Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**Hi Christopher Herrick. Welcome to the PoG board. When in doubt, check your quest scroll. (Open your inventory, select it, and click on use.) It should tell you that you have to find Loogor and get the pieces of the sword re-forged together. If you returned to the Hag after getting all five pieces, she would have told you that. If you haven't gone back to see her, you must do so. She will tell you where to find Loogor. There will be a quest or two before you are ready to confront Ratznest. Good luck with your game. ~RD
Hmmm. Something seems amiss. I had three of the pieces of the sword when I first went to see the Hag. Rescued the princess from the cave as she directed.
Delivered the princess home and went back to see the hag/joyanna. She then told me about the smith Looger and about the sword. She mentioned the pommel stone and its approx. location.
I found it , went to Troll Central and talked to Jimmy again and got into the trapdoored storage room and got the final piece of the sword. Went back to see joyanna and she wont talk to me at all.
So then I Went up to see the smith looger by the taros bridge. He just gives me the dialogue you set for him to say to someone after the first visit has taken place, something like nice to see you good luck etc.
Please note that this is the second time I have played the game up to this point.
The same thing has happened now twice in a row. Frustrating as heck cause I
really like your work on this plug-in. I want to play it through to completion.
I have repeatedly checked my quest scroll like you indicated I should: It now states that I should pay Ratsnets ransom as the second item on the scroll.
The first item is about the hag telling me to find the sword pieces which I have in
my possesion. I even tried in the second game go around to write the dialogue
from the dialogue boxes into my journal when I got the pommel stone and the
sword handle from the storage room as the quest scroll for your plug indicated I should do.
Hope this all makes sense to you now and you can give me some suggestions on what I may be missing or not understanding.