Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Gundam Wing Project

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      For those of u who watch the show gundam wing, I am wondering if a team could be created to make a plug-in for EVO or EV for about Gundam Wing. It will have the goverments like Oz and White and all the gundams including the all the Tallgeeses to be in there to. If u want to join up, email me or respond to the message.


    • Heh, I really like Gundam Wing.....the best damn show I've ever watched. 🙂

      Sorry I can't help though, mainly because I'm too busy GMing & Admining in RPG's as well as my life, also because my plug skills begin and end with EV-Edit (I can tinker with ResEdit when I need to)

      Good'll be a little hard to incorporate some MS info into a game like EV....for example, the graphics for the Gundams (they're pretty detailed) and unique weapons like Epyon's whip & Sandrocks' scythes.....still, I wish you luck, it'll be interesting if it actually works.



    • I;m plannin to make some of the graphics like the Moblie Suit, Zaku in Euens Shipyard. I have to admit, he did a pret good job. So, i'll try hard to make it work but im still going to need a team because a plug-in about Gundam Wing will be pretty hard to make.


    • UE Crusader? Another of my brethren!

      Anyway, about this plug-in: I would love to help write it. I cna do all the descriptions and such, even do a few missions here and there. However what I can't do is graphics.

      But how would we make this work? Gundam Wing takes place in one solar system... would you plan to make all the separate planets and colonies their own systems?

      E-mail me at

      Lunar 2
      One is back, new and

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Lunar 2:
      **UE Crusader? Another of my brethren!

      Anyway, about this plug-in: I would love to help write it. I cna do all the descriptions and such, even do a few missions here and there. However what I can't do is graphics.

      But how would we make this work? Gundam Wing takes place in one solar system... would you plan to make all the separate planets and colonies their own systems?

      E-mail me at


      Well, hmmm, first we will just make like a bunch of systems but turns out they aren't system there just colony but all in the same system. or we can make a whole new universe for the Gundams.

      So we need a person who is VERY GOOD or okay at graphics for this plug-in.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Joseph Strife:
      **Well, hmmm, first we will just make like a bunch of systems but turns out they aren't system there just colony but all in the same system. or we can make a whole new universe for the Gundams.

      So we need a person who is VERY GOOD or okay at graphics for this plug-in.


      I've seen that show once. It was pretty cool. Have you ever seen Robotech? I love anime :).

      I can't really help you with the plug. Sorry :frown:.

      Feel the Jive
      I'm not as think
      as you stupid I am.

    • Nope. never seen robetch but i have seen reboot.


    • Being a major Anime Fan.. I would love to help in any way I can.. I can answer questions about Gundam, Macross (Robotech) and many other anime series.. I presently own over 750 tapes and have been into anime for nearly 20 years.. I've been playing with the idea myself but have yet to come up with anything that looks really good..

      Biggest problems: No homing weapons in the gundam universe.. all are jammed by the minovski particles spread around.. so all systems would have a very high interference value..

      BTW: I can reached easier via e-mail as I dont check web boards very often..

      Can anybody help me with Ev Edit? damn thing keeps giving me a type 1 error.. ive barely owned it for 2 weeks and just when I was giving serious thought to registering it it craps out..

      "This is a test of the Emergency Acceleration System.
      This is only a test. If this were an actual acceleration, you would feel the Hand of God pushing you back into your seat, and you would be saying a silent prayer to Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration."

      Gryphon, Hopelessly Lost Vol. 2

    • So for the Gundam Wing Project, where going to need people who can do,

      2. ship data,

      3.outfit data,

      4.weapon data

      5.spin data,

      6.desc data

      7.dude data data

      9. mission data

      10. person

      11. system

      12. sob

      13. strings

      and maybe junk.

      As many people as want can join. But I though heavy arms missles and the ares missles were homing weapons??? And I wouldnt use ev-edit, it's very buggy, so u should use resedit and res it free.


    • We have a person to do descrpiton and a person to do weapons/system. Now, does anyone else wanna join the making of a Gundam Wing Plug-in?

    • Yes and no.. they were direct fire rockets with a very limited homing capability.. basically limited to short range and line of site..

      Conventional homing weapons do not work in the Gundam universe because of the Minovski particles (I could go into more detail on these) suffice it to say that Minovski particles interfere with radar and thus make long range visibility very limited and all homing weapons not work..

      My hacking skills are very limited at best.. but I'd be happy to help in any other capacity.. just ask..

      to put it this way I do my graphics with photoshop by hand and then spin it manually.. (very old school macintosh)

      "This is a test of the Emergency Acceleration System.
      This is only a test. If this were an actual acceleration, you would feel the Hand of God pushing you back into your seat, and you would be saying a silent prayer to Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration."

      Gryphon, Hopelessly Lost Vol. 2

    • okay, so we have a person who can do graphics, weapons, system and desciptions. I;m willing to work on the mission. Just a couple more people and it will be done.


    • Hey did you put me down for descriptions? I would preferably do the ships if possible.

      If necessary, I could make the governments, systems, and stellars, but for that I would have to use EV Edit (which crashes on me all the time).

      Note: When we sned each other the files, make extra copies. May sound obvious but when I was working on a previous plug-in my co-worker sent an original and deleted his copy (?!) and when it got to me it was corrupted. Needless to say I was a bit peeved.... :mad:

      Lunar 2
      One is back, new and

    • Woa, deleted his copy and your copy was trashed! That is pretty bad. Oh, and soon I;m getting a website for the plug and yes you can do ships. OH, and if you use res edit, MAKE A BACKUP!


    • sorry, not res edit but ev edit because ev edit has trashed some of my plug-ins, that why on one of them i ended up making 43 backup copy until i used res


    • anyone else wanna join?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Joseph Strife:
      **For those of u who watch the show gundam wing, I am wondering if a team could be created to make a plug-in for EVO or EV for about Gundam Wing. It will have the goverments like Oz and White and all the gundams including the all the Tallgeeses to be in there to. If u want to join up, email me or respond to the message.


      Sounds sweet. Gundam wing is by far the best amime show ive ever watched. I've had the idea for a while, but i cant carry it out because i dont have the greatest stuff to make the ship sprites w/ and my knowledge of EV edit only goes as far as making systems and new ships.

      Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
      always caught in the
      middle of all the Death,
      Destruction, And Boom?
      -Vice Admiral Jon

    • Uh, people? Get a clue. GW is a show that's mostly on land. EVO is space. The stuff mostly walks. EVO is space.

      Also, it's one system with, uh, 5?, space colonys.

      Finally, one of the key points of it, at least as I've seen, is people and their emotions.

      Well, hair is a big part of it too.

      If you don't mind some faintly neutroic people, I'm sure some of the #ev croud would be willing to help.


      Chick: "I don't know to use a gun!"
      Guy: "Ever use a camera? Same basic princible: Point and shoot."
      -- From an unknown movie trailer I saw ages ago.

    • Come on, have an imation. Everything on this is not going to be excalty correct.


    • Skunko? BRETHREN!!!


      anyway, obviously we have to expang the universe quite a bit. And this really shouldn't be a replacement of the universe, just an expansion of it.

      But he caused me to wonder- can we make all the ships/ gundams? Our graphics worker must be really good, and I knwo I can design weak Leos, strong Gundams, a believable Battleship Libra, etc.

      And as Gundam being the best anime show you've seen, you should watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. I liked it more, and the character interaction is much better.

      Lunar 2
      One is back, new and