Yeah hi I wanted to know we're to get bryce or infini-d, I have some coole ideas and I want to broadcast them to yo. pleas reaply!
PURE insanity is
runing around in
circles very fast and
screaming. -aquafluff2-
Yeah hi I wanted to know we're to get bryce or infini-d, I have some coole ideas and I want to broadcast them to yo. pleas reaply!
PURE insanity is
runing around in
circles very fast and
screaming. -aquafluff2-
You can get a demo of Byrce at sites like and Infini-D s no longer made. Anything related to piracy will be removed and karmaslapped.
Your "ideas" tho, may be better "broadcasted" on the developer's board.
--mikeeJ: Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy / Linux Zealot
Suggestions, complaints, comments? Feel free to email me:
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus
This would probably belong better on the EV developers' board, since I'm guessing that you're wanting to do plug-in graphics. But anyway, you can get Bryce 4 at (url="http://"") . I'm not sure about Infini-D.
Back in my day, we didn't have any of this here UBB nonsense. It was DiscBoard or nothing, and we liked it!
Irony: "I don't want a flame war, you obnoxious SOB." - chill_rx
Thanx everyone and, No piraten' for aqua I don't want to be slaped (i like good karma)
PURE insanity is
runing around in
circles very fast and
screaming. -aquafluff2-
Jeez, Mikee. Do you suspect everybody of piracy nowadays? Yeah i know, i should talk.
Aquafluff, how could you even hint at piracy? (We can all read between the lines) Be ashamed very ashamed. Soviet ban him.
Aqua, I'm very dissapointed in you and if you do find an illegal copy send it too me and don't do it again.
Consider yourself warned (And remember to send me the copy when you find it.)
Disgusting, piracy.
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-
Blah, there is nothing wrong with asking for software that is in demo or shareware form. That is like asking where to find EV/O.
Now, asking for registration codes is another matter. One that gets people banned.
--mikeeJ: Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy / Linux Zealot
Suggestions, complaints, comments? Feel free to email me:
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus
Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Anything related to piracy will be removed and karmaslapped.
I love piracy
In fact, I have two dedicated pilots just for when I want to plunder Voinion ships!
Nicholas Shanks
Author of HexEdit and ResKnife:
Available at (url="http://"")
Sorry I havent been here in a while well i've got a few things to sa the reason I was wondering about the mods geting mad was because Bryce-4 isn't an EVO topic infact I don't even know what piracy is :redface:.So sorry about geting everyone mad at me. (I'm only new)
PURE insanity is
runing around in
circles very fast and
screaming. -aquafluff2-
Hahah! Aquafluff, no one is mad at you, we were all joking, except mikee, who was just telling you that piracy (stealing software, illegal registration codes, warez) will get you banned. No one was suggesting you pirated software.
Welcome to the boards.
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-
THATS A BIG REALEAF. Well I am new.thanx.
PURE insanity is
runing around in
circles very fast and
screaming. -aquafluff2-
(This message has been edited by aquafluff2 (edited 06-09-2001).)
No problems 'fluff. Yeah, you could tell I was joking because of the smiley and the whole "If you find a copy send it to me and never do it again" thing.
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-
As others have said, you can no longer get infini-D. It was replaced by raydream, which has now been replaced by Carrara. Its $399, and macworld gave it 4 out of 5, see the review at (url="http://"")
However, you could try Strata which is free and is supposed to be very good (I've never used it, since I've got Cinema 4D GO, which I think is excellent ;))
And another free 3D package is Amapi, although the interface is a bit confussing!
"I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff. And I want in." Homer Simpson
"When I am king you will be first against the wall...." Radiohead, Paranoid Android
"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" Brian's Mum