I checked it, nothing- is there anyway I could have accepted it and then somehow aborted or failed it? I can't find missions in any of the other places eather!
I checked it, nothing- is there anyway I could have accepted it and then somehow aborted or failed it? I can't find missions in any of the other places eather!
Originally posted by rookie10276:
**If any one needs to find A system you can find it here. /
ummm, you made a mistake with the map, you should switch the zidigar and azdgari colors, you have them reversed(i.e. zidigar should be changed to green; as the systems are colored, and azdgari should be changed to blue(in the legend))
what have I become, my sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away, in the end
"And the door closed with a satisfied ssssssh-aaaaah"
(This message has been edited by Oedipus (edited 06-15-2001).)
Originally posted by Genghis:
**Ok, thankyou. I got the military missions at Fridion. By the way, is their anyway to make a plugin work for a version of EVO lower than what it says on the readme? I have version 1.0.2 and many plugins won't work.
1.0.2 is the latest version of EVO, and ALL plugins should work with it. Have you tried giving the EVO application more memory?
"I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff. And I want in." Homer Simpson
"When I am king you will be first against the wall...." Radiohead, Paranoid Android
"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" Brian's Mum
Hey, if this is the placed to come for EVO questions, hopefully noone'll mind coz I've got a few... I've completed the 3 central objectives - exploring the nebulas, pushing back the Voinian Frontier and destabilising the strand war (I worked for the Zidagar). I know it's possible to get the Zachit Rock missions, and I'm already a member of the Zachit, but I've no idea where to go to get this mission, despite having landed at Zachit countless times - (isn't there some requirement or something?)...and also for some reason I'm never being offered the Kirrim ski resort missions either. I've already done every UE mission and refuse right now to work for renegades or any other strands (I can't believe I've become patriotic in some sci-fi shareware...). Any help or pointers would be great - cheers guys
"Never trust a dog with
orange eyebrows"
-Nanny Ogg
Getting the Zachit missions can be tough, there is only a 25 percent chance of getting the missions. What you should do is go to a system near zachit and wipe out the renegades there, then return to Zachit, go to the bar, and try to get the mission. If you don't, go kill some more renegades. This will raise your rating in all nearby systems. Eventually, when you land on Zachit you should get the missions. I'm not sure if the Kirrim prime missions actually begin on Kirrim Prime, but if not, just look around Miranu space until you find it. P.S. for these missions (Kirrim Prime) you will need a ship that can jump in one day.
Hey man, I'll give it a go -I guess they won't let me do the Kirrim misions because I have a sluggish (but still deeply intimidating...) UE Cruiser. I'll give the Zachit idea a shot and let you know how it goes - cheers
"Never trust a dog with
orange eyebrows"
-Nanny Ogg
Originally posted by indie_boy:
Hey man, I'll give it a go -I guess they won't let me do the Kirrim misions because I have a sluggish... UE Cruiser.
They'll let you do the missions, you'll just fail because the time limits are too short.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)
hey evo addicts,
im doing the mission where im supposed to look for Anna B. Ive been through all UE space and i cant seem to find it. Can somebody tell me which system the renegades are in which captured Anna B?
Well, she was captured by renegades, right? UE space is filled with United Earth military forces, not exactly a great place for a Renegade to bring a captured ship designer. Now, in the entire galaxy, is there really a government that actually likes the renegades? the only place the ship would be safe would in wich space? Maybe another fellow renegade hiding in a bar somewhere knows of this ships location...
The Human Renegade capitol. You'll get no spoilers from me.
If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..
Originally posted by indie_boy:
**Hey man, I'll give it a go -I guess they won't let me do the Kirrim misions because I have a sluggish (but still deeply intimidating...) UE Cruiser. I'll give the Zachit idea a shot and let you know how it goes - cheers:)
no, the missions start on that small miranu world just north of the emalgha by about two or three jumps(if it is kirrim, dont kill me, havent played in two weeks)
what have I become, my sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away, in the end
"And the door closed with a satisfied ssssssh-aaaaah"
It's Kirrim.
I like all kinds of corn...all kinds of corn!
(QUOTE)Originally posted by SkiGy5:
(B)Seeing how this is THE place for EV:O questions, I have one of my own: Where does one go to begin the Zidigar missions?
-Thanx :—)
If I remember correctly, the first mission starts in the spaceport bar at Pozdag 3. You may need a decent combat rating, too.
Welcome to Judsy's World, a lush, tropical planet, famous for its resorts, rollercoasters & theme parks. All the rides are free and you can go on as many as you want! Enjoy your stay!
(QUOTE)Originally posted by rookie10276:
(B)If any one needs to find A system you can find it here. /
Yes...very nice, very nice. As it happens, I already have a map just like that right next to my bed, so when I'm dreaming of flying my Enhanced Arada, I know what the name of the system is that I am in and where it is in the EVO galaxy.
By the way the Azdgari and Zidigar are in the wrong place, I think.
Welcome to Judsy's World, a lush, tropical planet, famous for its resorts, rollercoasters & theme parks. All the rides are free and you can go on as many as you want! Enjoy your stay!
Quick question: How does one get the nebula exploration missions?
Have an Ultimate combat rating and hang around Miranu bars - for a classified delivery to the Igadzra, but not the one to join them. That'll get you started - there are one or two of those and then all becomes clear.
Thanks for the reply. With your forebearance, here's another quick question: Where are the Hinwar? I understand that there are missions available to free them from the Voinians, but I can't locate them. I've already got the Voinians mad at me -- am I too late to do this mission string?
Originally posted by Tulse Luper:
Where are the Hinwar?
Their homeworld, which they call Liadon, is called Gualon by the Voinians, but that's not where the missions start. Try the Voinian territory occupied by the Emalgha. If there isn't any Voinian territory occupied by the Emalgha, you haven't completed the prerequisite missions.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)
Sorry to be a little of topic, but i need help. Not in the game, but getting the game started. Whenever i startup EV override the screen goes black and stays that way. sometimes a dialog box comes up saying Ev Override has unexpectedly quit because of a type 2 error. What the heck is going on? I have played EVO before(and accidently threw it away), and now i can't play it! Can anyone please help me? I will be very thankful to anyone who has any idea of what i can do. Thanks
Hmmmmm... I don't really know what's wrong. Maybe try reinstalling, if you havn't already. Or you could maybe have thrown away a part of the program accidentally when tossing a plug or something. I really can't help you much.