where can i get the evo bible O can't find it?
The brave are always the first to die.
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Death Before Dishonor
where can i get the evo bible O can't find it?
The brave are always the first to die.
No Retreat! No Surrender!
Death Before Dishonor
If you have EVO 1.0.2, there is a folder called something like "EVO Developers " in your EVO Folder. Inside that is the EVO Bible.
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Perhaps you are talking about the "Developer's Kit," found next to the top on the EVO Utilities addon page?
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(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/evo_bible/")The EVO Bible: Online Edition(/url)
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(quote)Originally posted by EVula:
Leave it to me to shamelessly advertise.;)
Thanks for the info. I downloaded the bible. Got a problem though when I try to edit the shuttle through resedit I can never get the speed and accleration right. In resedit it is shown as letters insteed of numbers so what do you guys do?
The brave are always the first to die.
No Retreat! No Surrender!
Death Before Dishonor
Errr.... Do you have the templates? If not, you can get them (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=evo/utilities&file;=evo-templates.sit.hqx") here(/url).
Just paste them into a Res Edit thingie, then you can actually see what you are doing.
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Actually, its better to paste them (the tmpl resource) into ResEdit's Preferences file. That allows you to ALWAYS see what you are doing, whether the plugin has them or not.
I know that worked with EV, but that was before EVO, so if you are going to work on EV plugins too, you may need to use EV tmpl resources in the plugs, but just have the EVO tmpls in the prefs. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry, it probably doesn't concern you.
Originally posted by EVula:
**Actually, its better to paste them (the tmpl resource) into ResEdit's Preferences file. That allows you to ALWAYS see what you are doing, whether the plugin has them or not.
I know that worked with EV, but that was before EVO, so if you are going to work on EV plugins too, you may need to use EV tmpl resources in the plugs, but just have the EVO tmpls in the prefs. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry, it probably doesn't concern you.
Thanks it worked I was able to see exactly what I am doing. looks almost like what Evedit shows you. On an off note is there a evo/ev plugin maker? or do u just make copies of the sample plugin and use that?
The brave are always the first to die.
No Retreat! No Surrender!
Death Before Dishonor
(This message has been edited by Omran Khan (edited 08-18-2001).)
Well, you can actually just make a new ResEdit document, then do all your work in that. When you need to open it up in EVO or EV-Edit (or any other program that needs to see it as an actual EVO plugin), do this:
1. Open up your plugin (the ResEdit doc) in ResEdit.
2. Go to "Get Info for (Your Document's Name)". In the Type field, it should say "rsrc". In the Creator field, it will say "RSED".
3. Do steps 1 and 2 on an EVO plugin.
4. Change the Type and Creator for you plugin to what the EVO plugin's is.
5. Save the changes, and voila, your ResEdit document is now an EVO plugin. If the icon doesn't change, get info on it. If it still doesn't, and says that it is a ResEdit document, well, you didn't do it right.
Hope I helped.
Originally posted by EVula:
**Well, you can actually just make a new ResEdit document, then do all your work in that. When you need to open it up in EVO or EV-Edit (or any other program that needs to see it as an actual EVO plugin), do this:
1. Open up your plugin (the ResEdit doc) in ResEdit.
2. Go to "Get Info for (Your Document's Name)". In the Type field, it should say "rsrc". In the Creator field, it will say "RSED".
3. Do steps 1 and 2 on an EVO plugin.
4. Change the Type and Creator for you plugin to what the EVO plugin's is.
5. Save the changes, and voila, your ResEdit document is now an EVO plugin. If the icon doesn't change, get info on it. If it still doesn't, and says that it is a ResEdit document, well, you didn't do it right.
Hope I helped.
To expand just a small bit more on the above (and this is for those people who fall into the computer challenged, like me :)) when you get to step four in the above, if you do not know how to type the special figures such as the i with the double dots above or c's with the little hook down at the bottom, simply copy the terms from the sample plug in into your new resed doc. Then when you save and close your new doc its icon will change into a plug icon. I just did this to make sure it works and it did.
Oh yeah, forgot about that possible hangup. To get that, you have to use some of the option characters... if you have no idea what I'm talking about, open up Key Caps. Then look at the keyboard with shift, option, and option-shift keys down, and you'll see other stuff you can type, too.