and Dave Wolverton go out of my personel bounds of Star Wars realism.

      About the new bar, it doesn't really matter whether I go to a new or old one. If this is about to be closed, though, I guess I'll go for a new one. I second Kitty's idea for a title.

      Go to for the homepage of all anti-htjyang sigs. Help support this pathetic movement.

    • I believe that you should start another bar.
      Not that this one isn't great, but it's
      getting rather large.

      So i hve to vote yes.

      Why is Star Wars so addictive?

    • I think it probably would be good to start a new bar-this one is getting crowded,and besides,SilverDragon was bugging us to close it further up page 6.
      My vote is Yes.

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • YES then, starts taking down the streamers and the balloons sadly. Gives all the left over coke to Phoenix for his next bar. But can we atlest name it Bar Latte II? or 2.

      Its only letters on your screen, so what do I care?

    • Shade tells Kitty that she can probably put the stramers & baloons back up in Pheonix's next bar.

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • OK,it appears that everyone in here is unaminous about starting a new bar.
      We ought to do it soonish,then.
      Why hesitate?

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • We're waiting for Pheonix, I guess.
      I394 looks sadly at the bar that has been his home so long, he has one last Saalian brandy, and goes to his ship, dragging his Ka'aat in the kennel thing. It mews sadly.

      Go to for the homepage of all anti-htjyang sigs. Help support this pathetic movement.