Before I mention my problem, I'd just like to say that Femme Fatale is a great sequel to Frozen Heart.
I have a question and then a problem.
1. What is a good ship to use in the beginning? I don't have many credits, only about a half a million. I bought a Rim Prospector, because it was really good in Frozen Heart, but now I'm thinking that maybe I need a ship that can take on a pirate and win. Is the Mosquito Fighter any good?
2. I can't kill the Chimera! :mad: Its a grey dust cloud that spits out other grey dust clouds that follow me and kill me. :mad:! I can't get close enough to ram it, and I have no other way to defeat it. Does it ever run out of ammo? I could beat it if it weren't for the dust clouds that it launches...
Anyway, time is on my side, so if the Rim Prospector doesn't stand a chance against a Chimera, then I'll save my money and upgrade my ship.
Angel came down from heaven yesterday.